The first school I spoke at was Brush High School. Two other schools sent students to hear my presentation, and another six watched live through a distance learning program. So how many total students was I speaking to? I have no idea!
A lot of people ask if I ever get writer's cramp from signing books. Well, I don't believe in writer's cramp! Signing books is just way too much fun to let hand muscles get in the way. It's mind over matter, baby.
Then I spoke at Independence High School. They welcomed me with shiny red glitter, which is my absolute favorite color of glitter. (I lied. I don't really have a favorite color of glitter. But red glitter does look nice!)
Okay, has anyone heard of Front Row Joe? The girls in the front row at IHS kept insisting they were Front Row Joes, to which I could only say, "That's really nice." But apparently F.R. Joe is the feline mascot for Cinemark Theaters and he sits in the front row at their theaters. (I know. What???)
For dinner, I had a great meal with three students from both schools, along with their school librarians, at The Bistro. That's the restaurant inside Joseph-Beth Booksellers, and it is yummy! (In fact, I had three meals there the past couple of days. All delicious!)
Finally, to end my first trip to Ohio, I had a booksigning at the bookstore.
I also got to see the house from A Christmas Story!!!
And yes, they had a leg lamp in the window.
Thank you, Sharon, for getting me to all of my events on time...and indulging my cheesy tourist requests.
Did you shout out, "Hello, Cleaveland," or were you able to hold back?
I was able to hold back. It was difficult, but I did restrain myself!
Glad to hear you had a good time in Cleveland (we at the convention and visitors bureau love to hear that). You got to see the A Christmas Story House giving a nod to the 20th anniversary of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation with all the lights, too. Good luck with your book and thanks for sharing your trip.
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