It was the first time we signed hardcovers of The Future of Us together, which was a moment we'd been waiting for! Our genius publicist (I don't think she sleeps), Elyse, is standing between us in this photo.
In terms of excitement, a close second to signing books and meeting readers is getting to meet authors for the first time. And NCTE/ALAN was great for meeting authors!
Ned Vizzini
Sarah Zarr
Michelle Hodkin
Megan McCafferty
That evening, Penguin held a delicious (delicious!) dinner, with even more authors.
Jacqueline Woodson
Stephanie Perkins
The next day, Carolyn and I attended a great YA author booksigning at Anderson's Bookshop. I think we should come up with a word to describe a group of authors. Something like a gaggle or a pride of authors. Not those, but something! Any ideas?
This signing featured the two of us, Coe Booth, Jeff Hirsch, Heather Brewer, A.S. King, C.J. Hill, Stephanie Perkins, Jackie Kessler, and David Levithan. David moderated the evening, asking each author very insightful questions. I would've attended this event even if I wasn't speaking/signing (thankfully, I was!). In a beautiful moment, after several authors expressed how difficult their time in high school was, David mentioned how supportive and warm the feeling is when YA authors get together at events like these. He commented on how wonderful it would've been to attend high school with each other, and all of us immediately realized the truth in that statement. Even if I only see these authors once every few years, they are my friends.
On our final day in Chicago, Carolyn and I spoke in front of a huge roomful of people about how we wrote The Future of Us and why we decided to work together. One day, hopefully soon, we'll speak in a town near you!
And now, I'm on my way to the airport to spend Thanksgiving with my family.
Hopefully my seatmate lets me sleep!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Jay, and to JoanMarie and Isaiah also! I hope that you can make a stop in NJ for the book; there's a great indie bookstore right near my house whose owner would LOVE to have you...
That sounds like so much fun! Hope you have a fantastic Thanksgiving with your family!
How about an Aura of authors?
It was so great meeting you at NCTE & ALAN! My 9th graders are so excited when I introduce them to 13RW & The Future of Us!
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