Wednesday, July 06, 2011


In May, Carolyn Mackler and I were shown several cover proposals for The Future of Us. It was fun to see the different interpretations different designers had for this book. But one cover immediately stood out as the favorite for everyone involved. With the binary code overlay, the coloring, the font, and character-specific details, we love it!

Thank you, Emily Osborne, for a great cover!


Javid Suleymanli said...
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RaShelle Workman said...

Love the cover!

Cara said...

I love it! I heard some rumors that the plain blue was the final cover and am very happy that's not the case. Very excited for the book! :)

Sabrina Steyling said...

Very cool cover! Can't wait to read the book. :)

Beth S. said...

LOVE IT! Can't wait to read it!

Caprica-Lex said...

I liked the blue one from the advanced copys, but this one is much cooler. Nice choice!

Bonnie said...

Looks awesome Jay!!!

Audrey (holes In My brain) said...

It looks awesome! I love it!! :)

K. M. Walton said...

It looks great, Jay. Mysterious and interesting - great combo. Congrats to you both!

The Pen and Ink Blogspot said...

Looking forward to your creation. You guys should be an excellent combo.

jodi said...

I love it!!

Elizabeth said...

I got a copy of the ARC at ALA. I am in the middle of the story. I think that my teens will love the concept. Glad to see the cover because that is what really sells the book to the kids.

Javid Suleymanli said...

That cover is cool :) I really like it.

Jan said...

My students absolutely loved and were touched by your Thirteen Reasons Why. It spread by word of mouth and was consistently out being read. Now a movie, good for you!

Our book club is anticipating your new one! The cover is awesome. We can hardly wait!

Jan Pember
Ozen High School
Beaumont, TX