For our fourth giveaway, the bonus item is a DVD of The Social Network. Whereas the movie was about the founding of Facebook, our novel is about the Facebook of today, as viewed by teens before it was founded. (Confused? You won't be when you read the book!)

We'll randomly select one person who comments on this Future Friday post to receive both prizes. There’s no need to leave your email address, but do check back on Saturday to see if you’ve won.
This week, we're not asking you about the past, we want you to think about the future. At one point in The Future of Us, a character says she wouldn't want to see into the future because it might be depressing if certain things haven't changed. But let's be positive! If you could see fifteen years into the future, what issues do you hope won't be issues anymore?
Here are our answers:
CAROLYN: I'd love to see global warming being addressed more thoroughly, and a less polarized government. I'd like to see the threat of terrorism gone, and for gay marriage to be just as accepted as straight marriage. I'd like bullying to be eradicated, and the economy to be hopping and people to stop texting during conversations and - yes, I have to say it! - I'd love the real story on Brad and Angelina and that brood of kids. Who is raising them? And how do they always look so good after getting off a 10-hour flight?
JAY: In my fantasy future, the commitment to pursuing cleaner forms of energy is not an issue. We're doing it! People are healthier, the environment is safer, and we've created a ton of new jobs. I've gotta say, it's pretty nice.
I hope war won't be an issue anymore but simply something that doesn't exist anymore because people realized how stupid it is.
15 years from now I hope to see that funding for libraries is no longer an issue and all the branches that were shut down and jobs that were lost are reinstated. But that is just the librarian in me.
Well at the risk of sounding completely self centered, 15 years in the future I hope I don't have so many money problems as i do now and that I have the funds to send my son away to university. I also hope to have my mortgage paid off.
As I picture the future, Poverty doesn't exist, everybody can stand on their on feet, Because a lot countries are experiencing it. World Peace of course! everybody would wan't that, Cleaner and greener, and new technology! :))
I would like to see that the e-book business has developed more and no more trees are cut!
Actually, I remember a quote from Paulo Coelho's The Alchemist; It is never good to know your future; because if there is a bad thing in the future and you know it now, you will ruin your TODAY too, and if there is a good thing, you will be happy now and there will not be excitement for TOMORROW!
I would hope that starvation isn't a problem anymore and that kids get the proper care they deserve. I'd like to think that technology can make life easier not just for those who can pay for it, but also for those who may never have enough money to enjoy the things we do. If we can come up with tiny mp3 players and lightweight laptops, we can certainly find ways to get food, shelter and clothing to the people who need it most.
(I say it every week--THANK YOU for this contest.)
in the future, i'd like to see that there's already a cure for incurable diseases like cancer, AIDS, and heart conditions. it would be great to know that these diseases can be like any normal flu that will go away in just a few days.
Can't wait to read this book. In May I never thought this time would come so excited to get the book! We were buzzing about it at the conference I attended this summer. Congrats!
If I could see fifteen years into the future, one thing I'd really like to see not be an issue is the issue of poverty. We often send money with our military to help other nations kill each other, and we as individuals attempt to alleviate the issue of poverty in third-world nations, but we forget that there are impoverished families and children in every country, even ours. I'd like to see our resources allocated better. Another issue I'd like to see fixed in fifteen years is the issues present in the education system. I'd like to see the entire education system in America get a lot more funding, and I'd like to see competent teachers in classrooms, teachers who know how to teach, and aren't just over-credentialed. A third issue I'd like to see fixed in fifteen years is the issue of foreign relations. As each nation struggles against others, we forget to form solid alliances nationwide. Our militaries fight alongside each other, but our governments are at odds. Other issues I'd like to see resolved are the amount of disrespect in youth, the amount of bullying, and I'd like to see the arts thriving in schools.
I agree with Jay about alternative energy sources. Hopefully 15 years from now we'll see a significant (or at least noticable) shift from where we are today. It would be great if more people were living a healthier lifestyle. More veggies, less meat. More exercise, less drive-thrus.
In my future I see that everyone gets along and is open to other points of view. Politicians do things that are best for the country, not just to get themselves re-elected. Kids in schools don't harass each other, they just get along and live and let live.
To be more financially stable (in 15 years I'll have 2 kids in college!); the economy to not be in a state of constant flux; less worried about the future, and more enjoying the moment!
Can't wait to read your book!
My Blog
I read the PW review, and it sounds like a wonderful book!
15 years from now, I'd like to see bicycles as plentiful as cars in the cities and green roofs on every house or building. And my books getting great reviews. That's what I'd like!
15 years from now, I hope that there is a lot less fighting within our government. I understand we all can't see eye to eye, but all this back and forth is so disheartening...
In the future I hope there will be no more animal or child abuse, hopefully more jobs. You won't have to be scared of never being able to find a job especially if you're a college graduate. These days having a bachelors degree is like having a high school diploma, practically useless. I'd like to see that change.
I would love to see world hunger gone, a better economy, and a much more peaceful world!
I hope that, by 15 years from now, people will be overall more compassionate. We won't judge people on their sexual orientation, or their religion, and everyone will be treated as equals. Also, I'd like for the world to become more healthy, referring to both pollution and personal health. It would be nice for big business to take more of a role in bettering people's lives instead of only worrying about how much is made. That way, they won't have to lay people off to save money for the higher-ups. Or...ya know...get bailed out by the government and give themselves enormous bonuses.
I would like to see a cure for cancer and other diseases that harm way too many people.
Jay and Carolyn, you both covered most of what I would have said-- cleaner energy in place, climate change no longer avalanching out of control, intelligent political decisions being made based on real information and out of a true concern for our country as well as each citizen as an individual. We would be living in a much more moderate world where people live their lives happily and allow others to do the same.
Plus I would have a book (or a few) on the New York Times Best Sellers List. (Or at least have one published by then-- but if I'm going to dream I might as well dream big, right?)
Fifteen years from now, I hope there'd have been major technology leaps, so there'd be things like teleports, really advanced AI's, etc. And world peace, of course--who doesn't want world peace?
Fifteen years into the future, I'd like to see children have a better education. Here in Texas, teachers are paid to teach children to take and pass the TAKS test, our standardized test. I would rather children actually learn about history, to do math, focus on spelling and grammar. Now they've begun a "NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND" act which just states that if you continue high school until you turn twenty-one they'll just give you a high school diploma. How is this helping our children? This is why I think there should be a better education system. The government should set requirements of what children are supposed to learn and make sure these requirements are met in order for children to moved to the next grade level and in order to receive their high school diploma.
Like many of the previous posters I'd love to see the world be even more environmentally-conscious than it is now--I'd like it to be something that's ingrained. I'd also like to see advancements in medication and the eradication of diseases like AIDs, cancer, diabetes, etc. And world peace. LOL My future world is pretty optimistic, no?
I really hope that gay marriage is no longer an "issue" and that civil rights have truly been extended equally to all citizens. Then we can focus our energy on poverty, peace, and the environment.
I would hope that the health care situation could be resolved. Too many people are without insurance, either because they don't qualify or they can't afford it. There should be a better way for everyone to be able to have affordable health insurance.
I right away thought of your question from a personal standpoint. 15 years from now, I am hoping that our economy is better and that I've finally been able to make a real full time career out of writing! This way, hopefully, I've finally been able to get my own place. :)
In 15 years, I hope that it's easier to be accepted in the society, whether it's about gender, religion, sexual orientation, background, interests etc. It should be easier, as we already have come far. In 15 years I will also be a grown up, so I hope the issue about unemployement will be solved, and I will be able to quickly find a job after finished education :-)
In the future, i'd like to see the humans more concerned by the Earth's Health. There will be no more wars or fight and we would be really living together.
I wish we were more concerned by things that really matter, like to help each other...
I hope healthcare issues will be resolved, especially for the poor & homeless.
fifteen years from now I hope to see the stigmas surrounding mental health broken down and no one afraid to seek help
In fifteen years I would like to see all three of my children in their own homes/apartments, and not in mine. :) All kidding aside... I would like to see every person committed to preserving what is left of our natural world; not just resources, but also nature itself.
A more self sufficient way of life, less energy consumption, less war, more happy & healthy people!
In 15 years time, I hope I am happy. And I hope that everyone else is happy, too - but I know that's a lot to ask. So what I'm saying is that I hope everyone is a little less miserable. I hope people will be more accepting when it comes to things like gay marriage for example.
And what I deep down also hope is that kids will be reading more. eReaders are getting more and more popular, so I think that might spark use for children as well. That's what I hope, at least.
15 years from now I hope to be debt free, as a recent college grad, I have a lot fo student loans, and so does my soon to be wife. I hope we are done paying those off, and I hope we have plenty of money to buy new vehicles and live in a house that we bought.
I'd like to see everyone be accepted for who they are! Thanks for the giveaway, I love The Social network and I cannot wait to read The Future of Us!!
I would hope that violance against women, children and animals didn't exists and people everywhere had access to clean water and food.
I hope time will show that I've given my children everything they need (or how to find what they need) to go forth and discover their own awesome futures.
I hope that kids will still have a love for books and reading. In a society that is becoming more and more reliant on technology, I hope kids will still have access to the most simplistic technology of all - a book.
I hope to see no wars, no animal abuse and no problems with gay people as well as gay marriage.
Everybody's imaginary future is about how the world's issues are hone, but I can't help but think about my own issues. I hope that in the future I wouldn't be as self-centered as I am today. I hope that the fact there are so many people struggling out there will set in, and that I'll finally be brave enough to help out, ignorong the words being whipered as I help the world in every possible way I can. I pray that I won't through a fit if things don't go my way, realizing that this may be for the best. In short, I hope that I can be more of an optimist. If I am just a tiny bit more optimistic 15 years from now, I can put my mind to end starvation and hatred. :)
In 15 years I see that the Kilimanjaro valley is filled with trees, desertification has been reversed and restored! Because of this more villages are enjoying abundant rainfall and water supplies, their agriculture feeds them in abundance and they can provide for their neighboring countries out of their overflow. The standard of living is up, joy fills the valley, kids are going to school and graduating from High School. Society is renewed! Plant a tree in Tanzania today!
In 15 years I would like to see the world at peace. No global warming, our military home not out fighting useless fights. There would be jobs for everyone who can work, and education would not be a mess. Funding would be plentiful for every social program. There would be no more debt. Obtaining citizenship would be an easy and fair process. Marriage would be an option for all couples. That's a short list.
Fifteen years from now I'd like for a greater degree of peace to exist between all nations so the brightest minds could/would work together in making the Earth a better place to live. (and then on a selfish note, I'd like someone to find a way to make chocolate chip cookies a weight loss tool!)
I would like to see social injustice issues disappear. Although I am not so naive to believe that they will totally disappear, I would at least like to see a great decline.
I'm hoping that 15 years from now, those idiot boys will finally learn how to use a belt.
Other than that, I'd love to see America's education improve. A lot.
I'm hoping in the future it'll be easier for kids to get into college and less expensive too. Higher education should be accessible to everyone. It's the "American Way" to be able to better oneself, if you work hard. I hope this sentiment is remembered and someone does something to turn the tide of fewer classes, higher costs, so that you don't have to be wealthy or a straight A student to be able to go into a good school.
I'm a political science major, and one thing that really stuck to me when I was reading in my international relations book was that we should look at ourselves as human beings, not American or South African or Russian. Human beings, because that's what we really are. I don't like that we have so many labels attached to us, like being an African American.
I'd like that to change in fifteen years. I'd like to know that people don't consider themselves Mexican, or wherever they're from, but a human being.
15 years from now... I'd like to see all libraries still intact. Reading is my biggest interest, and it hurts to see libraries shutting down because of funds, and also because of computers. As much as I love my Nook, I still love real books. :)
In my dream world of the future, corporations won't be so greedy and my life won't be full of so many advertisements!!
Also, I agree with everything that everyone else said. . . .
I would like to see that people aren't as greedy.
If fifteen years I hope to see a government that has learned from their past mistakes and that is moving forward rather than repeating the same things over an over.
15 years from now i hope my college will be paid off... and that I wont need to worry about getting a job cause I'll have one and a family!
I hope that the world will be a better place in 15. I hope for a more peaceful world, where war is just a memory. I do hope for a world where everyone have an equal chance to live the life they deserve.
I hope that everyone will be excepted and that everyone would be equal. I also hope that in 15 years well all be happy with no wars and world peace. I'm dreaming big but that's whats it's all about! ;)
I can't wait to read your new book. I have told so many people about 13RW. Loved it!
I can hope there's no death x)
To be honest I'm hoping that in 15 years we'll be living in a dystopian future where the daily 9 to 5 grind is no longer an issue and I can spend my days killing zombies or evil aliens and ransacking abandoned homes for canned peaches, fire arms and extra ammunition.
My dream world... let's see. There's so much that I want to see happen. I would probably sound just like a Miss America candidate. Lol! War and terrorism gone for good. Plenty of food for the hungry, shelter for the homeless... The education system changed -- No more teaching to the test! Teach for the love of learning, of sharing, of bettering the world... Proper funding for schools, museums, libraries, and other educational activities. :)
Yea. Thats just some of the things I want to see change in 15 years.
I have to be realistic... I'd love there to be world peace and alternative energy... but I must say that since I've been paying self-employment tax since I was 22, I want there to still be social security in 15 years when I'm 64, and I hope my husband still -as the Beatles said, "will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm 64."
Hopefully I'll no longer have to worry so much about everyting.
great post!
in fifteen years, I hope that there will be a LOT more funding going into children's music education. I play clarinet, love it, and I really hope that in fifteen years, there will still be music class so that other kids will enjoy it too! And of course, I hope there won't be any wars, and that people won't be losing their jobs...
Love to have a copy! Could I even afford to have you come to my school now? Joan
If I could see into the I'd hope to be happy and a sucessful writer, i would also hope that the economy is improved a whole lot ... and i'm not working at mcdonlands(:
Honestly the one problem I really see other then war and poverty, is the conflict in Palestine and Israel. I have a bunch of family from there and my aunt was a Palestinian and she was killed last year. The war has really effected my life and not for the better. I really hope that an agreement will be made seeing as that is the spot of so many deaths. It's an ongoing war and people don't even seem to care about the deaths anymore. When I read you book 13 reasons why, it touched me so much. People really don't notice the problems other people have.
I would love to see that students have been put first in education rather than politics! Have already pre-ordered The Future of Us - my students and I are waiting impatiently!
I hope everyone is cool with gay marriage, that people don't just react in a an extreme way and instead try to understand the history and reasons behind things, and I hope some people become much more accepting of others
Human trafficking of young girls. (of anyone really) It's a terrible worldwide problem and needs to be stopped.
In 15 years, I would like to think that our country will realize the value of education and stop removing funding from schools and libraries - and instead understand how intertwined schools are with their communities. In my dreams I would see bipartisan cooperation for the sake of our children's futures.
Wow, 15 years from now, my children will be all grown up! Even my youngest who is almost 11. I hope the world is a more peaceful place, less war, more cooperation between nations, and earnest attempts at understanding one another's faiths and beliefs, regardless of what they are. After all, we've only got ONE WORLD. I think The Police said it's enough for all of us.
Like Carolyn, I hope that people stop denying that global warming is happening and that something is actually done about it and that we all are well on our way to ending our dependence on oil and have found a cleaner way to get around. Plus, if we get rid of our need for oil, a lot of our issues with other countries will no longer be issues.
In the future i just want people to be happy.
I hope that in 15 years, the unfair distribution of wealth and resources throughout the world will no longer be an issue. Everyone will have what they need to live a healthy life.
In 15 years of the future I would like to see the economic crisis has been resolved. I'm in college and it seems like my future is so dependent on the choices made today so that I may have a future where the children aren't paying the debts of the parents. I would also like to see the end of the drug wars. Where I live spill overuse occured but luckily not to a grand event but with how violent things have been and how many things have escalated it's something I fear might happen. My college compass is right near the Rio Grand and it has been closed due to shootings in Mexico, not only that but a friend of mine has once found a bullet casing on compass which would mean that a shot has fired there or it may have fallen from someone who was in a shooting. This is some of the things I would like to see disappear with in 15 years.
I'd like to see a lot of less bullying and a lot more acceptance in the youth. Where color, gender, religion, sexual orientation are no longer an issue. I'd also like to see more people involved in bettering the environment, and stopping animal abuse (Which I fear is getting out of hand)...I just want to see a better tomorrow.
I hope schools will receive adequate funding!
I hope that childhood obesity isn't a issue anymore, so future generations will be more healthier.
Hmmm, 15 years from now...
...greener living
...less infighting in our government marriage as recognized as straight marriage
...funding for our public libraries
...and a whole lot more ^^;
15 years from now into the future i would love to see my sister sitting right next to me on the couch and watching TV.
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