Wednesday, November 04, 2009

52 Weeks = ONE YEAR!!!

It's ridiculously amazing. It would be absolutely unbelievable if I didn't have proof. And the news I received just a half hour ago has me literally crying with joy right now!

Timeline of 13RW on the NYT bestsellers list:

Released more than five months earlier, Thirteen Reasons Why debuted on the list at number 10 in March of 2008.

In March of 2009, on its 19th visit to the list, Thirteen Reasons Why reached its highest position at number 3.

And now, two years after its release, Thirteen Reasons Why has made its 52nd appearance on the list...meaning it has spent a full year as a New York Times bestseller!!!

All of my friends and family members who've been a part of this roller-coaster journey know I love them and I thank them for putting up with me as I stressed about how I could better promote this very personal book. But I want to personally thank a few people on the business side of things who always treated Thirteen Reasons Why as if it meant just as much to them as it did for me. Ben Schrank (my publisher), Laura Rennert (my agent), Allison Verost (my publicist), and Kristen Pettit (my editor...Happy birthday, Kristen!) were the absolute best team I could've hoped for. So many people at Penguin played very important parts in the success of this book and deserve way more credit than I could possibly give here (like Don Weisberg, Emily Heddleson, Leslie Prives, Scottie Bowditch, Shanta Newlin, Courtney Wood, Pamela McElroy, RasShahn Johnson-Baker, Barbara Marcus, and on and on and on…), but I must call attention to Christian Fünfhausen, the man behind the jacket art. He's responsible for enticing so many people who'd never heard of this book to pick it up before my words had a chance to do their job.

And I want to thank all of you who read my book and felt it was something other people needed to read, so you told your friends about it...and they told their friends...and they told their friends...and a few of them, who just happened to be standing next to me in random bookstores, even told me that I needed to read my book!

You have no idea how much your support for both Thirteen Reasons Why and me have meant over these years.

Thank you.


One person who leaves a comment on this post will be randomly selected to win a free copy of all 10 books on this very special bestsellers list. Those books are:

Catching Fire - The Hunger Games - The Magician's Elephant - Hush, Hush - The Graveyard Book - Thirteen Reasons Why - Fire - I Am a Genius Of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to Be Your Class President - Return to the Hundred Acre Wood - Shiver

All comments need to be in by 11:59pm PST on Thursday, November 5th. I'll announce the winner a few minutes later. Good luck!



Jen Robinson said...

Congratulations, Jay! That's awesome. And much deserved.

Suzanne Young said...

Wow. Amazing!

Donna Gambale said...

Congratulations! That's an incredible accomplishment, and 13 Reasons Why definitely deserves it!

Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Congrats. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Jay! I finished your book this morning and I can't stop thinking about it. I admit, I think about suicide quite often, but I don't think I have what it takes to, you know, do it (and that's a good thing, right?). But reading your book I started to see things in a different way. I saw where Hannah was mistaken and I know now I can get help, I just have to want it. The only book I'd read about suicide was The Pact, by Jodi Picoult, and on this one I really saw myself, but unlike 13RW, it didn't show me how could I go on, it didn't show me that there is hope. I guess I'll write down 13RW I should stay alive! Thanks for this amazing book. You tottaly deserve all this success. By the way, I'm a brazilian fan. Our cover rocks!

SRH said...

You have studied, practiced, endured and worked toward this as one of your goals and have now reached one of the stepping stones in your life that many people hope to achieve.

May you continue in helping others to understand events in their lives with your writing.


LizR said...

Awesome! Definitely well-deserved success :).


Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

You deserve it Jay! 13 was an amazing story and one I will never forget.

AmandaHewer said...

Awwwww. Congrats! That's quite the accomplishment. I think that it's certainly well deserved and I love how excited you get about the book. Your posts always show your happiness.

Keep up the good work. =]

Kat Heckenbach said...

That is awesome, Jay! 13RW totally deserves it, too.

StaffPicks said...


Molly O'Neill said...

I'd type (ok, cut & paste, but whatever) "Congratulations" 52 times here, but I don't think Blogger will let me have that long a comment. But hearty congratulations just the same! So well-earned! (And is this what we were crossing our fingers for on Facebook yesterday?)


Yay! You know you've done something special when people in book stores tell you to read your book. :) Congrats--you deserve it.

MichelleA said...

Congratulations! I loved Thirteen Reasons Why. You definitely deserve it!

Sara :] said...

that's amazing! this is STILL my favorite book. :] congratulatioons!

Marss; said...

Well, what do you expect! Your book more than deserves it. I recommended it to many of my friends. Its one of my favorites. I didn't know it had been a best seller for that long until I saw your myspace bulletin. Congratulations. :)

Unknown said...

Congrats dude!! That is just so freaking awesome!!
13 Reasons Why totally deserves it!

Joshua Jacobs said...

Congratulations! That is great news!

Anonymous said...

congrats jay! i know 13 reasons why is still one of my favorite books

Jenni said...

What a great thing to celebrate! 13 Reasons Why is an amazing book. :)

Candace said...

CONGRATS! Has it already been more then two years since the book came out? And a full YEAR on the NYT Bestsellers list? You need to throw a party for that!

Brandon Sloan said...

Wow, that's truly awesome Jay!
But, you should pick me to win the books. Because im a broke college student. Ha. I read so much in high school, I actually read 13 reasons why 6 times. It's being passed around all of my friends right now. Ha. But, I love reading. Thanks! you're awesome. Congrats!

Victoria Noone said...

Congrats! I always knew this book was special, after all I didn't go to sleep til 5 am to finish reading it. Hope all is well! Have you done anymore visitations to schools? I'm still so excited that I was able to meet you!
-Victoria Noone
[[From Gabrielino High School]]

Vickie Arvello said...

Congrats! Thirteen reasons why is one of the most influential books I have ever read. 13 reasons why deserves all the great credit it can get!!! :D

Cheryl Renee Herbsman said...

Congratulations, Jay! That is truly awesome!

XxtoriaxX said...

Congratulations! You are amazing and totally deserve this!! =]

Alexis Hay said...

cute pic. it was grat meeting you when you came to R. A.Long high school. i have had toms of friends read ur book and they all love ti. cant wait for ur next one

Alexis Hay

holly cupala said...

Very cool, Jay! That's 52 wks you took for the team, lol.

Jennifer said...

Jay..... I would like to say congrats first off...
And then that I love your book.... It means a lot to me... I hope it stays on the new york best sellers list....
Keep up the good work..

juicebox junkie. said...

Congrats (:
You definitely deserve it! This book is one I've taken to reading over and over. You are truly talented.

Cassandra said...

WOW!! I love this book so much!! =) I'm glad its getting all this attention again... it's very well deserved!!! =) Congrats on the success and i hope it keeps coming to you!!!

Donna Aileen. said...

Jay you really really deserved this. You are one of my favorites. you have no idea how happy i am for you.
i've read 13 about a bujillion times and am still not tired of it. seriously. in all honesty your book has in some way changed me. hell it even made me cry. haha. well anyways jay I just wanna say congrats and hopefully your book stays on the best-sellers forever. :D
keep up the good work.

Sami said...

That is totally awesome Jay! It deserves to be in the top, your book is so good!

Kristen said...

You are an inspiration to my friends and I. We hope that we can be successful writers after we graduate from high school this year. Thirteen Reasons Why was the best book I have ever read, I read it in two nights. You deserve all of the success you are recieving.

Anonymous said...

"...and a few of them, who just happened to be standing next to me in random bookstores, even told me that I needed to read my book!"

LOL! Did you tell them who you are and if so, how did they react?

Congratulations on your anniversary!

Edna said...

Big congrats, Jay! So, happy for you and 13 Reasons Why :-)!!

Nicolette said...

congrats! 13 Reasons Why was so well written & definitely deserves it.


Elly said...

You defintely deserve that honor.

Sandy Ladignon said...

Congratulations to the 13 x 52nd power!

Kayla Aucoin said...

Congratulations! I love the book. I've read it like 20 million times! Everytime i go to the libray i check it out :)

Shannon said...

Thank you, thank you, Jay, for writing such a story. It has touched the lives of the teenagers (and adults) I know. Congratulations on your year-long stint on the list!

Thao said...

Congratulations!!! This is such awesome news. 13RW rocks a whole year :)

Diana Marie said...

Congrats! 13 Reasons is a beautifully written book.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely LOVED Th1rteen R3asons Why!
The book was so touching.

Congrats again! :)

Joann87 said...

13 Reasons Why is by far one of the best books I've ever read. Congrats!!!!!

Allison Verost said...

Thanks for the kind words Jay! It has been such a pleasure to help bring THIRTEEN REASONS WHY out to the world!

Here's to 52 more weeks!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, my friend! I'm so happy for you.

Jakes Movie Reviews said...

Congrats Jay, Thirteen Reasons Why is my favorite book LOVED IT!

Jennifer Brown said...

Congratulations, Jay! What an accomplishment! And so deserved. I was at a school visit a couple weeks ago and they asked what books I loved and when I asked, "Has anyone read Thirteen Reasons Why?" there was a collective sigh of "Ilovedthatbook!" Well, I loved it too! Congrats!

Jennifer Sloan said...

Jay- Congratulations! I could not be happier for you! More than that, I am thrilled knowing that an entire year on the NYT Bestseller's list means thousands more teens have read your book and hopefully it has made a difference in their lives. Thirteen Reasons Why continues to be on our "Top 10" list at Port Charlotte High and I don't see its popularity waning any time soon.

pepsivanilla said...

Congrats! Your book is amazing, I'm so glad it's getting the attention it deserves :)

Duck & Ovis said...

So proud! So exciting! I hope I win those books.

zombiemuffin said...

your book is amazing!!! i love it. one of my favorite books. :D

award said...

Congrats on a wonderful achievement! Your book is hot at my library! :)

zombiemuffin said...

i love your book!! one word, AMAZING!!! i love it totally one of my favorites :D

Jared Burkett said...

Wow. 52 weeks. Now that, is impressive. Then again, it is totally deserved. You're book was inspiring in so many ways that can't even be put into words. Great job!

Leisa Bausch said...

Mr. Asher you brought reading into my daughters life, I could not get her to read for anything, then a friend talked about your book, I bought her the book and from the opening of the front cover to the closing of the back cover she couldnt put the book "thirteen reasons why" down, now she is waiting for more books from you, books you have recommended...etc. thank you so much for bringing reading into her life.

The Brewer's from Morrow said...

congrats. I loved the book and passed it on to everyone that I work with and it went on from there.
p.s. my daughter has really been wanting to read hunger games.

Jen Vincent said...

Very awesome. Loved 13 Reasons Why...very resonating.

Courtney Franz said...

I'm not surprised at all that 13 Reasons Why was that successful! It truly was like the best book i've ever read! It has stuck with me and changed my outlook on life and set higher standards for the literature that i read. Thank you Jay and congratulations!


jessiebear13 said...

That is so awesome. Thank you so much for writing. I love 13 reasons why.

Such a wonderful day lol my birthday and your book a year older lol

Test said...

Congrats, 13 Reasons Why and you definitely deserve all of this success!!!!! :)

Shanae Anderson said...

Your book shoule always be on the Best Sellers list. It's amazing. I <3 13 Reason Why!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your book, 13 Reasons Why!! IT is one of my favorite books.


Alyssa said...

I'm thrilled to have contributed to this! This book completely deserves it. Fantastic work!


Allison Vicroy said...

Congratulations.. You should write another book and come visit me at the West Melbourne Barnes and Noble when you write another book. I still recommend it to all the teens that come in.

Kelly H-Y said...

WOW ... what an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations!

redheadedali said...

Congrats! That is quite a fetching photo. ;)

Gabrielle Dupuy said...

Wow! That's great! You're book is so amazing. We all knew that, even before you visited our school in Punta Gorda, FL! You're a great writer, so this year on the NYT Best Sellers list is no surprise! Congrats, and I hope things continue to go well for you!

Lisa Yee said...

That's incredible and so are you!!! (If you'd like me to stand in for you on the NY TIMES list for a week, just let me know.)

Wild About Words said...

Jay, Happy New York Times Best Seller Birthday to 13 Reasons Why!

Elena said...

Omg!!!so awesome!!

Jennie Englund said...

Is it like your little baby turning a year old?

Like now, you can't imagine your life without it?

Like you're finally getting a little sleep?

Like you've survived the first tough but so rewarding 365 days?

I'd imagine so. Happy "Birthday!"

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!!! =D

Hey didn't know where to comment for this but I saw the bullitin on myspace and I'm deffinitely interested in getting a free book!
If you can, send me a message on myspace my username is ღWhats there to live for?ღ


Mandi said...

YAY JAY!!!! I guess me recommending this book to over 100 people was an effort that didn't go unnoticed.


Justice Syverson said...

Because of you, I started reading. Your book is really good and I want to read it again!!!! And congratulations on making 52 weeks on the list!!!

Jennifer Whitten said...

That's so exciting! I got a copy of the book before it was released to the public and i immediately passed it on to a friend to read! =)

Sunnie Prevette said...

congrats on the honor!! i work at a public library and told my boss to get this book and it has checked out so many times. i read it and was moved and actually got my sister, who is a reluctant reader to read it. i keep spreading the word to teens about it. i really feel it's a book that every teen should read. thanks for writing it jay!!

Lexie Forkner said...

This is my all time favorite book! I just used it for an assignment in my english class about how it affected me! I'm sending it to the publisher as we I write this! (:

Elizabeth O Dulemba said...

Jay! I'm SO happy for you!!! :) e

Becca Fitzpatrick said...

Wow. That's so awesome, Jay! Huge, huge congrats!! (And here's to many more weeks!)

Anonymous said...

"...a few of them, who just happened to be standing next to me in random bookstores, even told me that I needed to read my book!"

Ha! What did you say?

Buckets of congrats to you, Jay!!! I still think about the Hannah.

Joan said...

And it is 54 weeks now, but who's counting? Joan