For our tenth giveaway, the bonus item is Betty and Veronica #252 ("face-off!"). Yes, Future Friday #5 also featured an Archie Comics Facebook-themed giveaway. When we wrote a few lines about Archie Comics into The Future of Us, we had no idea their writers were about to weave Facebook into the Riverdale High storylines.
Great minds think alike!

We'll randomly select one person who comments on this Future Friday post to receive both prizes. There’s no need to leave your email address, but do check back on Saturday to see if you’ve won.
This week, we wanted to do something with a Halloween theme. While we couldn't think of a book-related Halloween question, we both realized...we don't care! So tell us, what was your favorite Halloween costume that you wore trick-or-treating?
Here are our answers:
My mom used to make our Halloween costumes, or we did it with her. One year - and this is bizarre because Jay's favorite costume also involved facial hair - I was an old man. Yep. I was in fifth grade then. I dressed in worn out dungarees, a faded plain shirt, and I put on a long gray beard. I even walked with a cane, all stooped over. I won a prize in the kiddie parade that year! And you're wondering why I wasn't popular?
This was the Halloween after the movie Teen Wolf came out. I bought patches of fake fur and easy-to-remove costume glue, then attached the fur to my face, arms, and legs. I looked so good! But the glue did not come off easily. I went to sleep with most of the fur still on, then woke up for more painful peeling. Just like in Teen Wolf, I played basketball, and I had a game the day after Halloween. So I kept my socks pulled up real high because most of the ankle-fur remained.
My favorite Halloween costume was when I was 6. I wanted to be a witch so my mom ratted my hair till it was sticking straight up and sprayed it lime green for me!
the mom from adam's family. i don't know her name but since i have long black hair and fair white skin, i dressed up like her in one of the Halloween parties a had attended to. i just had to super straighten my hair and apply some black lipstick.
My favorite one is Dracula but it seems this year I'm going as a human too.
Can't wait for "The Future of Us!" Very timely and interesting premise. Already have it queued at the library!! My favorite Halloween costume was one I made 2 years ago and it was "Marvel Minnie," because Disney had just bought Marvel, and I was basically a superhero Minnie Mouse with a cape and mask and ears and everything! Super proud of myself. It was a big hit.
I was the Scream killer for like 4 years straight so let's say that's my favorite haha. I loved that no one could tell who I was at all. So I could trick or Treat, still at 19yo! Yes I did! Teehee
Xpresso Reads
I was a rock star when I was 8 and enjoyed that costume. It had zebra pants, so that was fun. Plus I was a foreign exchange student the year before because we couldn't buy a costume, so getting a store costume was pretty special.
That I can remember, I never did any really cool costumes. There was one year in middle school, I went as a hippy to the school dance. I would have been a good idea, if the top hadn't been a tube top. But the best thing to dance in. lol
My favorite had to be when I was about 8 or so. I was Madonna (she was brand new!) So, yea I wore all my sisters awesomely cool clothes she had that looked like Madonna would wear it. I remember having to wear my jelly shoes inside her neon yellow ankle boots.
One year when I was a kid, it snowed on halloween so I dressed up in my snow gear and brought along my skis, making me a skier. Nothing very scary, but I sure was the warmest kid on the block! LOL
Also, I use to love reading Archie comics as a kid! I have a whole collection in my attic! :)
I'm not into Halloween, but I would use a Scarecrow costume xD
I saw one and though it was pretty awesome.
My favourite Halloween-costume would have to be the one I'm wearing this year. I've always been a witch or vampire (very original.. Halloween isn't that big in Norway), but this year I thought I'd do a scary "Little red riding hood"! You know, pale skin and dark eyes. The story has always been kinda scary to me. I'm surprised it's a childrens book! Happy Halloween! (Can you say that? Halloween isn't bery happy, is it..?)
So I was OBSESSED with 101 Dalmatians when I was little and one year I dressed up as a dalmatian puppy. I think my mom made the costume from some pattern she found. I'm sure I still have pictures somewhere...
Last year I was Super Mario and it was awesome. Kids screamed "here we go" at me everywhere I went. I will be rocking it again this year as well.
I'm not really much of a trick-or-treater, but if I did begin that occupation, I would wear the costume that Charlie Brown wore in "The Great Pumpkin." The bed-sheet-ghost with too many cut-out holes is classic, and it won't scare someone to the point of briefly losing control of certain bodily functions.
I think my favorite costume would be when I was Simba from the Lion King when I was 6. It was soo cute. It was really in because the movie came out. Me and my sister both were dressed up from the Lion King,she was Nala.
One year my mom made robot costumes for my brother and me. We must have gone through three rolls of aluminum foil to cover those boxes. She let us decorate the fronts of the boxes ourselves. They were super cute! (I think I was in 3rd grade at the time)
My mom used to make all my disney princess costumes by hand, for about 3 years in a row. My favorite had to be when I was Cinderella, when i was about 5 :) it looked exactly like the Cinderella dress, my hair was up exactly like Cinderella's and it made me feel like a Princess out of all the other costumes. I also had a little toy mouse, that was Jaq :) It was the best Halloween ever!
I have two favorites! One was when I was four, and I was a bunny in a hat. When I was in high school, I dressed up as a hobbit (one of the few costumes I made completely myself) and trick-or-treated on the street near by house named Shire. So much fun!
For like, 5 years I had some variation of the same costume. I was, I think a 60's girl. I had the poodle skirt, and put my hair up and I looked pretty awesome, if I may say so myself!
I have to say my favorite Halloween costume wasn't the most gorgeous, nor the most original. It was quite a fail actually. It was a witch costume that my mother had made. The only big problem with it, was that she had tried to dye a white dress black, but it only turned light gray. So I ended up being the witch with the gray dress. Still, when I was 10, my mother (who usually stopped doing my halloween costume when I was 5 to either buy one or let my stepmom do it) took the time to try to do my costume.
Even if it was a fail, I still love it, because she took the time to do it. I would never wear it again, but it is a great memory.
My favorite Halloween costume was when I was in Kindergarten and I was Minnie Mouse. It was a weird plastic dress that came with a plastic face mask, yet I was so excited! I live in Maine, so it was freezing cold and I had to wear jeans and a jacket underneath. Still, one of the best Halloween memories I have.
Loved Thirteen Reasons Why, and am very excited to read The Future of Us!
pretty sure i was five and i was strawberry shortcake, plastic mask and all. but that wasn't the best part...i had a strawberry shortcake bike to go with it!
When i dressed up as a dragon my grandma made it for a school play and i used it for halloween too.
My favorite probably is an elephant. I wore a grey sweatshirt and sweatpants and had the elephant nose. I was 4 or 5. It was so cute! I love looking at pictures of it
As a kid I wasn't allowed to go trick or treating, so buying costumes were out of the question. So one year I decided I absolutely had to go trick or treating so I made my own. I wore a black t-shirt with a hoodie, and ripped blue jeans. My hair was maxed out on hair spray. And I drew a big star around my eye. To add a special touch, I brought along my Guitar Hero "Guitar" along with me.
When I was about 8 years old, I was a "string monster." My mother just pulled many strands of colorful yarn through a big t-shirt and a cap, and I just thought it was incredible. looking back at the photos of this year, you can see by my artistic posing how dandy I really thought this costume was! Every year, my hometown had a Halloween parade and all the kids from the elementary school marched in costume in the parade, so i was very happy, waving at the audience. I'm sure people wondered, "what is that supposed to be?"
My mom made my costumes when I was a little girl too. I went to catholic elementary school and as a 3rd or 4th grader, I was a nun. (I wonder what the teachers all thought about that?) I kid you not, the next year I used basically the same outfit, but changed the veil and went as a penguin.
A few years ago, I bought knitted, cut-off rainbow gloves and a beanie from our co-op, and I carried around a hemp shopping bag with carrots in it.
Everyone knew I was a co-op shopper!
I was a witch practically every other year, so most of the non-witch costumes stand out. I was particularly proud of my Zorro costume. I couldn't believe I found the perfect hat and everything. That was around the time the Antonio Banderas movie came out, otherwise I probably would have had no idea who Zorro was.
My favorite Halloween coustume was one I made two years ago. I found a tux vest dyed it green and a long jacket and dyed it purple, bought white and black FX make-up, a red FX stick and green hair spra,y special glue to "scar" up my face along my lips. I used my laugh and and my acting and became THE JOKER. I was actually one of the better ones, I got many complements and freak out a couple of people with the way I carried my self my laugh and genaral appreance, I loved it. I still have the coustume.
This year is my favorite! I've got a fat suit, flip flops, and short-shorts and will be walking around
as an average Floridian. Plus, me and my friends are going to bathe in a pool of fake blood (ok, more like have a bloody fight) before we go trick-or-treat.
My favorite costume was this alien thing my mom had me wear. I think I was 4 or 5. She painted my face green and I had this huge blow up alien or monster on the top of my head LOL
When I was ten or eleven, I was The Prom Queen. I had a beautiful rainbow dress I absolutely loved. I had my little tiara and I was so excited to show off my costume.
My favorite costume that I wore was when I was 5. I always loved watching the power rangers, so I decided I would be a power ranger for Halloween. Of course I'm a girl, but the pink power ranger wasn't for me... instead I wore the little boys blue power ranger costume and my mom still laughs at me for it!
This is actually only my second time ever celebrating Halloween. Growing up in Europe I never got to go costume-crazy, so now I'm trying to make up for it by overindulging in everything Halloween, candy corn included. This year I'm going as Princess Leia, which makes my inner nerd very happy <3
My family has never gotten into Halloween all that much. But the costume I remember the most from my childhood was when I went dressed as a princess. For my royal dress, I wore a pink nightgown with lace trimming. One of the neighbor commented that I would be all ready for bed when I got home, which I found very embarrassing.
I was a yellow power ranger when I was 5. My sister was the pink one. It was adorable!
Second fave was when I was 13, I was a zombie softball player.
I think my favorite costume was a fake ID. When I was 20 (a few years back) I was a sophomore at OSU. Many of my friends at the time were already 21 and we had planned on attending a party in which you had to obviously be 21 to gain admittance. Although I am not particularly bragging about it, I did have a fake ID which I was able to use. Being the clever guy that I thought I was I made a cardboard license and had a cutout square for my face. All the info on my costume was my real info except for my age and SS#. However, on my fake ID everything was fake, but all night long I had people calling me my real name because it was on my costume. It made it easier to remember I was supposed to be someone else if I got a little too tipsy.
I've been the grim reaper 4 different halloweens, Each time I went about it a different way. That has got to be my favorite choice for a costume.
I used to have this awesome poofy dress-up dress as a kid that I used for about 5 Halloweens. I was a princess, a fairy, a fairy princess, and so on. It was really great for twirling. In older years, my husband and I dressed up as Fry & Leela from Futurama. That was fun :)
I LOVE Betty & Veronica! Been getting their double digests for Christmas every year since I started reading!
I've always had a homemade Halloween costume, and my favorite was a pirate. I had just gone through my Pirates of the Caribbean obsession phase (which, admittedly, hasn't entirely ended!) and I had a fake sword and awesome boots to go with it! (That stuff wasn't homemade, though! haha)
My favorite Halloween costum was when my whole family dressed up as the cast of wizards of oz. It was really fun obviously us kids at the time were munchkin or the evil flyings monkeys lol. I was probably 7. Not positive how old I was but I admired my aunts custume that year, she was the nice whitch in this beautiful pink fairytale dress. It was adorable. I still have pictures from that year. Looking back I'm glad we all got together to do a group/family Halloween costume thing. Now that I'm 17, little things like that I admire. This year my mother wants to dress up as the scooby doo gang lol that should be FUN! :)
My favorite costume was when I was Pippi Longstocking in third grade. I wore a denim jumper with patches sewn on, striped tights, my hair was in two braids that stuck out and it was colored red, and I even carried around a little stuffed animal monkey.
My favorite costume was from when I was in middle school. I got all dressed up in fancy/business clothes and borrowed my mom's briefcase and went trick-or-treating in the local college dorms as an I.R.S. auditor. I was voted scariest costume.
My 10.5 month old son is going as a baby dragon this year.
My favorite costume was when I was four or five. My mom dressed me up as a red crayola crayon complete with a hat that was the tip of the crayon. I loved it!
My favorite costume was when I was four or five. My mom dressed me as a red Crayola crayon complete with a hat that was the tip of the crayon. I loved it!
Because I was the younger sister, I wore my sisters old clothes and one year when I was really little my family dressed me as a cow. with horns so I could go as mad cow dieases.
Quite a few Years ago I was Twister for Halloween. My Aunt made the costume out of a Twister board and then the spinner was glued onto a graduation cap for a hat. Every one was trying to spin the hat all day long!
You know, none of my Halloween costumes as a child really stand out. Remember those masks that were held on by a rubber band and the sad plastic "clothes" that came with them? I had an "I Dream of Jeannie" one of those.
My favorite costume as an adult was a collaboration between me and my then roommate. I was Joan Crawford and she was young Christina. LOL!
My favorite costume was when I was dressed up as a devil.. The costume was pure red, with the horns, and tail too.. Let's just say, my mom thought it suited my personality quite well :)
Growing up, I wasn't allowed to trick-or-treat. So when I moved out at 19, I was *finally* able to dress up. My costume was Peter Pan, and it's still my favorite.
I was a picnic table. I used a piece of cardboard around my waist, covered it with a table cloth, and glued plates & fake food to it. It was a hit!
My favorite costumes were the clown costumes my mom made for me (and later, my brothers). We had one for every stage growing up--from infant (that my daughter and then my nephew & niece wore, too!), toddler, all the way through teen and adult. I don't think I really appreciated the hard work she put into them, but I do now!
The only one that comes to mind was a hippie costume I made in the 9th grade. it was so awesome! My Best friend made one too!
When I was in 8th grade I was a race car driver. There wasn't anything really special about it, but I loved the costume and I spent most of the day running around screaming, "BEEP BEEP, GET OUT OF THE WAY!" It was great.
My favorite Halloween costume was my devil costume. It was a pretty red dress and I wear horns too. It was very fun !
My favorite costume is taking Smarties (the candies) and sewing them by the hundreds on a pair of pants...costume= Smarty Pants
When I was a kid my mom used to make our costumes. She made a really pretty genie one for my sister. A couple of years later when my sister was done with wearing that costume I started to and loved it. I wore it every Halloween until I outgrown it.
I haven't dressed up halloween since I was a little kid. So I don't really remember what I dresses up as, I don't even remember dressing up really. :(
My favourite Halloween costume would be Blossom from the PowerPuff Girls. I spent ages making those bug eyes of hers, then realised I'd be stumbling around half-blind when I tried them on. But still, I survived!
Hmm.. definitely my Pee-wee Herman costume! When I was twelve, I went through a Pee-wee phase where I watched most of the episodes of his show and bought all kinds of merchandise off of eBay. :) I found a gray suit at Goodwill, bought a red bowtie off of Amazon, wore red lipstick and pulled back my hair. (It's hard to dress up as a male when your a girl!)
Thanks for the giveaway, happy Halloween!
My favorite Halloween costume ever was a devil costume I wore in college. It had great glittery makeup and these horns that I still have that match my hair but with a bit of sparkle so that they look like they are really mine and are growing out from under my hair.
My best was a black widow spider costume. I made all the legs and strung them together with fishing wire so they'd all move. Then I wore a black wig and all kinds of goth jewelry and stuff.
So much to choose from but the my favorite would happen to be my Beauty costume(from Beauty & the Beast)that I wore when I was around seven or eight. I wore it to participate in the Trunk-or-Treat at my church which was always scheduled days before Halloween. That day of Trunk-or-Treat was amazing because we had a cook-out and I had hung out with the boy who I considered my boyfriend at the time. In addition, I believe that was the last year I spent at that church which is why that costume and that day is stitched into my mind. The thing is I don't remember wearing it on Halloween day. So I can assume it was the year I lost my uncle to a car accident on the 29th in which that Halloween my sister was finally baptized after years of her Atheistic view point. Pretty memorable year, but the reason why I adore that costume is because last year I wanted to be Belle again but finding a costume was near impossible. That one costume I wore was perfect and looked exactly like Belle's dress from the movie. The ones they sell now are even too short on the little girls! It goes close to their knees while mine was full length. I wish they would make those again. Who ever had the idea of redistributing the Disney princess costumes did not think it through. Every costume I looked at last year online either did not look like Belle's or was far too revealing. I wish I could be Belle one more time.
My favorite halloween costume was when I was 5 and me and my moma made my very own Tigger costume. Unfortunately, we were unable to find a orange shirt in time so I had to wear a black shirt and we put orange stripes on it.
I think one of my favorite costumes was a tree - I wore a green sweater, green jeans (yes, I owned green jeans and wore them frequently), brown shoes, a green pointed hat, and I pinned leaves all over.
When I was little, there was a string of 3 or 4 years where each year I would dress up as an orange pumpkin. I'm not sure why but I thought it was the coolest costume out there, with my little stem hat green tights and big pumpkin costume. That was when I was 5 :)
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