Again, a totally different design for the cover. The lettering and the way the girl is seated make it seem like it could be a nice high school story. (Ahh, first impressions...) But then you read the text up in the corner and notice the expression on her face.
It's like a high school portrait...but something ain't right.
Wow, it's totally different! It's funny how they do that, I know the Harry Potter covers used two different illustrators, though that time it was UK first then the US decided on a different look. As a Brit living in the US I'd say the teens aren't that different, I wonder why the publishers do it? Anyhow here's to 13 Reason's Why, flying off the shelves there too!
Fascinating to see your book presented in so many different ways, depending on the country! Very cool.
Veeerryy different. The US cover is still tops for me though.
The UK Edition is nice! But I think the US is better! ;) I love your book BTW, Jay!
Hi Jay
I'll be your editor here in Brazil. I am thrilled to have such an honor. We've just started thinking on the cover. I can show nothing yet, but I assure you it'll be beautiful (as this book deserves).
I remember when I first saw the American cover of Thirteen Reasons Why. It felt like Christmas morning! And I get those same happy tingles whenever I see a new cover.
Wonderful to meet you, Fabricio. I can't wait to see what you put together!
that is deffinitly my second favorite cover for the book. i like how....lonely she looks in the US edition, but its deffinitly awesome!
love the book!
I love this cover! I love that you have to look twice at it because there's something not right about it. It's fabulous.
WOW, I've loved all your covers. They're all different, but very evocative. You've been blessed by the cover gods, sir!
This showing of all the covers is awesome. The text on this particular one makes it. Just like you described.
This is my favourite cover next to the US version. I just discovered that the UK Hannah seems to be a busy girl. The same photo is on the German cover of "Nineteen Minutes" by Jodi Picoult (Piper Verlag, Germany). Just to let you know. :)
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