According to the most recent list, Thirteen Reasons Why has been a New York Times bestseller for 29 weeks. In other words...it's going on 30. Woo-hoo! And if it makes it to 30, one of you will win a big ol' bag o' goodies.

Here's what you'll get with this themed prize:
- A bookbag from the San Luis Obispo library, which is where I worked when I wrote most of Thirteen Reasons Why.
- A signed copy of my book.
- A copy of the audiobook, signed by me and my wife. JoanMarie performs an original song, Soul Alone, at the end of the production.
- A t-shirt from the world's coolest publisher, Razorbill.
- A DVD of 13 Going On 30.
- A pound of Wild Women Blend coffee (which inspired the Hairy Chest Blend in the book) from Linnaea's Café (which inspired Monet's Garden Café).
- Fifty Fandango Bucks, in honor of the place Hannah and Clay worked one summer.
- The Monster at the End of this Book (starring Lovable, Furry Old Grover), which is the most suspenseful book ever written.
- An audiocassette recording of Cassette 5: Side A, with me reading as Clay and JoanMarie reading as Hannah.
- A booklight, because you won't be able to put down The Monster at the End of this Book even if it is past your bedtime.
- A Buffalo Tom c.d. which includes the song Larry. I listened to that song over and over while writing the final two pages.
- Strawberry lipgloss, in honor of Clay's first kiss.
For a chance to win, all you've gotta do is leave your name in the comments section of this post between now and Saturday. Every name will go in a bag and one will be drawn at random. Come back on May 24th to find out if you've won.
Good luck!
And thank you!!!
RULES CLARIFICATION: Leaving an e-mail, MySpace, or blog address will make it much easier and quicker to contact you. But if you simply leave your name, you are still entered. Just make sure to come back on May 24th to see if you've won and we'll figure it out from there. And yes, people who live in another country can play, too!
Abigail Landers
Email adress, I dont know how you would get a hold of me.
I am from germany. Is it possible to be a part of this game, too? If yes, here ist my name:
Andrea Koßmann
E-Mail: kossi@kossis-welt.de
URL: www.kossis-welt.de
Great Idea!!
Nice Weekend,
this is a great idea. <3 my name's ayla and my myspace is linked above.
oh oh oh!! what a fantastic competition!!
I'm in Australia.
Steph Bowe
I hope it does make it to 30 weeks! Congratulations!
It will definately make it to 30 weeks, i've recommended it to so many of my friends and they all loved it.
i've read it twice myself.
Kimberly Wineinger
good luck to everyone.
Ann Finkelstein
I remember when you came to our school to speak about T1rteen R3asons Why. I decided that there was no harm in attempting to win the epic bag o' amazingness.
Email: epicfailureproductions@gmail.com
Taylor Foster
Email is skyfaner@gmail.com
Myspace: myspace.com/carmenita__
I love this idea and that book!!
i love it.
megan pease
Cheryl Smith
That is GREAT! Congratulations! I'm glad that there are loads of other people out there who love TRW as much as I do. :D
you are an AMAZING author!
my name is kelly
Drea (dreasowersATgmailDOTcom)
My name is Ann-Frances. :)
I love the movie 13 going on 30. :P I hope Thirteen Reasons Why makes it to the 30ith week. That would be amazing. When you won The Florida Teens Read, that totally made my day. :))))
I'm Kaity Noel Stogsdill. This so awesome. I never win drawings but I thought it couldnt hurt to try. I'm pumped. I'll ne checking back here but if I do win and need to be reached I'm your friend on myspace. [=
Evette Champion
Ashley Combs
I don't know how you are going to get a hold of the winner but my email is chatgurl_7000@yahoo.com. I am also one of your friends on myspace.
Mandi Antieau
e-mail: mandi_antieau@yahoo.com
savannah porter!
Sarah Wolfe.
And here's my email, otherwise you wouldn't be able to get a hold of me.
Sarah Stevens
Email: sugarlandhorse@xipline.com
I'm so glad 13RW made it to 30! I've read the book three times and I had to make my friend take it away form me becasue it has greatly affected my life. This book made me look at my life in a way I never have. Thank you very much.
i honestly thought this book was brillant.
Asia Rogers
Here's to 13 going on 300!
Please enter me for your goodie bag giveaway.
J.L. Finnell
Ibby Han, ibbyhan@gmail.com
Oooh. Love your book. And, guiltily, love that movie. Please enter me in the contest!
Liz Flair
Renee Combs
This book looks so incredibly intense! I very much want to read it :-x Congrats on going on 30 weeks!
Katy Norman
Brandon Sloan
Linda Skeers
Should I give you 13 reasons why I want to win?
Elizabeth Dunn-Ruiz
Kimma Barger
you are amazing!
Wow, this is awesome! Congrats to your book getting closer to 30! It's well deserved!
K.M. Walton
email: campkindness@comcast.net
Congrats on the 30 weeks, Jay. Way cool!
I have read the book once and am on it a second time =)
Jessica Howard
Amanda Henderson
great idea jay!
Hi my name is Michelle Voorhees.
Email: ShellyV39@aol.com
I love this book, and Jay. I can't wait for him to put out another one.
Celina Solis
congrats on the 30 weeks, that book IS amazing!
I like new and cool sounding words too--so I make up little phrases.
Here is one--when someone does something great--they are an "awesome blossom" or the thing can be that too--it all works!
Take Care,
Angie Vogelman
YA Librarian
Newton Public Library
Newton, Ks
**ps--if I win this-- I will give it away @ Summer Reading Program-tnx
Aimee Schneider
Meigan Montoya
email: mgn_tantan@live.com
my myspace is linked in my name. You're one of my friends.
Casey McCormick
13 Reasons Why was absolutely amazing. I loved it.
My Name: Hannah
Email: xrescue.mex00@yahoo.com
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/0_h_a_n_n_a_h_0
Hey, I wanna win a big bag o' stuff. :)
What an amazing book!! Of COURSE it will get to 30 weeks.
Jordan Lawrence
myspace: www.myspace.com/renaissance_love
**crosses fingers**
Amanda Hewer
Love the book love love love it. I hope it makes it to the 30th week!
email: hadas.moalem@gmail.com
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/frenchaddict88
Good luck! I hope you make it!
Abigail Garcia
Msg me on myspace
my email
Christie Shafer
The absolute best book I have read in all my 33 years and praying for another!!
e-mail: shafer76@yahoo.com
Am I too late? I hope not! Just leave a comment on my blog in case I win. ;)
Okay, well I just commented and I was so dumb.. I forgot to leave my blog address:
I hope I win!
Also, GREAT book.
Jenny Thorson
Methinks this might be a ploy to find out exactly who lurks on your blog.
If so, I take my hat off to you. Good play, sir.
Vickie Arvello
This is a great giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity. My email address is
brittany ray!!!!!
email: britt22girl@yahoo.com
i LOVE this book it's hands down my fav!!!
Cool idea! I just finished reading the book and I thought that it was incredible!
I would love to win!
I read your book quite a while ago and will NEVER forget it.
It was amazing in so many ways words can not express.
If I were to win, I will be sharing your book with as many people as I can. I read it on my Kindle so I can only tell others how much I liked it. :)
Congrats on your success! It's very much deserved!
Nicole Golphenee
Olivia Dalton
Holly Judge
email: hj_brunette@hotmail.com
i seriously could not put your book down. its amazing.
Sunnie Prevette
my myspace link is: www.myspace.com/bookworm_07
Brian H
Cool, cool contest!
Beth Revis
Congrats to you and thanks for the awesome contest. I hope I could finally get my own copy of 13RW!
Thao Tran
E-mail: Snickersate40@yahoo.com
or myspace
I've met you before! We read part of the book together in Mr. Huttle's class!
OmyGawd Awesome!
Donna Aileen R.
and my myspace link at the bottom:]
I am also from Germany. I also think it makes 30 weeks! Good luck!
And I also would like to take part so here is my e-mail-adress:
Courtney Franz
Email: courtneyanne1991@yahoo.com
YAY! I'm so in love with that book!
I loved this book!
My birthday is actually on May 24, not even kidding. So winning this could make for an amazing present!
Email: destiny_nicole03@yahoo.com
that's my friend's birthday!
and she loves this book, so i want to give her this sweet bag of cool stuff!
her name is Destiny and she entered too.
Angela is My nAme And My email is angela19m88@yahoo.com
and my myspace url is http://www.myspace.com/la_reyna_de_jalisco
Sara Guthrie
E-Mail:: gu3_sara@yahoo.com
Myspace:: myspace.com/sara_gu3
Can't have enough copies of 13 Reasons Why! (Or 13 going on 30 for that matter!
Woo Hoo! Congrats!!
Jessica Guerrero
Really great book. Are you working on any new books?
How fun! This book has not been on my shelves all year in my library, and we still have at least 20 students on hold that can't get it until NEXT year. (And, we have 4 copies!. We had 5, but someone moved and took it with them!) One of my favorites...
Tricia LaRue
Thanks and Congrats
I loved it. It made me cry and think about everything that has happened in my life thanks for writing such an incredible book.
Oh I really hope it makes it to week 30 and past that too!
Whoops, I forgot the email
Olivia Jackson
megan larson
or my myspace is:
Allyson Ahlstrom
I loved the book. :)
Wow - 30 and growing and 8 different country additions.
When are you going overseas to promote your book?
When is your next book coming out?
Love the book and hearing about you! ! !
Ooh. La. La.
Count me in!
Tammi Sauer
OMG!!!! Congratz to ur 13RW turns into 30 now...i want to get my own 13RW with ur autograph.. it's amazing!!!
Tran Nguyen
web: ckaylie777@blogspot.com
Wow, almost 30 weeks?! That's amazing! And great contest!
- Jenny
Thanks for such a powerful book, and for also sharing your writing woes at the Blue Boards.
I really like the photo journey at MySpace.
Chris Hingley
c _ films @ hotmail . com
(Hoping that the third time is the charm)
Stephanie Ursini
Email address: singerchic1920@hotmail.com
Ok this is just an awesome contest! Very generous of you!
Danielle Brown
my e-mail is: dbrown@carteretfreepubliclibrary.org
and url is myspace.com/carteretlibraryteens
Hey Jay. Great Contest Idea. Here's my entry.
David Williamson
Email: dave92@rogers.com
Myspace: Click HereTwitter: Click Here
Count me in, that book was wonderful I would love to listen to it on audio!
Brittany Moore
Elkin Public Library
You can reach me at
Traci Glass
e-mail: onedividedbytwo@gmail.com
This sounds amazing!
I'd like to enter... my name is Davina.
Triz M
E: tvch_triz@yahoo.ca
Congratulations! It is a great book - I'm happy so many people are getting to read it.
That sounds like an amazing way to celebrate! :D
jenny plattel
*fingers crosssed*
Heart this book
email; preppy_arteaga@hotmail.com
I'm Athirah from Malaysia
my email: athirahali@ymail.com
one of the reasons I wanted this so bad is because I want to get '13 Reasons Why' which is sadly unavailable in my country. Hopefully i win. hahaha :)
Betty Rozema
search "betty rozema" on myspace to find.
Good job! :D
Oh... Breath taking tale of a young girl and what she left behind.
Shawn Kelley
Search facebook/myspace for Shawn Kelley
Hey, I am following your blog from Austria since I read your book last christmas. And btw it is also really excellent in German ;)
Stefanie Lechner
E-Mail: stefanie-lechner@gmx.at
URL: stefanieemmy.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for that great idea!
Greetings! :)
Ciera St.Pierre
my email: ciera_st.pierre@yahoo.com
Kim Pickett
Thank you!!!
Danielle Kay
this is a great giveaway. I am still one of the sad few who haven't read the book but I really want to!
sports dot erikalynn at gmail dot com
Alicia Karasch
E-Mail: ciarox06@gmail.com
MySpace: myspace.com/alicia_2006
Hi!I loved Thirteen Reasons Why.
My name is Jackie Blanco and my email is misery.black@yahoo.com
Dachely hernandez
(by the way i just wanna say that this story was just amazing and real)
Email: lucy92696@yahoo.com
Angela Cummings
Rachel Chastain
email adress animarac91@yahoo.com
myspace www.myspace.com/snoopgal
Wooo Hooo! Damn! A Big congratulations to you, Jay! You must be proud. I am. Are you going to be at the SCBWI thingy in LA this year?
Quilla Franquemont
This book has absolutely touched and changed my like it is simply beautiful ad lyrical the way the book flows. I cried at the end I REALLY hope I win!
What a fun contest!
Lisa Bentley
Jessica Reeves
e-mail: jessicareeves5@hotmail.com
Nicole Bloome
I loved the book and have bought 2 class sets for my library which are always checked out. Congratulations!
Lynnda Shawver
Okay I Know I Already Signed Up For This But God Jay I Freaking Love Your Book And I Reallyyyyyy Reallyyy Wish I Could Win This! Like You seriously have no idea how much i want this!!!
It's Like Super Amazing!!
Congrats Jay!!!:]
or my myspace display name: DannyEugene.(put together w/ the period at the end btw.)
Oh and my real name is Donna Aileen R btw.
Oops I forgot to add my email in my last comment:]
-from the anxious to win this Donna Aileen R.
This is the best book ever and it will definitely make 30 weeks. This is a cool competition!
Jasmine Penny
lovely idea :)
Mikaela vdH
email address: 2cool2dropout@gmail.com!!!!
i have a friend that went through this kind of thing (she's still alive) i was terrified i would cry and just let all of my fellings out in my room because it scared me every time she would tell me she was thinking about it and it made me worry even more. well i told her to read this book to help her realize how many lives she was goig to hurt if she did this and after she got done with it she loved it and it inspired her and myself to not go through with this so im very happy one of these kind of books made sense to us alot of them we wouldn't understand but anyway thanls for writing a great book!:)
This book changes how I see everyone in my life. It really opened up my eyes. You're making a difference with this. It's amazing. :)
Stephani Savary
Best book I've read in a very long time. Intriguing, gripping, chilling, and haunting...in the best way possible!
Congratulations on a groundbreaking debut novel!
*crosses fingers*
Soleil Lisette
Victoria Antonitis, Youth Services Librarian
I love this book!!
Wish me luck!
Rasa Antonitis
I loved this book!!!!!
Alexis Jirtle
I hope it makes it to 30!
Hi it's Soleil again. I'd rather give you this MySpace address because I review books on there:
Thanks! And...
Thirteen Reasons Why...I Should Win :)
1. I
2. L
3. O
4. V
5. E
6. T
7. H
8. I
9. S
10. B
11. O
12. O
13. K
Have a wonderful day, Jay!
I am so IN on this contest! You know me, but I will give my blog address anyway. Your friends need to see you and 13RW plastered on one more blog!
Would love to enter this contest. indie_93@live.com.au
Hopeful thoughts from Brazil!
Amanda Veloso
Zakkarrii Edison Daniels
emily marchant
Megan Harrigfeld
I go by a nickname online:
paradoxrevealed (at) aim (dot) com
Hi, Can I still enter the contest? If so, my name is Serena Baik and my email is proton312@yahoo.com.
Again i want to say congrats Jay.
I'm prolly getting annoying now and i'm really really sorry.
hope i win.
-donna aileen R.
Myspace: star0980@yahoo.com
Yahoo: vanitygenocide@yahoo.com
Cheers to 13RW going on 30 and beyond!
Rochelle Blue
My name is Gabriela Chao,
E-mail: isoforgotit@yahoo.com
by the way, your book is amazing and deep. I absolutely loved it, one of my faves. :]
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