In case you wonder why your comments aren’t getting approved here, or your friendship requests aren’t being accepted elsewhere, my access to phones and computers will be severely limited for the next couple of weeks…and I couldn’t be happier!
JoanMarie and I are going to Peru.

We’ll be sleeping in the Amazon, visiting Machu Picchu, and my 4th-grade self is already giggling at the chance to have my photo taken at Lake Titicaca.
I can’t wait to tell you all about it!
I can't wait to here about this! How exciting... I hope to go there someday. P.S. getting your picture taken at Lake Titicaca is everyone's childhood dream. *laughs*
Wow! Are you going there to do a book promotion? Awesome!
I'm already jealous!!! Have a wonderful time!
I expect lots and lots of pictures. Today was my first day back to school so I think I'll need some pick-me-ups in the form of some beautiful Peru pictures.
Hello! I just discovered you blog after reading Thirteen Reasons Why (LOVED IT!)
Can't wait to hear all about your trip! And I still giggle when I hear Lake Titicaca too. :o) In fact, whenever I hear someone say it or I read it, I always get this song stuck in my head from Animaniacs:
So jealous! That's on my bucket list. Have a fantastic time.
I AM SOOOOO Jealous! OMG Donna, me too!
I'm sure there is somewhere more appropriate to post this but I just found your blog and am unsure where else to post comments. I'm still a teenager and I while I adore reading, I never read 'real-life' books prefering to focus on fantasy. However this morning hanging out in the library before school I realised I had nothing to read, just then the bell rang so I grabbed the first book I saw and cheeked it out. At first I wasn't so enthusiasticc but once I started I was spellbound, I read through all my classes, on the bus and then skipped the start of my homework to get it finished. It has to be among the best books I've ever read and is a real thinker book. I'm rather bad at compliments but I just wanted to let you know how much your book impacted on me..
Set your next book in Peru, and suddenly your trip is for research!
Dude, my 4th grade self is giggling at your 4th grade self, fist bump me! I hope you make a goofy face in that Lake Titicaca pic. :) Have a great time and I can't wait to hear all of yur tales when you get back. :)
Hey! So, I'm from Brazil and I'd like you to know that we really love 'Thirteen Reasons Why'. Me and my friends read it and It just changed the way we see things, we started noticing people around us, people at school that we've never payed attention to before. I think the book brought up the idea that we are not just responsible for ourlives but we also responsible for the lives of others, cuz willing or not, we are part of their lives. We showed our english teatcher your book and he's going to use the book in a project. I think you wrote something so wonderfull that will be stuck with us as we grow up, as we grow up better people, from now then.. (sorry for my english, I'm working hard on that) And congratulations!
And by the way, since you are so close to Brazil, you should leave Peru and come straight here to visit us! We do have some amazing places here, plus, we are your readers!!!! I could get my book signed you know...haha
Enjoy Peru, I've been there and it's wonderfull! I walked a lot and sometimes I couldn't breathe but it was an amazing experience! I'm looking foward to here what you think!
Dude! That's so exciting. You should've told me you were going beforehand. Chan and I could've given you the low down on all the great places (since we just went last year). Peru is AMAZING. You'll have an awesome time. Just to make sure you wear a white shirt the day you go to Lake Titicaca so your picture turns out as awesome as mine:
We made it, we´re having a GREAT time...and I found a computer!!!
Tomorrow, we´re off to the Amazon, and I highly doubt there´ll be internet there...even if they did name an online bookstore after it.
you can find internet in the brazilian side of Amazon! one more reason for you to come. I can give you 13 reasons if you want...
I did look into a Brazil stop while we were planning this trip, but it just was not going to work. But I would love to visit there in the future...especially because they gave my book such an awesome cover.
By the way, there is definitely a reason the Amazon and the word AMAZING share several letters. The Amazon is absolutely amazing. And I would have added several exclamation points to that last sentence if I could figure out how to make them on this keyboard. But I can not wait to show all of you the pics we took in the Amazon.
Oh that's somthing I would like to ask you. I saw the brazilian cover of your book on your blog, but the thing is that we can't find your book in portuguese ANYWHERE! So, we read it in english. But I didn't figured out was is going on...
Anyways, I'm waiting to see your pictures!! Maybe onde day you'll be able to come visit us! Take care!!
Enjoy! The break from the Internet will be nice. And I'm sure the scenery and the company are simply amazing!
All best,
I just found your blog. I absolutely adored Thirteen Reasons! It really inspired me to try and write a YA, I've been writing short stories for several years.
Have a wonderful trip.
I'm desperate to know when your next novel is coming out...
Machu exciting! Congrats on the original dramatic adaptation. I told Susan Donahue about that. Cheers, Joan
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