For our eighth giveaway, the bonus item is Sleepover Party Mad Libs. Our main characters, Josh and Emma, probably played Mad Libs during many of their childhood sleepovers. (And yes, the sleepovers stopped long before they became teenagers.)

We'll randomly select one person who comments on this Future Friday post to receive both prizes. There’s no need to leave your email address, but do check back on Saturday to see if you’ve won.
This week, we want to know which songs, good or bad, stand out the most to you that were released in 1996. If you were too young (or too old) to be into music then, you'll still probably know at least a few of these songs.
Here are our answers:
As Cool As I Am by Dar Williams because that is such a fun and empowering song. No, it's not a song. It's an anthem!
Crash Into Me by The Dave Matthews Band. I love it. Emma loves it. We all love Dave.
One of Us by Joan Osborne because it's just deep. It is.
I Want You by Savage Garden: If this came on, no matter what I was doing, I had to sing the “Chicka-Cherry-Cola” line.
Right Hand Man by Joan Osborne: Just rocks. Her voice is so deep down sexy!
Wannabe by The Spice Girls: My little bro did this in a Mock Rock competition with his friends. He was Posh Spice. You almost couldn’t hear the song over the screaming audience.
My skin crawls every time I hear the song Wanna Be by the Spice Girls, a friend of mine STILL listens to it ALL the time.
I was too young in 1996 but I remember the song of Zazie called "Zen", very peaceful !
Get Down by The Backstreet Boys! I was 12 in 1996 so boy bands were a hit to me. lol!
I can think of 2, 3AM by Matchbox Twenty, they are so 90's to me & I Want You by Savage Garden, I still know every word to that song!
In '96 I only had 4 years old...but I remember the song around the world of Daft Punk, it's kind of a classic.
Always be my Baby! because if I had a chance to read it, it will always be a part of me XD
I was too young for 1996, but Wannabe by Spice Girls sure as hell stands out. I think it's the "Oh tell me what you want, what you really really want" bit that really gets stuck in my head.
Butterfly by Weezer, because it was in the Weezer edition of Tap Tap Revenge, I think. I'm pretty sure I've played this song on TTR before.
Ahh, I love every song of Weezer! Butterfly, Waiting on You and Across The Sea are my favorites. And out of Weezer, I love Because You Loved By Celine Dion.
Thanks :)
It doesn't matter how horrible it is: The best song in 1996 was "The Night Santa went Crazy" by Wierd al! :)
Those were my Backstreet Boys obsession days (don't judge) So their first single "Get Down" has to be on this list.
Also, I had a hits Compilation CD called "NOW!" and it had I Believe by The Blessed Union of Souls on it. I couln't stop listening to that song! It was beautiful.
My Girlfriends and I Loved The Spicegirls and we had the whole Wannabe video memorized and used to preform it. LOL OMG I hope no one has THAT on video!
One of us by Joan Osburn still reminds me of Rick D's Saturday morning countdown. There were great songs from 1996, a few of my faves are: Spiderwebs by No Doubt, Champangne Supernova by Oasis and (my boyfriend's favorite band) 1979 or Tonight Tonight by Smashing Pumpkins.
For those of you too young, you know these songs, but here is a list to jog your memory.
Oh my goodness, anything by Dave Matthews sounds like college to me, so I gotta go with Crash into Me:) Exciting giveaway!
Santeria by Sublime brings back lots of high school memories, as does Crash into Me by DMB and The Old Apartment by BNL.
Me and my friends were really into Wannabe a little while back. Haha, those were good times!
Also obviously, the Macerena, and Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey.
Also, as a little fan note:
I LOVED 13 Reasons Why so freakin' much! I read it as an ebook, and I fell in love with it. So then I got a paperback for my younger sister.
Shes a reluctant reader, and I was so happy when she not only read the whole book, but actually really enjoyed it too!
Thanks Jay Asher. <3
I posted this on Goodreads before I realized it was most likely here for the comments to be posted.
Wannabe by Spice Girls ~ I couldn't help but love this song. It drove my sister and everyone else nuts, lol. I was 18 ha ha.
Bulls on Parade by Rage Against the Machine ~ Loved this band. This song is still just as awesome.
If I Ruled the World by Nas ~ It reminds me of my senior year of high school and how my friends and I loved it so much.
To me the song "Böser Wolf" by "Die Toten Hosen" stands out the most. It's a German song and band and my sister showed it to me when I was younger. I really enjoyed it and it even inspired me to write a story when I was younger.
"Til I Hear It From You" by the Gin Blossoms and "Wannabe" would be my picks! Now I'm going end up listening to my 90s playlist all day. ^_^ (Though I'll always want to headdesk when "That Thing You Do" comes on shuffle.)
Spice Girls - Wanna Be. Okay, given the fact that I was 6 when this was released, I had NO idea the meaning behind it. Until I got older, and I still know all the words and can't stop singing it if it comes on.
Until it Sleeps by Metallica!!! I had no idea what they were singing about, I was far too young to understand what Metallica is, but to this day they have remained my favorite band.
Wannabe by the Spice Girls. :) That song is so catchy and fun, even after all these years.
I'm not sure if it was out in 1995 or 1996 but I love Stand By Me, by Oasis.
Still listening to it.
Wow, this takes me back to middle school dances! I Want You by Savage Garden, Wannabe by the Spice Girls, and the Macarena of course were standards. But I want to put in a plug for two songs I still love, 3 am by Matchbox Twenty and One Headlight by The Wallflowers, from albums I still own and listen to unashamedly. Oh, and Amish Paradise is wickedly clever.
One Headlight by The Wallflowers – I love the lyrics for this one, they always seem to evoke different possible meanings.
Any of Sublime’s songs – always somewhat twisted, but intriguing.
California Love by Tupac – It’s pretty much a law for all Californian’s to love this ;)
King Nothing by Metlallica – the music in this is awesome! :D
Macarena by Los Del Rio
Oh, how I love the Spice Girls! Wannabe...I can still sing the song word for word. It would be hilarious to see your brothers version with his friends! That doesn't happen to be on any incriminating video does it? And Dave. You said it best. Everybody loves Dave.
Beautiful People - Marilyn Manson - Better than coffee first thing in the morning!
I only got a few songs into the list before I saw the two for me:
#41 by DMB
Across the Sea by Weezer
Hands down, these were my two favorite songs of all time in 1996. Holy crap... I even wrote a term paper for English based around a lyric from #41.
you have to make this hard, don't you? SO many good songs back then. 2 become one by the spice girls, i can still make cheyenne by george strait, and surprizingly beautiful people by marilyn mason are a few that really stuck out for me. those were ones that instantly started playing in my head when i saw the names.
I don't recognize many songs from 1996 because I was too young, but everyone knows "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls. It's such a fun pop song.
Wonderwall by Oasis
If it makes you happy -- Sheryl Crow; Give Me One Reason -- Tracy Chapman; A Long December -- Counting Crows.
All of those songs remind me that I knew already, just barely 2 years into it and pregnant that my life partner was unreliable and I was in for a rough road.
WANNA BE by Spice Girls stands out among the rest, hands down.
I was a big Spice Girls fan in my childhood (I was 8 in '96 and that may have been the year that I trick-or-treated as Baby Spice).
I'm not going to lie: the Spice Girls still routinely make appearances on my road trip playlists for the nostalgia factor.
Oh man, "That Thing You Do" from the movie. I moved across the country in 1996 and going to see that That Thing You Do was one of the first things I did with the girls who ended up becoming my best friends in high school (of course I didn't know it at the time).
Ohh Spice Girls! That's one band I remember. I was kind of young at the time (5 years old) so the music I used to listen to was mostly my parents music (meaning mostly Celine Dion, as my mother loved her)
Well, from 1996, BSB is a band that I still listen to once in a while (mostly the oldies, the new stuff, not so much...)
Ohh I was a closet N*SYNC and Britney Spears fan. Okay, maybe not so in the closet. "Hit me baby, one more time!"
Oh, I remember 2 Become One by The Spice Girls - I hated it! I hated everything they did, though. I loved I Believe I can Fly, though - it's such an uplifting song.
Could not stop singing ONE OF US by Joan Osborne. I still do occasionally.
The Macarena is definitely one of the most memorable, but some of my favorites are 1979 - The Smashing Pumpkins, Wonderwall - Oasis, If It Makes You Happy - Sheryl Crow, and all the songs that later made the A Night At The Roxbury soundtrack, like Be My Lover - La Bounche and It's a Beautiful Life - Ace of Base :)
It's gotta be Santaria by Sublime. Sang it recently at a karaoke bar and everyone in the place sang along.
I was also fond of the Gin Blossoms back then.
In 1996 I loved "Wonderwall" by Oasis. I still do. "When You're Gone" by the Cranberries could be heard coming from my room over the sobs of a breakup. I discovered "I'm Just A Girl" by No Doubt. I adopted it as my girlhood anthem and they are still my favorite band.
So it would definitely have to be Alanis Morrsettes "Ironic"... who didn't scream "Its like rain on your wedding day" in the car? Then again... who still doesn't now?
LOL Your brother! Bet that wasfun:)
I was born in November of 1996, so I don't remember any of the music releases of the year! But I am surprised by how many of the songs I know!
Wannabe by the Spice Girls was a favourite of my brother's and it was played at birthday parties as we grew up, so that one stands out to me.
Macarena by Los Del Rio also stands out, I still dance to this now! This was also played at many birthday's! Do the macarena!
Ooh Aah... Just A Little Bit by Gina G. I will now admit to knowing this (and still singing it very loudly in the shower, but that's another story!)
The Good: Ironic by Alanis Morisette
The Bad: The Macarena
Theme From Mission: Impossible by Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen: I love all types of music and I always loved this theme.
California Love by Tupac: Come on it's a Tupac classic everyone knows this song or at least a piece to it.
Amish Paradise by Weird Al Yankovic: I love Weird Al songs and I loved the original song as well and this was a match that was turned into one of his best songs and videos.
Bulls On Parade by Rage Against The Machine: A song that carried a heavy massage, a video that carried that message across ,a great alternative medley, and Tom Morrelo, their guitarist that would make some of the best solos by making his guitar turn into basically a DJ Kit made this song epic.
"Always be my baby" by Mariah Carey even though I was born in 1996 this is still one of my favorites.
I was a sophomore in high school and there were so many cheesy songs out in 1996, but there were an equal amount of excellent songs that still hold relevance today. My favorite during this year was #41 by DMB. Actually, it is still one of my favorite songs.
1996 was the first time that I ever saw Dave in concert and it was amazing!
Some of my 1996 favorites - Only Wanna Be With You (Hootie & The Blowfish), Missing (Everything But The Girl), Wonderwall (Oasis), Ironic (Alanis Morissette)
Sittin' Up In My Room by Brandy, Always Be My Baby by Mariah Carey, and Wannabe by the Spice Girls are my favorites.
This is the best year for music. In 96 my favorite song was I'm just a girl by No Doubt. My favorite song of all time is Breakfast at Tiffanys by Deep Blue something.
That was the year "All This Useless Beauty" was released by Elvis Costello. I was also a big fan of DMB back then.
I'm so excited! I love the cover! I love your writing!
and a song from '96? I'm going with the Macarena.
3AM- matchbox 20 is classic!! love it. still listen to it all the time!
Remember Me This Way by Jordan Hill
It was in the 1995 movie Casper. It was our prom song for the class of 1996. Yes, that's when I graduated HS. Good times!
This list made me laugh so hard! I was in middle school in '96 and was in love with many of the cheesier songs, such as: 2 Become 1 (Spice Girls), I Believe I Can Fly (R. Kelly), It's All Coming Back to Me Now (Celine Dion), and We've Got it Goin On (Backstreet Boys). How embarrassing.
Now that I look at the list though, there are quite a few good songs on there too!
I don't know many songs from [that certain time period lol] but I do kind of like the Spice Girls! ;-)
My favorite song from 1996 would be "If it makes you happy" by Celine Dio, It gets stuck in your head!
Anything by the Spice Girls. I went to London before they really caught on in America when we were there we heard the Spice Girls all the time. So I was totally ready for Girl Power.
I'll admit to having been a Spice Girls addict in 1996. Wannabe even just came up on my iTunes shuffle.
There are so many that i listened to in 1996 but the one that means the most to me i didn't discover until later: As Cool As I Am by Dar Williams. When i went away to college people found out i was from Iowa and had never heard of Dar Williams and immediately made me listen to all of her music. i became a huge fan and all of her music has such happy memories now.
One of the only songs I recognized from that list was Wannabe by The Spice Girls. It's just so classic. Makes me laugh, and it's just a fun song to look silly singing into your hairbrush to.
Oh my gosh. Too many great songs in there to choose my favorites, so I'll go with the one I hate the most instead:
Yep. Now it's stuck in my head. I'll just have to go listen to some of the Alice in Chains, Metallica, Beck, and No Doubt to get it out! :)
I would The Freshmen by The Verve Pipe will always remind me of of middle/high school. It is also kind of haunting.
Oh my god As Cool as I Am by Dar Williams is still one of my all time favorite songs. I also enjoy greatly GIve Me One Reason by Tracy Chapman.
'Always Be My Baby' by Mariah Carey is a favorite- my friends & I would sing it in the car on road trips (while our parents drove us.) LOL
I love the song Wannabe by the Spice Girls!!! It's my jam!!!! Other than that, I wasn't very musically conscious back in the 90s, so I don't remember very much.
The Obvious ones 'Get Down' by The Backstreet Boys (I was a huge fan, but my sister was even more obsessed and had this song on repeat all the time) and 'Wannabe' by The Spice Girls.
A few others from 96' that stand out for me are 'Don't Speak' by No Doubt', 'Ironic' by Alanis Morissette and 'This is your night' by Amber. All of which are still some of my favorite songs to this day.
I just loved "New York" by They Might be Giants. It's just the right amount of cheesy nostalgia.
'One Reason' by Tracy Chapman!
or Alanis Morissette'S 'Ironic'.
That Thing You Do. I loved the movie, and I bought the soundtrack right away.
"Because You Loved Me" by Celine Dion and "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette (great album).
So many amazing songs....
Here is my quick list.
Wanna Be.
I Believe I Can Fly.
3 AM.
Always be my baby.
Amazing songs! :)
"One Headlight" by the Wallflowers was one of my favorite songs in 1996. "Macarena" was my little sister's favorite song - but not me! I hated it (even though I did learn how to do the dance, but that's another story)!
Loved "Just A Girl" by No Doubt. Loved No Doubt, too!
Amish Paradise from Weird Al. Went to a concert of his, and waited afterwards for 2 hours to meet and get some pictures with him. Such a laid back guy.
"One Headlight," by the Wallflowers.
What was that song even about???
Wanna Be by the Spice Girls. Just something about it makes you want to burst into song.
I didn't think I'd know any songs that came out in 1996, because I sort of stopped listening to new stuff after the 70's -- until my kids started taking over my car radio 2 years ago, that is.
But then I saw the Cake songs . . . I got the Cake CD that came out that year and loved it!
Push, Matchbox20. How can you not enjoy some Rob Thomas lovin'?
/feels old.
So one of my favorites is Macarena by Los de Rio, it was actually released in 94 but became an international hit in ' that kinda counts! But every time I hear it I can't help but to dance along! ;)
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