Thursday, January 07, 2010

Tangled Everafter

Here’s all you’ve gotta do: Leave your name in the comments section by 11:59pm on Friday night. One name will be chosen at random to win three free books, so check back on Saturday to see if the chosen name is yours.

Yes, it’s that easy!

So which three books are you hoping to win? One is an autographed copy of Thirteen Reasons Why (I’ve got connections). The other books, Tangled and The Everafter, weren’t written by me, but I loved reading them both and would love to share those reading experiences with you. In fact, I enjoyed the books so much that their jackets contain miniature fan letters written by me (otherwise known as blurbs).

The first book, The Everafter, was written by debut author Amy Huntley. I first cracked open this book on a cross-country flight and was instantly intrigued by the concept. But I felt there was no way the originality of the premise would hold up through an entire novel. I was totally wrong! It’s a very creative and satisfying book and I stayed on the plane a few minutes after it landed and everyone else got off just so I could finish it.

Jacketflap copy for Amy Huntley’s The Everafter:

Madison Stanton doesn’t know where she is or how she got there. But she does know this—she is dead. And alone, in a vast, dark space. The only company she has in this place are luminescent objects that turn out to be all the things Maddy lost while she was alive. And soon she discovers that with these artifacts, she can re-experience—and sometimes even change—moments from her life.

Her first kiss.

A trip to Disney World.

Her sister’s wedding.

A disastrous sleepover.

In reliving these moments, Maddy learns illuminating and sometimes frightening truths about her life—and death.

This is a haunting and ultimately hopeful novel about the beauty of even the most insignificant moments—and the strength of true love even beyond death.
I began reading Tangled, by Printz-honor winning Carolyn Mackler, while aboard a plane, as well. But that flight was a shorter one and they wouldn’t let me stay in my seat after we landed to keep reading, so when I got to my hotel I immediately ordered room service and stayed up until I finished the book. Ms. Mackler is the Queen of Characters. I would read one of her books simply to fall in love with the people she writes about, and the four stories tangled together in her latest book are just as real and captivating as the characters who inhabit them.

Jacketflap copy for Carolyn Mackler’s Tangled:

Paradise wasn’t supposed to suck.

Not the state of being, but a resort in the Caribbean.

Jena, Dakota, Skye, and Owen are all there for different reasons, but at Paradise their lives become tangled together in ways none of them can predict. Paradise will change them all.

It will change Jena, whose first brush with romance takes her that much closer to having a life, and not just reading about those infinitely cooler and more exciting.

It will change Dakota, who needs the devastating truth about his past to make him realize that he doesn’t have to be a jerk just because people think he’s one.

It will change Skye, a heartbreakingly beautiful actress, who must come to terms with the fact that for once she has to stop playing a role or face the consequences.

And it will change Owen, who has never risked anything before and who will take the leap from his online life to a real one all because of a girl he met at Paradise….

From confused to confident and back again, one thing’s certain: Four months after it all begins, none of them will ever be the same.

Free books! Free books! Free books!

(Notice: Don't worry if your comment doesn't appear right away, it will go up. I just have to approve it manually. That's why a couple of the people who've already left comments thought they were the first. When they left their comments, I hadn't approved any yet. Oops!)


Cat said...

Catja Agnstoft

They all sound amazing.

KimiKayKristie said...

Kristie Abbott
I want Tangled! It seems so interesting. I love your book though. Its one of my favorites.

nights777 said...

Sounds interesting...would love a new book to read.


Jessica Bishop said...

Jessica B.

Indiana said...

My name is Indiana Muir, an Australian Fan. But call me Indy. :D

And I get so many Indiana Jones from it. LOL very unoriginal jokes, by the way. But I'm used to it. Hope I win! :)

Anonymous said...

Hello, Jay. . .

Paul W. Hankins from Silver Creek High School here. I am posting a link to your contest at RAW INcK ( for our students to see. This is a great giveaway. Please consider my entry here as well (teachers like books too).

Best to you, sir.

Shannon said...

Shannon Brewer :) Thanks for the contest, Jay...oh, and for the fantastic book! You rock.

Carolyn said...

Jay! I'm not angling for a free copy of my book, but I'm saying HUGE thanks. You rock.

Melinda said...

Melinda Morley

Loved your book and the others sound great, too.

melanie hope greenberg said...

Melanie Hope Greenberg

jpetroroy said...

Thanks for a great contest, Jay!
I'd love to enter!


Julie S. said...

I'd like to enter the contest!
Name: Julie Seifert

Cari said...

Hello! I'm Cari. Hurray for contests!

The other books sound great - I would love to read or win them - but I would most want to win the autographed copy of your book! I loved it and recommend it all the time. :)

Thank you for the chance!
neohippy10 hotmail

Lisa McCulloch said...

Thought that 13 Reasons was brilliant. Kids are loving it. Can't wait to read Tangled!

Monica said...

Three books! Score!

Monica Ropal

andrea said...

Free books are my favorite kind of books. Just ask my local librarian!

Unknown said...

Oh, please enter me!!

beth revis

bethrevis (at)

Crystal said...

All 3 of these books are on my to-be-read list so of COURSE I have to enter.

Thanks for doing this, It's always nice to see Author's who interact with their fans and hold giveaways like this.

MrsB72008 said...

Anna Marie Brittain - pick me, pick me! :)

Wendy said...

I'm in! The books sounds awesome. :)

Heather said...

Those books sound amazing! I love the kind of books that make you desperate to read more!

Pick me pick me! My name is Heather, and I would really like to win :)

Kat Heckenbach said...

Here's me, leaving my name in the comments section! :)


iffath said...

Great competition! Let's see how many rivals I'm up against..winning so far! Joke ;D
All these books look fab! And I lurrvveee Thirteen Reasons Why!
By the way, I'm NOT kissing up. Just felt the need to say that. Hmphh


Megsie said...

I will be first! My name is Meg. I have read you for a while...really since you were a mermaid. I haven't read your book yet...but it has been on my list since I heard about it. If I win, then I can read it! Yes!

Aaron said...


award said...

Amy Ward (yay! I'm first!)

Jenn said...

Sara Knoll

I loved Thirteen Reasons Why and the other two sound amazing as well! Can't wait to read YOUR next book either!

Sheryl said...

the books DO sound great. I'm in!

Anonymous said...

Kaytlin Thomas here
Aspiring author, and book enthusist.
I'd love three books to read during snow days like today.
Reading is so much better than school.
Hope I win, thanks a ton.
Kaytlin Thomas

Emily said...

Omg I would love to enter.
Name: Emily Alicea

S.i.a.n.i.e said...

Sian Evans.

They all sound great XD

Janey said...

Janey Fry

This is sweet! :D

JNoack said...

So cool!
Jamie Noack

Carla said...

Carla Black

wow, great contest :-) thanks.....would love to own a signed copy of 13 reason why, and tangled and the everafter sound amazing

Unknown said...

They sound interesting - wonder if my book club would be interested in any of them...=)

Ashley said...

Ashley Edwards

rebekah said...

oh pick me! I loved your book and told everyone about how awesome it was! thanks!

AmandaHewer said...

Amanda Hewer

This is awesome. Who doesn't love free books? And I love that you have the connections to get your book signed. lol

Anonymous said...

Margaret K-K

Robby said...

Robert Auld

these books all sound brilliant.
your book, Carolyn Mackler! I mean, DUDE!
so awesome.

Unknown said...

Shilo Cole

Cant wait to read those books! Yours is one of the best ive ever read.

Anonymous said...

A signed copy of your book? Very exciting! I loved listening to the audio version of 13 Reasons Why. Did you have any input on the performance? Very powerful.

The other 2 books sound great as well.

Misty Gray

Rachele Alpine said...

Pick me, pick me! The books sound great, and while I already have an autographed copy of your book, I'm sure my students would love one! They all fight over reading the two copies that I do have!

The Many Thoughts of a Reader said...

I really really want to check out your book (keep waiting on the library) and those other two books sound great. :) Thanks for offering this ..

- Emily

Martha Brockenbrough said...

Hi, Jay! I'd offer you a Fresca if I thought it would improve my chances. :-)

K. M. Walton said...

I'm in.

Kate Walton

Zach Lampa said...

Zachary Lampa

just started reading your book and hoping to add more to my collection =]

Renee said...

Renee N. - love the covers

Anonymous said...

Steph Lewis

Angie said...

They all sound awesome. Thanks for sharing ... with who (whom?) ever it might be!

Unknown said...

Ashley Klemkow

They are on my huge list of books to read in 2010!

Kelsey said...


My name is Kelsey Kieffer-Jones. I just finished your book today. 13 reasons why was one of the most mesmerizing books I have ever read. It's like when I opened your book I was in a whole new world and I felt like I was Clay Jensen and this was my adventure. Thanks for being so inspiring. It has always been my dream to be an author and your book made it ever so more appealing. Thank you!

Unknown said...

Colton Stice

Loved 13 reasons why, brilliantly written. And both these books sound amazing.

Beth S. said...

Can't resist a free books contest!

Beth Shaum

Mary Pat said...

I love your book, and the other two sound really good too! Thanks for the contest.

Candace said...

Sounds fantastic! I've already got a copy of 13RW, but if I win it will be a great chance to pass it on to someone else.

kah said...

I already own Thirteen Reasons, but I wouldn't mind having that Jay guy sign it. ;)
The other books sound fab too.
My blog

Sydney Lakewood said...

Thanks for the contest, Jay!

Since I already own your book, I'd like to enter for TANGLED. And I agree, Carolyn is the queen of characters!

Susan Colebank

Anonymous said...

Shannel Garrow

Everything sounds great. I'd love to read them all.

Also, the book covers for TH1RTEEN R3ASONS are all so beautiful.

Bye, now :)

Chester said...

Hi Jay,
I'm always up for free books. They'll end up on my bookshelf at school, to be read by unsuspecting middle schoolers.
Huzzah to philanthropy!

Kory Gott said...

Wow--what a treat to win these books! I'm a middle school librarian and would love to share all three with my kids. (Obviously I'd have to swap out my signed copy of "Thirteen Reasons Why" for the one I already own, lol.) Great giveaway to kick off the New Year!
P.S. What will you do when airlines no longer let you read a book during the final hour of flight? (Boo-hiss!)

Kira Marion said...

I just have to say... your book was incredible... an inspiration I would even dare say. Thank you for the recommendations for other books as well. I very much look forward to reading them!

Genoveva said...

wow, all the books look so interesting, cool!

Chicago Ted said...

Brandon Banton.

Tangled looks really good. Gotta say, Mr. Asher, your book has inspired me. :)

Morgan said...

Morgan Allan, or Canada, would very much like those free books. You rock Jay!

Brit said...

(I would put my last name too, but there are too many creepers out there these days!)

The Brewer's from Morrow said...

Missy Brewer
Would love to have a signed copy of your book!!! Also always looking for the next great read.

Peggy said...

They all sound like awesome reads. Of course I'm going to win! I'm a total optimist!

Unknown said...

It is so cool to put a name to a face. I love Thirteen Reasons. It sparked meaningful conversations with my two daughters. Most students I suggest this book for have a need to talk about it later. Thank you for writing it.

ALN said...

Alisha Newberry

Chelsea said...

Chelsea Menke

Anonymous said...

cooolllllll books wanna read them now :)

Maggie said...

Meagan Abbott
Yay!! I love reading and free books!! i love 13 Reasons Why!!

Jabbott said...

Jessica Abbott

Genoveva said...

whoo!!! free books!!! seems so cool!!!!

Anonymous said...

Sydney Neff
i LOVE your book!

a_family_member said...

Ana Hoffman

All those sound amazing! I will probably end up buying them if my names not chosen I love hearing your suggestions for books!


Oh, how I'm addicted to books ... I loved 13 Reasons Why and have heard good things about both Everafter and Tangled.

Thanks for the contest, Jay!

Anonymous said...

Hannah Davis.

I love your book Jay.
Funny thing is I just finished it tonight!
And I really need a copy for myself because I am borrowing my friend.

Lori T said...

I would love to win Tangled. I loved Thirteen Reasons Why and have recommended it to everyone that I know.

Unknown said...

danelle garza
am i too late???