Friday, November 18, 2011

Future Friday #13: Thankful

To countdown the release of The Future of Us (November 21st...this coming Monday!), Carolyn Mackler and I have been giving away one autographed Advance Reader’s Copy every week. Along with that autographed copy (signed by both of us), we’ve been tossing in another goodie that's book-related.

For our thirteenth and final giveaway, we're tossing in six bonus items. Along with the signed ARC of The Future of Us, you'll receive signed paperback editions of all six of our previous books. (Yes, Carolyn's published a lot more books than I have. Lay off!)

That's seven books and eight autographs for the price of...nothing!

We'll randomly select one person who comments on this Future Friday post to receive all of those books. There’s no need to leave your email address, but do check back on Saturday to see if you’ve won.

Since our book comes out on Monday, and Thursday is Thanksgiving, we decided to break from what we've traditionaly done in these contests. We're not going to ask you about the past or the future, we simply want to know about the present. Right now, which is the most important time of your time, what are you most thankful for?

Here are our answers:

JAY: I'm thankful for my wife, who knows all of my dreams and refuses to let me think they're anything but possible realities. I'm thankful for my son, who has no idea how beautiful he makes my world. I'm thankful for my family and friends who know the complete me, including the not-so-fun stuff that I don't blog about, and still provide me with all the support and love I need. And finally, I'm thankful to any scientist currently working to prove that onions are the source of all evil and, therefore, should be wiped out of existence.

CAROLYN: I'm thankful for my family. Simple as that. I'm thankful that I have a wonderful husband who loves me, who supports me through tough times and cheers my successes. I'm thankful for my two beautiful boys who are, every day, miracles to me. I'm thankful for my parents, who love me fiercely. I'm thankful for my friends, who are family to me. I feel very lucky in my life to be surrounded by so much love.

JAY & CAROLYN: We're thankful for our readers!

While you wait to see if you've won, check out some of the cool press The Future of Us has been getting recently:
Los Angeles Times - review
New York Times - review
Entertainment Weekly - interview
Publishers Weekly - interview
MTV Hollywood Crush - blog post


Ingrid said...

I am thankful for the fact that I can be whatever I want to be. I can be anything! (And I'm also thankful that you give your readers these chances to get your books. It's awesome!)

Trace said...

I am thankful for my great grandparents who are helping me with my car and my best friend's family who have practically taken me in and given me a place to stay for the past year until I leave for bootcamp next month.

Hikablack said...

I'm thankful for my family and my friends. I know they'll be here for me no matter what happens, and they're just great fun to be with. I'm thankful for everybody who's scared of fish, because I'm deathly afraid of them (sounds ridiculous, I know) and it's a relief to know that I'm not alone.

ThatGirlCourtni said...

I'm thankful for my Family & Friends. They are there for me whenever i need someone to talk to. When i'm happy, sad, or just want to talk i can always count on the to be there for me.

Katherine M said...

I am most thankful for my great family & friends. They are amazing, for supporting me when I try and do things. And I know they will always be there to make me laugh. I am also thankful for all the books in the world because with out them I woukld have met the friends I have today

Erica said...

I am thankful for a loving family, a wonderful job, and a class of 20 6 year olds that are kicking my butt into shape.

Kenneth C. Francisco said...

I'm thankful for my mom and dad who works really hard and sacrifices everyday for the family, they gave all my books and im thankful,and i love them

Brittany said...

I'm thankful for my life. Things could be a lot worse, but I have some people who care about me and a generally happy life. And BOOKS! ;) This is a great question this week.

Miss Bookiverse said...

I'm thankful for my boyfriend who supports me in every life situation and who always cheers me up when I feel overwhelmed by the world.

Melinda Wallace said...

This is both an easy and a hard one. I'm thankful for my son. He's the most wonderful three-year-old ever, and I'm so blessed to have him. My sisters, my husband, my parents, my friends, my job, my house, my students. The list could go on forever.

Ann said...

I am thankful for my entire environment around me. Home, school, friends and family are rewarding, renewing and overall what I need to love my life. Jenna (my daughter)- the best think I have every made.

Jessica said...

I'm thankful for my awesomely awesome husband, our super awesome dog, and this sweater dress I'm wearing because it makes me feel cute. True facts.

AmandaHewer said...

I'm thankful for my family and how they are always there for me, doing anything that I need them to do. I'm thankful for my grandma for teaching me how to crochet-- even though now I'm having trouble trying to stop. It's just so fun.
I'm thankful for my boyfriend because he is always there when I need him. Even if we're far away from each other, he does anything he can to make me happy.
I'm thankful for Northern Michigan University (8 hours away from home) for forcing me to be independent and teaching me how to deal with it.
I'm thankful for books and how they can change people's perspectives and how they let me imagine myself in their stories.

Unknown said...

I'm thankful for my family. My mom is amazing. I'm thankful for my job which feeds me creatively and allows me time to pursue my dream of being a writer.

Sara @ Forever 17 Books said...

I am so very thankful for my family. My mom has become my best friend, and I could not be half the person I am without her influence. I am also thankful for my two beautiful boys and my husband. They make me smile each and everyday day. And I am thankful they put up with my love for reading all the time. :)

Amy said...

I'm thankful for my wonderfully loving husband who not only loves me but respects who I am and accepts me 100% unconditional. I'm also thankful for my beautiful little boy who has given me the brightest life I could ever ask for!

jpetroroy said...

I'm thankful for my husband and our soon-to-be child, due in January.

Owen. V said...

I'm thankful for my loving family who has always supported me through hard times. I'm thankful that my parents have jobs. I'm thankful that I can go to school. I'm thankful that I have a home. I'm thankful for my life. Things could be a lot worse and I'm thankful even that I have a computer to post this on.

Lianne said...

Like just about every one else, I am most thankful for my family; my fiance and son, my parents, my sisters, my cousins... I can't imagine life without them.

Silverpool said...

I'm thankful for my family and friends, who are so supportive of me and my love to write.
I'm thankful for pens and notebooks so that I can write.
I'm especially thankful for books, so that I can travel without actually going on an airplane, train, or car.
And I'm thankful for this blog so that I could possibly win cool prizes! :)

Livi said...

I am thankful for my life because of everything in it. My family are the most important part of my ife and I wouldn't appreciate how fortunate I am, if it wasn't for those amazing people.

ChelseaSC said...

I am thankful for the wonderful place that my life is right now: a job I love, the best fiance in the world (with a job that he loves), a family that loves and supports me even from 1000 miles away, the new friends who have made my cross-country move unbelievably easy, and a chance to explore a totally new part of the world. Also, I am always thankful and so proud to be a part of the library community. Huzzah, librarians!

Patrice said...

I am thankful for my awesome family.

Jenni said...

i am thankful that i have a wonderful family that is here to support each other when we need each other the most and in times when we don't! i am so lucky.

Javid Suleymanli said...

First of all, I am thankful for God for my current life. I am thankful for my parents for providing this life to me. I am thankful for my Microeconomics professor because he asked easy question on exam. :D And I am thankful for you for making this giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I'm grateful for being alive and having had the chance to love and be loved. Happy Thanksgiving!

Dorine White said...

I am thankful for eyes to read and books to hold.

Jessica Khoury said...

I'm thankful for my husband Ben. We've been married just over a year and he's taken on WAY more than his share of the housework, just so I can have time to write. If not for him, I'd never have been able to sell my first novel. He is the heart of my heart and the love of my life.

Loving Books said...

I am thankful for my health. I've had a lot of bumps in the road in terms of different illnesses, which made my life hell. I'm feeling better now, and for the first time, I know that health is invaluable and not something to take for granted. I used to do that. Take it for granted. Now I don't. It's such an important thing.

I am thankful for authors, for them writing books, which helped me get better and discover a world I didn't know excisted. They saved me when I was at my lowest point, and I can't be any more grateful for that. They made me realize that I want to do something with it - so I'm doing it. I'm doing *something*. For that, I am thankful.

G. Donald Cribbs said...

I am thankful to be blessed with the gift of words and the desire to write them down in the hopes of sharing them with readers one day. I am thankful to have read 13RW, and I'm seriously looking fowards to The Future of US.

I am thankful for the amazing gift of books and how they help us deal with the issues of life. My mother passed away recently, and I'm preparing a reflection to share since I'm a "writer" and good at that sort of thing.

I just finished reading GOTH GIRL RISING by Barry Lyga, and it helped me to face some issues with my mom before writing this reflection today. SO, thank you BOOKS for your ability to speak to those areas of our lives that we are dealing with in amazing and unexpected ways.

I'm thankful for one last shot at winning this ARC. :D I'd LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to read ALL of your books, Jay and Carolyn! You both ROCK!! |m| |m| Double Fist Bumps to you both!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for being able to have one last Thanksgiving with my grandfather, with the whole family there. Not everyone is able to have such an opportunity.

mamacasz said...

I am grateful for my spouse who is fully behind me living my dreams. I am thankful for my children and everyone's relative good health. As cliche as that may sound, it is so ever important. I am thankful for great books to read, they feed my soul.

Unknown said...

I am thankful for my incredible husband, who bought me noise cancelling headphones so that I can finally read even when he's watching football, and who never complains when I respond to "Ready for bed?" with "I just need to finish this review/read one more chapter first". I don't know what I'd do without him!:)

Kathleen said...

I'm thankful for my adorable 11 month old son (he started walking a few weeks ago!). I'm thankful that my son and husband are relatively healthy. I'm thankful I have a job that I love (teen librarians FTW!). I'm thankful for health insurance. And I'm thankful for modern technology and theoretical physics (both astro- and particle-).

Yolande said...

I am thankful for my family, my friends, my pets, and books!

Thanks for the giveaway!
candycane16 @ roadrunner . com

VegasJellyFish said...

I am thankful for my husband. He took me and my three older kids in and made us a part of his world. He gave me two more children and made our home a happy place. He serves our country with pride and makes me feel safe knowing he is out there. He has been my rock through finding out I have Lupus and my mother's illness. He didn't have to date or marry a woman with the family I have, but he did and he loves us all.

Shellie Braeuner said...

I'm thankful for my writer friends who help keep me on track when I get distracted!

F. S. Poesy said...

Of course I'm thankful for my family. But mostly just my immediate family, wife and kids, for putting up with me. I guess if push came to shove I'd have to admit some thankfulness for my siblings, parents, and in-laws in as much as they have made my life miserable causing me to rise above and believe in myself because they certainly didn't. But I'm gonna wait until I'm pushed to say it. I'm also thankful for Nutella and Trader Joe's Soft Bite Mini Hazelnut and Chocolate Biscotti. Not necessarily together, but that does give me an idea.

Laura (All of Everything) said...

Im thankful for my parents for always supporting whatever I want to do (even when that's changed a couple times!), my friends for making me laugh always, and I'm thankful for finding and being part of an amazing blogging community, you guys are the best <3

Joan said...

I am thankful that I am lucky enough to "have to" read YA novels for my profession! :-)

baibre-babe said...

I'm thankful for all of the chances I've been given. I have a job, I'm in school working to better myself to get a better job. I'm thankful for my friends who have always been there for me.

Kim Blevins said...

Thankful for my family, my students and finding my dream job- being a high school teacher!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my family. They often drive me crazy , but what would life be without them? Whether they are related or chosen, I love them all! said...

I am thankful for my freedom. Without it, I might not have met my wonderful husband or had my amazing son. I wonder what America's patriots would think if they could look into the future and see the diffence they made for all of us.

nothanks said...

I'm thankful for my boyfriend who can be somewhat of a jerk at times, but he means well. He's been my best friend since seventh grade. It's a wonder how he sticks by my side. We may disagree on major issues that relate to my dreams and aspirations, but he still supports me to become who I want to be. He's been such a blessing to me since school has been hectic and stressful as he urges me to keep moving on to bring my grades up and to be happier. :)

Amy Haight said...

I am most thankful for my children. As a single mother of four beautiful youngins I have much to be thankful for. But mostly for the patience and support. I am 44 and went back to college 3 1/2 years ago so that I would find a way to support them. I will graduate in May 2012 with my teaching degree. And through all of this I have tried my best to still make all the ballgames and parties but I have missed as many as I have been able to make. So, I thank them for encouraging me to stick with it and graduate. And for understanding when I have to miss things that I know are important to them. Thank you to Dalton, Hanna, Ella and Owen. I love you!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for today. I am thankful that the sun shines. I am thankful that my children and husband will hug and kiss me even though I may be grouchy. I am thankful that there are reasons to be alive.

Ann Eisenstein said...

I am thankful for my life - for every breath I take, for every moment that I can see, hear, read, love, hurt, recover and move forward!

Sabrina Steyling said...

I'm thankful for a lot of things, but I am MOST thankful for all of the writing I've been able to do (and have published) this past year and all of the wonderful people I've been able to meet and network with. If you'd asked me five years ago what I'd be doing with my life, this isn't what I would have imagined - it's better!

Kate said...

I'm thankful for that fact that I can be me and no one else can be me.

ChickLitGirl said...

I am thankful for my lovely best friend and my wonderful family, especially, my two year old brother, who can always make me smile, no matter what.

Zach Wolff said...

I am thankful for my family and friends who believe in me and support me in my decisions daily. Also for greater authors like you guys who write books that are inspiring and motivating.

Sara (of the Page Sage) said...

I'm grateful for my family, of course, and for teachers who have encouraged me to follow my dreams. Also, I'm grateful for paper and pens and books and the amazing authors who write them! (You guys, of course, are included in that!) (:

Lori F said...

I am thankful for my children and my dog. Everytime I see them I am thankful( even though they can be annoying)

Valerie Guiles-Araujo said...

I'm thankful for my husband. He works hard to support our family while I go to school full-time. He pushes me to reach for more. And most of all, he love me for who I am. While we're so different, he never tries to change me.

I'm also thankful for my 13 month old daughter and my 8 year old stepdaughter. They brighten my life so much. They are the reason I work so hard and try to be a better person.

I am very thankful for my mom and three younger brothers. My mom has shown me time and time again that anything is possible. Last year, my mom and (at the time) 20 year old brother helped pay my bills during my pregnancy since I was unable to work. My six and sixteen year old brothers are just amazing. My brothers and mom were the only family I ever had and they've taught me so much about love and what family really is.

Jennie Englund said...

Jay, thanks so much for the ARC of the incredible The Future of Us!

If you want to see what I thought of it, check me out at

Congrats on all the good things that are surely coming to you!!!

Raving Reader said...

I am most thankful for my health, family, and friends.. I spent all last spring struggling with Guillain Barre Syndrome. I've recoded fully, now, but I couldn't have without the love and support of my family and friends.

Joseph M said...

I am thankful to life in a place where I am able to try to be what I strife to be.

Emily B. said...

I'm thankful for memories and how you can always recall the good and the bad, to remember and to learn from them. I'm also thankful for old friends, the people I grew up with who I've formed close connections with, and who have known me well, stood by me through the difficult times as well as the good times, and still accept me despite my failures.

Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Amadis said...

I am thankful for my family and friends who support me the best they can. I love them so much I can't tell it with words !
Happy Thanksgiving !

Sabrina B. said...

I'm thankful that I was able to celebrate my birthday today with all my family and loved ones, that I have friends who are willing to go above and beyond of me, and that there's finally snow!

Unknown said...

I am so thankful for the fact I know I have a group of friends that want to support me to do the best job possible in the things I love doing,like blogging, or Science Olympiad. I really can't thank them enough sometimes.

Riley said...

I am thankful for my life, and that I got to live it to its potential unlike so many unfortunate people.

Lisa said...

I am thankful for my family (Parents, siblings and friends) for believing in me, for pushing me forward when I had no desire to move ahead any longer...and for never giving up on me.

lori said...

I'm thankful for my family. My amazing husband who loves me unconditionally and is my best friend. My two little boys who are the light of my life and give me more than enough to do every day. And my baby girl - giggles and sunshine all day long. I'm so very thankful for my life.

Charlene said...

I am thankful for the things that happen in my daily life. Simple as they may be...
1. my English teacher extending the deadline for our paper
2. my Math teacher forgetting to give us HW
3. my mom cooking my favorite meal
4. money I hid suddenly made itself known to me
5. getting a high score for a quiz I didn't study for
and many more simple things that go unappreciated.

I am also thankful for my parents and family for caring for me no matter how difficult I make it for them to care for me.

I am also thankful for this awesome chance to score books!:D

But most of all, I am thankful for being still cared for and loved even if I'm not thankful enough.

Morgan said...

I am thankful for my cats! Without them I wouldn't have anyone to love.

Vivien said...

I'm incredibly thankful for my husband. He's always got my back. Through thick and thin. Never wavers. Love him

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Anna said...

I'm very thankful for my family and all of the things I have gained throughout my life.

Hannah Lorraine said...

At this moment I'm thankful for the YA community. I'm so thankful for these books, these authors, and those who love to read the same books that I do for providing a sanctuary for me. I'm thankful that at this moment, when I'm uncertain of my future and my past no longer supports me, I, right now, have my YA books. Which, isn't that what YA is all about? The right now?

iLuvReadingTooMuch said...

I'm thankful for my family, who've been supporting me in all of my reading craziness and my blogging addiction :P
I'm thankful for my friends, who've always made me smile everyday, and made school SO much more fun with them around
I'm thankful for all the opportunities I've gotten both in the world of blogging and reading and the real world.

iliveforreading AT hotmail DOT com

diander said...

I am thankful to my students... who teach ME every day as I am teaching them.

I am thankful for my job. In this economy and with so many changes in education, I consider it a challenge to be a teacher... but I am also so proud that I am a teacher, and I enjoy going to work and helping students see the power that reading and writing can give them to change their lives.

I am thankful for my husband... who is my BFF. (Can you tell I teach 8th grade - ha!)

I am thankful for good friends. They make me laugh until my stomach hurts. They also comfort and support me when things do not go the way I had hoped.

Toni Moxley said...

I am thankful for my boys, who have taught me how to follow my dreams (things always look easier from a child's eye!) And I am thankful for inspiring authors!

Naomi Canale said...

I am incredibly thankful that my husband is my number one fan and loves me. I'm also thankful for my three sons and the kisses they wake me up with every morning.

Anonymous said...

Thank for my God, from who all blessings flow, Thankful for my family and friends and I am thankful for good books to read

Michelle Strebel said...

I am thankful for the life and family that I have without their love and support I would not be the person I am today. I am also thankful to have a beautiful and healthy two year old daughter.

Unknown said...

I am thankful for my family, even though they don't understand all of my crazy dreams. I am also thankful for all of my ancestors. My brief flash on this planet would not have been possible without all of their hard work and sacrifice.

bbcatcher13 said...

I am thankful for my family, and most of all, freedom. Im thankful that im able to have the freedom to read books, watch films, etc. whenever i like. Without freedom, none of that would be possible.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for the help I had from other people so that I could complete my studies.

Candace said...

My family and my friends, especially my best friend. I know that many people are thankful for the same thing at Thanksgiving but that is because it is truly a blessing to be surrounded by the people you love most and who return the sentiments.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for a wonderful family and the perfect boyfriend who love me and make me so happy!

I am thankful that I get to see all of the people that I love this next weekend. Spending time with these people and eating good food, playing games and having great conversation is going to be the best time ever!

And I am also thankful for wonderful authors who write amazing books! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anna13 said...

I am very thankful for my family, my parents being together and my two annoying yet loving sisters. I am thankful for all my teammates and my all of the talents that God gave me! :)

Unknown said...

I'm thankful for my kids, for a job I love, and for good health. What more do I need?

Valia Lind said...

I am thankful for my family, my friends, my job, and my writing. That is my world, you cant ask for more!

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic giveaway! WOO!

I'm incredibly thankful for a wonderful and supportive family who helped me out of a very bad situation before it could get worse. I'd be absolutely lost without them.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Aaron said...

I'm thankful for everything I have that I enjoy and is good for me. I have an awesome family that's a mom, a dad, a sister, and all different kinds of family members. I have a house, I go to school, and I will be graduating soon. I don't have everything I want but, with what I already have, I'm very happy.

Beth said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bobcatgrad said...

I am thankful for the health and happiness of my friends and family - we are so fortunate!

I am also thankful to finally read The Future of Us on Tuesday!

EttyOop said...

:-) I like this topic. And I can't wait for the book to come out! Though I hope I win this because how cool would seven books be?

I am beyond thankful for my beautiful children, even with their individual challenges(almost-teenage girl? sheesh! AND a three year old at the same time.... with rambunctious boy thrown in the middle for good measure). They make me smile and explode with happy every day.

I am also currently pretty thankful that, while I'm certainly nowhere near the word count I should be for nanowrimo, this is the first thing i've written in years and years and years that I am enjoying enough that it flows fairly easily and that I want to be writing when I'm not and that I suspect will turn out to be pretty decent.

And I suppose I'm also thankful that they haven't yet replaced teachers entirely with computers, because it means I still have a job.

OH! And I am so thankful for wonderful authors who put their heart and soul into their work, because I am an addict of good books.

Good luck to you on the impending release of the book. Can't wait to read it!

Uriah said...

I am thankful for God saving me when I could not save myself. I am thankful for my home, food, clothes, car, job, and an education. I am thankful for my parents, family, and friends. And I'm thankful that I can read because life just wouldn't be the same without books.

Mary said...

I'm thankful for my comfortable lifestyle that allows me the opportunity to pursue my dreams. Specifically, I'm thankful for my house, the freedom of my country, my best friend, and the Internet! :)

P.S. Thank you both for doing all these giveaways, even if I don't end up ever winning. Haha.

Olivia N said...

I am thankful for my family, friends, and my church and the fact that God has blessed us all so much. And I would be REALLY thankfully if I was able to win this last give away since 11/19 will be my 20th birthday. :)

Meghan said...

I am thankful for knowledge and learning. The ability to grow and expand on our ability to think and make our own decisions for the better or worse. And best of all, to make it through and know I did it for myself.

Bonnie said...

In the last five minute I've been thankful for: realizing that it's Friday and realizing that Future of Us comes out on Monday (not Tuesday like most books).

On a broader scale, i.e. today: I'm thankful for my mother, who is still kind enough to make sure I'm awake for my early morning jobs just like she was kind enough to wake me up at ungodly hours when I was in high school. She still leaves me cute notes and buys me things she likes (such as the Hello Kitty activity/coloring book she left in my room yesterday) when she knows I need cheering up.

I'm thankful for my father and his obvious concern for me and my life (not in a bad way!). I had an interview this morning and he grilled me before and after, before with potential questions and after with queries about what really had been asked.

I'm thankful for my handful of friends with whom I believe I'll be in touch with for the rest of my life. For some, it can be months or even years since we've talked, but things can still fall back into place (as I found out at least once this year).

I'm thankful for my pets for their crazy antics, and how they love me unconditionally.

On a sillier note, I'm thankful for Taylor Swift and all of her postings of her adorable new cat. I'm also thankful that I finally managed to secure a decent seat for her show next week. I've been giddy about it ever since!

And, since I'm on this blog, I'm thankful for the community of book lovers that I've found in the past few months. I began working at a bookstore (a long-time dream) and work doesn't feel like work when I get to talk to people who are passionate about what they read or what they study.

(I'm sorry, I talk a lot. This was a good topic. It certainly cheered me up.)

Christian Nunez said...

I am 100% honest when I say I am thankful for my family, if I didn't have them I would have never made through middle school(bulling), high school (anxieties disorder), and now in college (its college) If I never had them I would ethier be a hermit or be something much worse. I love my family, and that includes my true friends as I consider them brothers. I wouldnt be here if it wasnt for them. I'm thankful so much yo have such people.

Susie P. said...

I'm thankful that I live 2 blocks from the ocean. Also, family, friends, my job . . .

Rebecca said...

I am thankful for each one of my students. Each of their unique personalities make each day special in its own way. They make me want to be at work every day so I can see them reaching goals they never thought they would achieve. Without them I would be nothing.

Martha Eskuchen said...

I realize I am too late for the giveaway but that is okay.
I am thankful for so many blessings including wonderful books to read. I was looking for "thankful" quotes and tidbits (for my blog posts this week) and came across this post.
Now I am interested in your books. Thanks for sharing.

Vicky said...

I am thankful to be breathing and to be married to a guy I met on America Online in 1998, wed in 1999, and still married!! I am thankful to be surrounded by my loving family and thankful for my friends who feed my book eating/reading habit.

Steph said...

Throughout my life, my mom, dad, and brother have always been my rock. I am so thankful for their constant encouragement and support even when I have made countless mistakes.