For our twelfth giveaway, the bonus item is a time-warp clock.

Yes, the clock actually works. And because we're so generous, we'll install a fresh battery and set it to your time zone before we mail it.
We'll randomly select one person who comments on this Future Friday post to receive both prizes. There’s no need to leave your email address, but do check back on Saturday to see if you’ve won.
This week, since we already asked you to tell us your favorite time travel movie and your favorite movie released in 1996, we want you to tell us your favorite romantic comedy. Here are a couple of rom-com lists to get you started.
And here are our answers:
It has to be When Harry Met Sally. It's perfect. I thought it at 16 and I think it now. Funny, heartfelt, quirky. It still holds up!
50 First Dates. I expected this movie to be funny, but I didn't expect it to almost make me cry. I said 'almost' because I don't cry at movies. I don't! It piece of popcorn in my eye. Buttered popcorn.
Bride wars and LOL John Tucker Must Die :D But I like drama not comedy :)
Easy A is what comes to mind because I just rewatched it a little while ago. But truthfully, I haven't seem that many romantic comedies, so I don't have a lot to pick from.
Princess Bride, wov true wov.
No doubt: "Love Actually" from 2003. Love the script, love the actors, love the music.
My Best Friend's Wedding was very funny back at the time. I'm not into Romantic Comedy though.
Nothing will ever compare to the Princess Bride for me! To say anything else would be inconceivable! LOL :)
ummmm.....a couple of people already said Princess Bride so I will go with Harold and Maude...
"I like you, Maude."
"I like you, Harold."
Never been kissed is my favorite romantic comedy. I can watch it over and over and still get a great laugh:)
My favorites would have to be Sleepless in Seattle and The Princess Bride-Such great movies.
I love Easy A! It's a combination of The Scarlet Letter and all the amazing 80s movies. (:
That is one awesome clock!
I absolutely love romantic comedies. Never Been Kissed has got to be one of my favorites.
Breakfast at Tiffanys. Audrey Hepburn was definitely one of a kind. Not just as an actress but as a kindhearted soul. Who doesn't love Moon River.
10 Things I Hate About You. It's a twist on a classic Shakespeare play that has the right amount of vulgarness and love to make you swoon every time you see it. Plus, Heath Ledger is in it; what could be better!
Crazy, Stupid, Love. Funny & romantic at the same time.
Love the clock!!!
Aww I'd have to say Serendipity. That movie always gives me the warm and fuzzies ^_^
I have so many favorite romantic comedies but you cannot beat the all time greatest which is of course The Princess Bride. "As You Wish!"
The Wedding Singer, is hands down one of my favs. It’s the perfect combination of love, eighties music, and big hair.
Pretty in Pink for the win. Can't go wrong with Molly Ringwald, John Hughes, Duckie, and James Spader!
Oh definitely When Harry Met Sally. it's one of my very top favorites. Always makes me laugh and cry!!
But the new movie, Crazy Stupid Love was pretty good I have to say. Can't beat Ryan Gosling.
Do musicals count? If so then it is Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. "Love is like the measles. You only get it once, and the older you are, the harder you take it."
If musicals don't count then it is The Princess Bride. "Is this a kissing book?"
Hm... Runaway Bride. No, Love Actually. NO... Beauty and the Briefcase. No, not that one. 27 Dresses. Enchanted. Never Been Kissed. My Life in Ruins...
Uhh.... why Jay Asher and Carolyn Mackler must you put the task of picking my favorite romantic comedy on me?
Okay, okay. I've got the perfect one. The Ugly Truth. I just love it.
10 Things I Hate About You is my favorite. I have seen it a bazillion times!
Too many to choose from. I'm such a hopeless romantic. One of my favorites has to be 10 Things I Hate About You. I just love everything about that movie.
Easy A! I love that movie!
There are so many amazing classics but it's just hard to steer away from Juno!
My big family Wedding is probably one of the funniest movies, but it still makes you shed a few tears.
Hard to decide but I'll go with Love And Other Drugs.
It has to be Princess Bride.
My Big Fat Greek Wedding is still my favorite romantic comedy of all time! It doesn't matter how many times I watch it it still cracks me up AND makes me fall in love with John Corbett over...and over...and over... ^_^
Annie Hall is hands down my very favorite. How can you not love pathetic Alvy Singer?!
I love 10 Things I Hate About You and Love Actually. Such great movies.
I'm gonna have to say Love Actually. It reminds us that love is all around, and whether it's perfect love, or a love that needs rebuilding, it's still there. It's a sweet movie and that airport run at the end will forever be one of my favorite scenes.
"Love, actually, is all around us"
Romantic favorite would have to be 27 Dresses! Not the biggest Katherine Heigl fan but James Marsden cancels it out :)
500 Days of Summer is definitely my favorite Romantic Comedy because its not cheesy and it is so real. It was a genuine story about love and the way people react. Everyone looked at Summer like she was a bitch for not feeling the same about Tom but Tom was irrational. Honestly I feel like most people will relate to Tom. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Zooey Deschanel are perfect in their roles. Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging is a close second because it is just hilarious.
It's Complicated (2009) with Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, and Steve Martin who all happen to be in a sort of love triangle). I don't usually like romantic comedies, but this was more funny than romantic.
-Madison Parker :)
I Have a TON of favs.
Okay, so theres 50 First Dates, it was beautiful. I could listen to the beach boys 'wouldnt it be nice' ALL day. It was SO funny and so heartfelt! Loved it.
Others: Sweet Home Alabama, Just Like Heaven, When In Rome,10 Things I Hate About You... 13 Going On 30 (LOVED it, it was magical, funny and I love that guy in it, hes so cute.)
Um... Shes The Man- twas hilarious, A Cinderella Story, [starring Hilary Duff, ofcourse.]
What Happens In Vegas, My Big Fat Greek Wedding... Well yeah, those are some of my absolue favs, from the top of my head.
I love the Princess Bride and Mamma Mia! Especially Mamma Mia, though. I've seen it so many times, and I've even seen the play 2 or 3 times live. It's pretty awesome.
The Princess Bride has been one of my faves for a long time.
I would have to say The Notebook. It is such a great movie and makes you cry. I love it.
The Sure Thing. John Cusack as Gib? Please! What a cute goofball. AND it has the classic love/hate relationship. Sigh.
Defiantly Pretty in Pink. No one can beat out Duckie!
definitely The Proposal :) It's so funny and such a cute movie!
My favorites are "The Princess Bride", "(500)Days of Summer", and "Crazy, Stupid, Love" because the fist one is a classic, the next is so unique, and the last because of its look one love.
Easy A, Princess Bride, and a number of others. Does Galaxy Quest count?
Can't wait to read "The Future of Us", whether through this contest or on the official release day!
Enchanted and The Princess Bride. And The Princess Diaries II, if that counts.
Argh. I spend so much time reading. I really need to devote a bit more to cinema.
My favorite is "Ten Inch Hero". I love everything about that movie, I probably watch it once a month :0)
my favorite romantic comedy movies are 10 things I hate about you and just go with it! I have a lot more, but I can't think of any :D
Romantic comedies are some of my favorite films. I love "Sense and Sensibility" with Emma Thompson and Alan Rickman. I can not really decide which is my favorite between "Fool's Gold" and "How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days" though.
Hmm.. I can't really remember many romantic movies that I've seen, I'm more of a horror movie girl ;) But I really liked the movie Valentines Day!
Thanks so much for the giveaway, that clock is very cool & I am sooo excited to read The Future of Us!
candycane16 (at) roadrunner (dot) com
Haha... I love the clock!
I liked Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist. It reminded me so much of my college days!
I'm not a big fan of romantic comedies, but I do admit I absolutely love Enchanted. It's too cute!
Kate and Leopold, because what girl doesn't want a gentleman like that, and it has to do with time! :D
Princess Bride, Love Actually, Music and Lyrics, About a Boy, Bridget Jones (notice the Hugh Grant trend in all but one of these)
My favorite romantic comedy is Love Actually. There is so many actor I like in this movie ! (Alan Rickman forever lol)
I like Just Married because the people in it are crazy. I also like No Reservations because the people in it are also crazy,and it's pretty heartwarming. I don't really watch very many movies, so I don't know of very many romantic comedies.
My favorite Romantic Comedy is You've Got Mail. Tom Hanks just makes my heartbeat a little faster and who doesn't love the adorable Meg Ryan.
Michelle (O'Boyled Books)
My favorite romanic comedy would have to be 10 Things I Hate About You, it has been since I was ten and still is ten years later!
Hmmm.... I've gotta say either I Love You, Beth Cooper, or Life As We Know it... they're both so good!
my favorite movie EVER is You've Got Mail. I love the sound of their internet connecting, the oldfashioned 'ping' when they have an email and the story is just great. I love that it's about the internet and I love that it's about books and bookstores. I can watch the movie again and again and not get bored.
*plans to watch it again soon with a steaming mug of hot chocolate*
Say Anything (1989) with John Cusack and Ione Skye.
27 Dresses is my favorite, so cute!
What Happens In Vegas with Ashton Kutcher and Cameron Diaz
Can't Buy me Love and 16 candles! Truthfully, the 80's are the best decade for movies!
I absolutely love The Proposal, it's funny in all the right moments. But I have to also add Easy A, Emma Stone is simply stunning. You can't not love her.
I love Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, but I think Hitch has to be my all-time favorite rom-com. Kevin James owns that movie.
Definitely Friends with Benefits. The pairing in that movie was spectacular and made for a really funny movie.
(The Princess Bride made a close second. But I have to admit, I liked the book a lot more than the movie.)
Oh my gosh, When in Rome with Josh Duhamel....AMAZING!!! Truly amazing. =)
the holiday. Even in the middle of the summer, it speaks true about relationships of love and friendship. LOVE IT!
27 Dresses. It's just a fun, all-the-round good movie. 10 Things I Hate About You is another favorite. :)
Can't Hardly Wait. I love all the late 90s made for teen movies.
Sweet Home Alabama is one of my favorites.
I'm not really in to love stories but Letters to Juliet changed me :D
My favorite romantic comedy of all time is Bride Wars. Love it!
For me, it's_Leap Year_. Thanks for the giveaway!
Hmmmmmmm....I'd have to say...My Big Fat Greek Wedding! It's funny and I've watched it so many times! Good movie!
It's either Legally Blonde or Miss Congeniality (I know, I know, we're supposed to choose one but I can't honestly choose one over the other!). I don't know what it is about these movies, but I've seen each dozens of times and still watch them every time I catch either of them on television. Both center on what women can achieve despite odds stacked against them, but both movies are, of course, comic in nature and have the romantic element that keeps them lighthearted. (Have I used the word "them" enough in this paragraph?)
500 Day Of Summer has to be one of the bests.It was such a touching movie, but very funny all at the same time.
"Forget Paris" Billy Crystal at his best. Always watch it when it comes on tv.
You've Got Mail is one of my favorites - love it!
I'm a total sap and love many romantic comedies. These are at the top of the list. Breakfast at Tiffany's, Amelie, Love Actually, Pillow Talk, How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days, Bridget Jones's Diary, Pretty Woman, Sabrina (original & remake), Roman Holiday
Seriously, 50 first dates is my favorite too. And I can assure you it's not because how many times my mother has watched it. Lol. I just love the story it has to tell! I also love the Freedom Writers because this teacher takes a chance on teaching these troubled students. Ahh I could go on and on about movies I love! It's hard to pick just one.
I just checked out 10 copies of 13 Reasons Why last week.. I know you wanna pick me.
pick me. pick me. please.. I always share my books.
10 Things I Hate About You :)
I was going to go with 50 First Dates, but since you pick that I'll go with The Wedding Singer. Both great rom-coms.
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