Here's our first family photo.
The 3-D ultrasound imaging they do is amazing. We got to watch him kick and squirm and grab his toes. It was so adorable!

When he's sleeping, his mommy thinks he looks just like his daddy.

But like his mommy, he already likes to sing. Here he is singing a Diana Ross song: I'm coming out. I want the world to know...

I swear, at one point, he looked right at us and smiled!

So who guessed boy and was randomly selected by JoanMarie to win a whole bunch of goodies?
Jennifer Petro-Roy!!!
Jennifer Petro-Roy!!!
Since you left your email along with your guess, you've made this next part easy for me. I'll be sending you an email to get your shipping address, and in the near future you'll be receiving:
- a signed copy of Thirteen Reasons Why (let me know who you'd like it personalized to)
- a signed copy of JoanMarie's CD In This World (ditto the above info)
- The Hardy Boys #1: The Tower Treasure
- an It's A Boy bubblegum cigar
- a blue footprint lollipop
- pretzel M&M's
- a blue My Sticker Book
- an Uglydoll named Ket
- a blue diapered mini-baby
- tropical punch Pop Rocks
- a blue razz berry Blow Pop
AAh! That is SO cool! And adorable. Congrats again!
Congrats all over again ^_^. Now you can refer to him as him and he and other manly terms, like his name.
Aww shoot! Congrats!!!
I've never seen the 3D sono pics before--how totally cool!
Nice! Congratulations again to both of you!
To both of you for getting a baby boy and to Jennifer :)
Congrats and yay and YAY! You will love being parents. It's the most amazing feeling.
Congratulations!! Great pics! Cool 3D!
Congrats, Jay!!!!
Oh my goodness Jay, he's AMAZING! How blessed are you?
Awesome! Many blessings on that little boy! And to the mamma and poppa.
Oh, wow, those images have improved since I saw my firstborn! Nice cheekbones, little fella! :)
Wow, awesome. (Love the family portrait, too.) Masculine congrats to you!
Amazing photos--what a miracle!
Huge congrats, Jay! What cool pictures.
Amazing images! Looks like a happy kid already- and a lucky kid to have you two.
Cool! Welding lessons begin at 8 months.
Awesome! He's already adorable. :)
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