By that point, several production companies had asked to buy the film rights to Thirteen Reasons Why. Some even wanted to begin production immediately, but there was always at least one thing that made me uneasy about selling the rights. Maybe I was being too picky, but I didn’t need to see my book turned into a movie to be satisfied.
Then my agent said an actress was interested in playing Hannah Baker.

The only thing I knew about Selena Gomez was that magazines loved putting her face on the cover linking her to some teen heartthrob. So I watched a few episodes of her TV show, Wizards of Waverly Place, to see if I could glimpse any traces of Hannah Baker. Sure, Selena’s character was positive and funny (like Hannah when she first moved to town). And sure, Selena was pretty (which is how Clay described Hannah). But I needed to see more.
So I bought that DVD and my wife and I sat down to watch it. I will admit, we were skeptical. We assumed we knew Selena based on her TV series and the covers of Tiger Beat magazine. (Which is kind of sad, because isn’t my book all about the awfulness of stereotyping?) And while most of the movie was light and funny, there were absolute hints of Hannah Baker poking through – subtle expressions that reminded me of specific scenes in the book. It gave me the chills! Visually, for the first time, I could see pretty and optimistic Hannah slowly losing hope. But was it just me? When the movie was over, I turned to JoanMarie, who is just as protective of Hannah as I am.
“It gave me goosebumps,” she said. “You need to let her do this.”
Fine, so I was convinced Selena could become Hannah. But her July Moon Productions also wanted to produce the film. While I do understand why movies occasionally need to stray from the books, when they completely change the tone or don’t seem to understand what people like about the original story, things turn out bad.
So I met Selena, her mom, and a cousin at a sushi restaurant in L.A.

I have no idea why I agreed to meet them there because chopsticks are not my friends. We talked about music, books, acting, and what it’s like to grow up in front of a camera. (While it had nothing to do with imagining Selena as Hannah, it made me happy that someone so sweet and down-to-earth wanted to play a character I cared so deeply about.) And while I tried to keep the sticky rice from sticking to my chin and my sushi from crumbling in the sauce, she told me what she loved about the book and what she understood about Hannah’s character.
It’s always an eerie and extremely cool experience to talk to fans of Thirteen Reasons Why and realize that they understand everything I was trying to say. Selena is one of those fans. And because they wanted me involved (a definite rarity in Hollywood), I’ve since driven to L.A. several times for producer and screenwriter interviews, and I'm thrilled to have so many people involved who all share a vision for this movie.
Stay tuned…
I am so ridiculously excited to see this movie!
Also, you still haven't convinced me that you weren't buying Princess Protection Program for the sheer joy of it. Admit it--you really just wanted to own it. I bet you camped out the night before release...
very awesome. Selena would be my pick from all those disney actresses. I think this will turn out very well.
I had the same exact reaction. But if you see her as Hannah (I wont be too sad that someone else as Hannah gave you chills) than I can see her as Hannah too! It's going to be so exciting to see this come together and I LOVE that you had sushi with her!
Selena is a good actress and I think it's great that she wants to be true to the book as possible. I was talking to someone about the book being made into a movie and they were like someone from disney? but seriously the girl can act! i think she will surprise lots of people, people who don't watch her show or haven't seen her movies. I'm excited to see this.
I am definitely excited for this film! People should not judge Selena's acting, she really hasn't done anything than can prove she has unbelievable acting skills. But yet she has demonstrated that she definitely has potential to be a great actress. So stoked for her and this movie can wait any longer for it! I also can't wait to see you along her promoting this movie. :) CONGRATS!
I thought she was just a singer, but I think you do best as an actress than as singer, but I would love to see another actress in this role, he also admits that is strange to see a "girl disney" with a character like that, then say they are giving a bad example for girls usa, I hope it's a movie! really good luck!
Personally I had not read the book until a few days ago I found out that Selena is going to star in the film, immediately I began to read it and finished it in one night (seriously I could not sleep until I finished)
Totally loved the book and while reading it I imagined the scenes with Selena as Hannah, and I can't wait for the movie.
Greetings from Mexico! :)
All I can say is that I am SOOOO proud of you! And blessed to say you are my friend. CONGRATS!!
So very cool. I love how protective you are of your story, Jay. It gives ME goosebumps.
The 10-year-old Sauer is drooling on my keyboard. :)
And not because of the sushi.
Selena is one of my favourite actresses. She is such an amazing girl. I have loved everything she has done. She is an amazing role model that; she's one of the few young girls in the media that I let my baby sister admire. She would be such an amazing Hannah. Cannot wait to hear more about the 13RW movie and to see the final production! <3
Selena is for sure the best actress Disney has and if the author of the book sees her as the girl he wrote, then that says it all :)
I have no shame in saying I watched the wizards of wavery place movie and totally cried when Selena's character was crying towards the end of the movie lol. The kid has got acting chops.
All this talk about the movie just makes me wanna read the book again I think I'm going to re-read this so many times before the movie comes out since it's gonna be a while away.
Oh and I like how you and Selena are on talking terms, I have faith that the movie won't be watered down or anything.
That is just way cool. I love her and she does seem like she'll be a great Hannah!
you HAVE to let her do this!! :)
and for the guy i deeply recommend Logan Lerman. He just seems so sweet and nice and just perfect.
though I like Selena more then some other Disney actresses I was a little skeptical of her as Hannah. But now reading this post I am so exicted!!! I think I will have to reread the book now.
So exciting, Jay, and seems like you're living the dream. Yay you!
I am so excited for this. This book is awesome and Selena is an amazing actress. She will do a great job, I'm sure.
Also you should think about Logan Lerman playing Clay, I can picture him and he is so talented
How exciting Jay!! I've interviewed Selena on the red carpet and she's a sweetheart - very genuine and unaffected by her success :) I think she'd be perfect!
Selena Gomez is incredible. I'm pretty sure she's gonna be a perfect Hannah Baker. I can't wait. And, hm, I was wondering if you have someone to play Clay already? 'Cause for some reason I can't imagine anyone but Logan Lerman to play Clay. It's kinda crazy. Anyway... 13 Reasons Why is awesome. I seriously can't wait!
OH. MY. GOD. I can't waitttt to watch it!!! I totally think Selena is perfect for Hannah Baker. Yay!! I'm so excited. Can't waitttt.
I love Selena!!! And only i think She Should play the role! I read the book and i already imagined Selena as Hannah!! Plz plz plz choose Selena!! She's like the best actress, I've also seen Wizards of Waverly Place The Movie, and the end scene made me cry, only Selena cud've done it!!
Jay I'm happy your movie is going so well, and it really hasn't even started! I'm glad you are going to get involved because there is nothing worse then when you love the book and the movie is a huge disappointment!
LOGAN LERMAN should really play Clay Jensen. That would be great!
I know certain people think celebrities are fair game, but just as I would never let anyone post a mean spirited or intentionally close minded comment about you, the same holds true here. I’ve only rejected two comments, but this is my blog, so I feel fine about that.
If you can’t appreciate the message in Thirteen Reasons Why, I’m not sure why you’d want to see the movie in the first place.
I am so excited about seeing this on the big screen! I like Selena Gomez- she's not what I pictured for Hannah, but she's a perfectly competent actress and I'm curious to see how she brings this character to life!
Logan Lerman should so play clay
BTW: i love your book read 3 times already
I do not think Selena would make a good Hannah. I love this book and I want to see Hannah portrayed as someone we've never seen before. Would make it totally better.
I'm very excited about this. I believe we have not Selena at her best yet, but hopefully this movie will showcase what a great actress she is. You can't really take any of those Disney movies and judge her acting based on that. It's unfair to her.
On top of that, she is a wonderful person - In and out.
I want to see this movie already! I think Selena is a great little comedic actress, hopefully she'll be able to do Hannah justice.
I hope they can do justice to your book. My older daughter read the book first and then after reading it myself I have passed it on to my younger daughter, nieces, friends with teens and even the Health teacher at a local high school who then put it in his classroom for extra credit reading. Good luck getting a movie thaat is true to your book.
Why isn't Olivia Thirlby in talks for the movie?
She seems like the most obvious choice to play Hannah, since she delivered the tapes to perfectly. Her voice is absolutely haunting.
She is a bit older than Hannah, but I think she'd portray Hannah wonderfully. We've already seen a preview of her as Hannah, and she's great.
She has to play Hannah! This is amazing, I'm gonna die of happiness if she plays Hannah! :) Please Jay. Selena for Hannah!!!
I am so excited that Selena will play Hannah! I think she's an amazing actress. I told my sister about the book a few days ago and she loved it right away. She can't put the book down. Can't wait to see the movie :)
Jay Asher, I love "13 Reasons Why", and we're very happy that Selena will play Hannah Baker. But I don't think you realize how many people would love to see Logan Lerman play Clay Jensen. He's rumored to play the role, so is this rumor true? If not, would you consider him? We all think he would do a great job. I can just imagine both Selena and Logan bringing your characters to life, and how amazing the film will turn out.
This is amazing and exciting and full off awesomesauce. I'm glad you got to meet Selena and that you feel she'll be a great Hannah AND that you will be involved in the making of the movie. My girls and I are excited about it.
I don't want to sound tedious but Jay, you should consider Logan Lerman to play Clay. I watched almost all his films and he is so talented. You should watch " My one and only" to see it. I just hope you consider him and contact him :)
Oh, I've definitely heard the call for Logan to play Clay, and I do think he's a very talented actor. But I also want to be careful and not lead people on with rumors.
So to clear up some of the rumors that have already been swirling online, no one has yet been cast as Clay or selected to direct, this is not a Disney movie, and I haven't been told whether or not I can have a cameo.
But I'd better have a cameo!!!
read last chapter 3x bec i lovd d tension. In the hands of a skillful director the whole movie could be one delightful china curio box - layer upon layer of mystery. To make the movie even better logan lerman shld seriously be considered for Clay Jensen i can see him delivering in those dramatic scenes. fans know he's in Perks of being a Wallflower but another great dramatic YA role wouldn't hurt :)
jay - you should play the guy in the liquor store when clay stumbles in or the one who sold candy to Hannah. Always pictured Saoirse Ronan as Hannah but Selena might actually be able to pull it off and very brave of her to take on the role. Also see Logan Lerman in My One and Only and 310 to Yuma - there's your Clay right there
I love selena, so it would be really great if she stared and produced. Just tell her we all are behind her on this.
Hey Jay, it's good to know that you want Logan Lerman to play Clay Jensen. I also think he's talented and would do a great job. And Selena is lovely. I'm so excited!
Thanks for aswering Jay. I am really excited for this movie. Selena is my favorite actress and this book is so good. Seriously. Also do you know when is this settle to be shooted? Could it be later on this year or in 2012?
Selena would do the job perfectly.. honestly there's no one better. she's a brillaint actress
I have just started reading the book about a week ago and im in love with it just 100 pages left till i finish :P After reading the first page I was like WHEN THE MOVIE COMING? and selena would make a good Hannah :P
If i was an actor i would totally want to play Hannah xD
So important as a writer/creative to have the right 'attachments' to carry forth your vision...glad to read of S's *mutual* fandom in terms of being true to your work vs just the 'next big thang.'
Appreciated your candid comment about stereotypes and the 'oops' moment, as I admit, before I read this blog post I did the same snap judgment thing. ouch-Being a media literacy/youth advocate that was a double-face palm. ;-)
Eager to line up to e-interview you as the project progresses...I've been 'tweeting' about it a bit, (sent it to Rosalind Wiseman, Rachel Simmons, etc) as it's important for producers to hit the right note with youth as a precautionary, poignant powerful tale.
"Handle with Care" would be my ongoing thematic humans, we all need to do more of that!
Congrats, Jay
Amy Jussel
Please try to get Logan Lerman to play Clay, that would be amazing. and i'm so glad that Selena gets to play Hannah!
I read Thirteen Reasons Why about a year ago and without a doubt it's my favorite young adult novel. I'm stoked that it will be made into a movie because the book presents such a deep message. I like Selena and belive she's a good choice for Hannah :D
I was in Mr. Huttle's creative writing class when you came to talk before the book was released. I remember you said there had already been an offer on the book for a movie. I'm extremely excited for the movie and glad they want to stick to it as closely as possible.
I'm hoping Selena Gomez can pull it off. Personally, I think unknown actors would make this movie great. It would add something that these are unrecognizable faces that are going through all this.
Also, are you filming in SLO?
sorry - unsolicited advice but i hope you can pass on dir suggestions to the producers. Some of d best directors who can handle suspense are jonathan demme (silence of d lambs) & alejandro amenabar (the others). Alfonso Cuaron is also great at telling a gritty,edgy story. There is just something very filmic about 13RW. May i also join the #LoganforClayJensen Team :)
It's great to hear that you like Logan Lerman. He's definitely a talented actor. Make sure to check out some of his movies like 3:10 to Yuma, My One and Only and Percy Jackson & the Olympians: The Lightning Thief. I think those are his best films. :) Also, I can't wait for him to be in The Perks of Being a Wallflower. :D
And congrats to Selena! She'll do a great job playing Hannah. :)
Can't wait! XD
i just recalled Jeffrey Eugenides fantastic novel The virgin Suicides and the lyrical film version directed by Sofia Coppola. Would Coppola be i nterested in a movie like this, i wonder?
anyway, hope you pin down a director before the year ends and other key casting choice.
good to know that as the author you welcome casting suggestions like Logan Lerman for Clay Jensen. Just hope the production side agrees with the fans and consider him.
i checked out marc abraham and eric newman of strike entertainment and these guys esp abraham have produced some groundbreaking films most notably Cuaron's Children of Men. Maybe Cuaron could take a stab at thirteen reasons. I now have even greater faith in the production team.
Oh and all those wanting logan lerman in the movie, Children of Men is one of his favorite films just so you know...
Love this! And I'm seriously starting to think you need your own clothing line to round out your career of being famous. Just a thought... ;-)
You definitely need to have a cameo! I know I'll be screaming for you hahah Im SO excited for this project. Looking forward to more new. :)
Really excited abt how the double narration will be done on film. This needs a good director like cuaron as suggested or may be marc forrester who directed finding neverland. And a good dir shd get a great performance from selena.hopefully logan lerman gets to play clay jensen
I know I'm probably going to sound mean and I'm probably going to get haters, but it's my opinion that Hannah should be played by an unknown. I agree with a lot of people who say that Logan Lerman should play Clay - I was actually imagining him playing the role when I first read the book, way before he was famous. But, I don't know about Selena. There is no denying she's a talented individual; she can sing, act, dance, basically do anything. She's an amazing, beautiful, down-to-earth person as well, and I have no doubt that she wants to stay true to Hannah and the book. I just don't see her as Hannah. I personally feel that Hannah should be played by an unknown actress. For me, the movie will be more raw and more personal. As well, casting an unknown will open doors for one lucky, deserving girl (not saying that Selena is undeserving, but I know, with how her career is going right now, she'll get so many more chances). To me, the book was about second chances, especially at the end with Clay and Sky. Maybe Selena will surprise me, but right now, I'm personally unhappy with her as Hannah.
Do you have a twitter jay so fans of the book could follow?
For those who want Logan Lerman to play Clay Jensen maybe we shouldn't get our hopes up too much. we don't even know if he's being considered though he would be an excellent choice
Logan lerman should so be clay.
Love the book
I was in Huttle's class when you came in, and I think it'd be awesome if Mister Huttle could have a cameo/small part in this.
To be honest I didn't read the book :( but I definitely gonna read it!! It looks really awesome!! I hope Logan plays Clay he is really talented!!!
Whoever said Huttle should have a cameo is totally right.
After you of course.
Time to start two campaigns:
#LoganLermanIsClay and #JayAsher13RWcameo
This is AMAZING! Huge congratulations, "YAY" a million times over. Selena is a definite, YES for Hannah. You're so right on that one, can't wait to see this movie. Best of luck with everything!
logan lerman just offered role of Dave Hodgman in Jonathan Kasdan's "The First Time" if he accepts that on top of Perks of Being a Wallflower he might not want to go into another Teen movie project - but anything can happen
good choice of HANNA! selena gomez is a great actress, she can play dramatic roles (wizards of waverly place the movie, Princess protect programm). im so excited about this movie! in germany we are reading your novel at school in english! its great^^ i always imagine selena as hanna by reading it^^ logan lerman would be a great clay! i hope he joins too^^
First: 13 Reasons Why is one of the best books i've ever read. and I read a lot. trust me. I think it's incredible and I totally started a brand new point of view when I finished reading it. I think you're an awesome writer and 13 Reasons Why is seriously perfect. yeah.
Second: selena gomez is wonderfull. I'm not a fan or something. I just think she's so gorgeous and talented and so down to earth, I love it. she will be the best Hannah Baker you could ever choose.
Third: I just read a lot of rumors about Logan Lerman playing Clay. When I was reading the book, I couldn't think of anyone else but Logan to play Clay. Seriously. Even though I didn't even think about Selena, now I see how ridiculously perfect this movie is going to be if played by Selena and Logan. it's like, the perfect match. oh, my, god. i'm totally hoping to see 'em both in this movie. i can't wait!
ps: i'm sorry about my bad english. i'm brazilian lol
Awsome!Logan Lerman should so be Clay. He is the only one i can think of.
OMFG> i wont sleep now ;D
yes jay's now on twitter - you won't regret it.And speaking of twitter @upandcomers tweeted today that Logan Lerman's reps said that he's no longer attached to "The First Time" AND the 13Reasons casting are just rumors at this stage. So if the producers haven't considered him yet, could you send them a shoutout Jay, please. i mean look @ the comments here and also on the book's site, there are as many logan posts as those abt selena
a film journalist tweeted that maybe logan didn't take The First Time offer bec he might be more interested in 13RW - wish it was as easy as that
I vote Logan Lerman & Selena Gomez for the part!!!
I'm from Belgium, and hope you will pick Selena and Logan for the cast of the movie, because they are both one of my favourite actors, and I am sure that they would do it fantastic together
I am from Zimbabwean and I'm extremely happy that Selena Gomez will be playing Hannah, I mean Sel is really down-to-earth and nice and she does deserve the part. People are saying the rape parts will not be in the movie because of Selena's image, I personally think acting has nothing to do with her image.... she will be acting and if she pulls a rape off then we will all know for sure that she is awesome!! I also watched Percy Jackson and the Lightning thief recently and Yes Logan will be perfect for Clay... I can definitely see them together. And yes Jay you should have a cameo!!!
When I found out that this book was going to become a movie is was ecstatic! None of the good books are ever made into films, but this one is going to be! I'm not so sure I’m on board with everyone else with the whole Selena Gomez being Hannah.. I mean she is a great actress and I love her TV show and the movies she has been in, but she is a Disney kid. All her little fans are going to want to see this movie and it's not really geared towards the younger audience. I understand she has an older audience as well, but her coming from Disney her fans aren't used to some of the more mature scenes that are going to take place in this movie. I’m also on the fence on how Selena would handle the physical and mental strain this would put her through.
I was excited when i came upon that my favoirte book was being written into a movie, but i was also very scared to see who will play who. it dearly upseted me when i saw selena gomez, though she is a good actress, i personally think she doesnt suit this role at all. Someone different , that doesnt do disney would have fitted the role more better.
Readig this blog, made me think a little, and wih a new role and new genre from what she is use too, it might change her from being known as that dinsey girl and her disney image. Just hoping she does an ok job and doesnt kill the book. Like you said Mr. Asher, you are very protective of hannah baker, i can see why, you created her and made her story. Though the character is similar to someone you have met in real life, you made hannah, and now into a movie.
I really think their should be a sequal to this book, it left me with many questions.
i also think selena is the best for Hannah Baker..
I am so FREAKING excited about the movie!!! I read the book twice and I can just say I adore it! The storyline is AMAZING and you are such a talented writer!!!!
And Selena is adorable, the girl always does an incredible job, really!!! She can REALLY act! ♥ AHHHHH! i'm so excited! This made my day, really!!!!
Okay if Logan Lerman played clay this would be the BEST movie ever made :) him and selena would be awesome together in the movie :) xx
You should cast Logan Lerman as clay he would be amazing especially with Selena Gomez to be honest i haven't read your book yet i just read about it online but it sounds like an awesome book and i'm going to try and buy it tomorrow, can wait to see the movie. You ROCK ! :) xx
No. I don't see Selena Gomez as a good choice for Hannah at all.
I've enjoyed the roles I've seen her in so far so it has nothing to do with her acting skills.
Gomez just does NOT fit the image I have of Hannah in my mind. The image I have of Hannah, I think, is based on the girl on the cover of the book. She's tall, pretty, -blonde-, down to earth but with her own flare going on. Gomez also doesn't have the voice I hear when I think of Hannah in my mind.
While I don't think she would be the best choice... I would love to see Taylor Swift in a serious acting role. I loved her in Valentine's Day but she got a lot of flack for it, saying she couldn't act and such. But she was -supposed- to act silly, she was -supposed- to be the dumb cheerleader.
Logan Lerman would be a great choice to play Clay.
all those people getting worked up about casting for the hunger games should learn a lesson from your book about stereotyping. while I really would like to see Logan Lerman play Clay as he's a talented actor and really has a Clay vibe, i won't throw a fit if he doesn't play the part (i'd be really sad though lol). All those who don't like Selena for the role pls read the book again
Selena is a perfect choice for Hannah, she is a wonderful actress and she will pull it off, i see Hannah baker inside her, VERY GOOD CHOICE JAY! this movie is going to turn out very well.
Wow i just bought the book yesteday. Its amazing. Im halfway done.Hannah baker is a great role for selena, And i think Logan Lerman should play Clay Jensen. HEs a great actor. I know because i saw most of his movies. I can Picture him being clay!! :) Cant wait for the film :) The book is fantastic.
I am gonna disagree with you all, i think Irish-American Actress Saoirse Ronan is more fitting for this role, her appearance, her voice, her personality on one role she played (The Lovely Bones). I believe she would pull this off better than Selena, added the mature role of Hannah Baker, She can handle all the mature stuff, kissing, touching, stuff that Selena can never be allowed to do.
I'm not sure if you still read comments in this blog since you wrote it awhile ago. But I found a couple of interviews where Selena has talked about 13RW. I thought I'd share in case you haven't read them.,8599,2080314,00.html
The love you two have for this project just makes me excited!
I hope Logan Lerman became Clay because is so talented!!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
I really am not excited about Selena playing Hannah. I've watched her act for the last couple of years and not seen anything that shows me she can do this, but I guess I have to trust you Jay. Personally, I think Nikki Reed from the movie Thirteen could have done this beautifully but I guess she is probably too old to play a 17 year old. I will give this movie a chance however, I hope you are truely happy Jay with the movie when you first see it.
I am soo excited for it to come out! I read the book for school and loved it! I'm taking my test tomorrow and am super pumpped!!!(:
" I simply said, “It’s for me.” And then I grabbed my bag and ran from the store."
That's quite funny.
I can't wait for the movie to be in the making! And I think you being involved with it is a best thing as per J.K. Rowling with Harry Potter. I dislike books that turned into movies that did not tell the story or more so the story was altered. But more power to you and I can't wait to get a copy of your next book coming out in November.
The book was soooo sooo amazing. I would rate it 5 stars. I can't wait for the movie to come out.. but Selena Gomez playing the part of Hannah Baker? Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Selena Gomez but she is a cheerful person, she isn't the type of person I would expect to play a role like this...
But I can't wait to see how the movie falls together, and how the details will be like the book, and also who the other characters will be played by.
I so think that yall should have Sasha Pieterse that plays allison on Pretty Little Liars play Courtney in the movie. Courtneys character is the popular mean girl and Sasha definitely knows how to play that character.
LOGAN LERMAN!!!!!!!!!!!<3333333333
This is going to be a great movie. I can already tell.... But if the writer completely messes up the original plot I will be devastated. Selena will make a wonderful Hannah and I love how you had sushi with her :)
And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make Logan Lerman Clay!! Or Atleast put in a good word. You already see all these fans requesting him :)
I can't wait for the movie and you definetly need a cameo! Maybe you can be an extra at Monet's or Rosie's :)
I'm sure Selena can pull it off. And Logan Lerman would be a perfect Clay Jensen. I'm so excited about the movie.
I wish i could be in this movie but that will never happen because everybody laughs when i tell them that i want to go into acting so i guess that dream is down the drain.
on youtube there are trailers made for this movie but who is the voice of hannah in those trailers because it doesn't sound like selena
I have read the book and I am really excited for the movie! During the time I was reading the book I couldn't picture anybody playing Hannah until I saw this post. Then I reread the book and now I think it would be really interesting to see Selena Gomez play Hannah baker since I have watched a few episodes of "The wizards of waverly place" and in the show her character, Alex Russo, is normally a rebellious teen so to see her change in this film will be really interesting to see. I also honestly believe you should get Logan Lerman to play clay Jensen X)! Sorry I could help myself!!!
Any new news on the movie Jay? I'm getting so excited for it! Any news especially on the Actor that is going to play clay? (Maybe someone named Logan Lerman) ;) just a thought! Huge fan.
Selena is a great actress and I'm also a fan of her but I personally don't think she's right for the role of Hannah Baker. She looks too sweet for Hannah. I imagined Hannah to be someone with blonde hair and has a face that isn't too sweet. Oh, well what's there is there, can't do anything anymore. But I'm still looking forward to seeing the movie! :D the novel was superb! :D
i doubt you'll see my one comment but so many others have mentioned it. i read you previous post about not wanting to rush the process and i respect your decision always but i cant and never will imagine watching this movie without logan merman playing clay. its almost like the movie is playing in my head as I'm reading the book over and over and no one but me understands how much exactly i want to see him in this. it is more than a celebrity crush or him being a great actor but its about who's perfect for the part. please tell me you've watched perks of being a wallflower. well at the almost ending scene where logan is breaking down emotionally; theres your clay in plain sight. he can capture the emotion in the park scene of 13 reasons why (thats the scene that runs though my head with logan as i read the book) perks of being a wallflower is the movie you need to see and once you watch it, you will know you found your clay just as you watch princess protection program for selena. however its your book and absolutely your choice. hope the movie comes out soon! :) (sorry for the super long post i like to prove a point haha)
as much as i want logan lerman to play clay believe me i want it so much however (and i am totally going to regret saying this) i think brenton thwaites ftom the giver would be the next best actor for clay. he also had to portray and capture the emotion in the giver a lot because the whole movie was about experiencing feelings and there were multiple scenes where there was sadness. of course my first choice is always logan (definitely see perks of being a wallflower for his best acting) for clay but if that doesn't work out i could see brenton playing the role too :)
Hi Jay,
I love "thirteen reasons why" and dealt with it in my class. My students also enjoyed it and we are looking foreward to watch the movie. Can you please give us some information about the release date?
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