For our third giveaway, the bonus item is a two-pack of disposable cameras. How are disposable cameras related to the book? I guess you'll have to read it to find out!

We'll randomly select one person who comments on this Future Friday post to receive both prizes. There’s no need to leave your email address, but do check back on Saturday to see if you’ve won.
This week, we want to know your favorite books that came out in 1996. Don't tell us the books you want to read because it'll spoil a future Future Friday. Tell us about the books (up to three) that you did read. If for some odd reason you don't remember which books came out in 1996, here's a good reminder.
And here are our answers:
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. I read this at a time when I was uncertain of what I wanted to do with my life. After finishing the book, I still had no idea, but I knew I didn't want to hitchhike to Alaska and live off the land (even if Eddie Vedder would compose the soundtrack of my life).
Frindle by Andrew Clements. Such a basic idea taken to extremes. At the time, I was trying to write manuscripts for this age group, and this book made me very jealous.
Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding because I was single and living in a city and feeling like a big screw-up half the time. I totally identified with Bridget!
Loose Change by Sara Davidson. This didn't come out until 1997, but I was working as an intern at a magazine in the summer of 1996 and the advance copy came in the mail. It's about three young women in the 1960s - couldn't put it down.
i did't know that this books was published in 1996 but this are the best for me...
1.)The Notebook
2.)Sex and the City
3.)Night World book 2
My favorite books that came out in 1996 are The fifth Mountain by Paulo Coelho and Servant of the Bones by Anne Rice.
I have read them after they come out because in 1996, I was 7. At 7 I read Enid Blyton's books.
My favourite read released in 1996 is Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. It was my first book by the author and made me fall in love with his amazing imagination and fantastic writing.
I'd have to say "Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse". My girls were small and it was a favorite! Enjoyed seeing the list!
I was 8 years old in 1996 and I'd just discovered the Animorphs series. The second book, The Visitor, came out that year and it was narrated by my favourite character, Rachel. I'm not really a cat person, but after reading that installment, it seemed pretty cool to be able to turn into a cat.
You guys are awesome for hosting this giveaway!
I would say A Game of Thrones, because I love the A Song of Ice and Fire series, but that's actually not the best book in the series. So I'm going to go with Neverwhere, by Neil Gaiman, because that's my very favorite of the books of his I've read.
That Summer by Sarah Dessen and Bridget Jones Diary and Polaroids of the Dead by Douglas Copeland. Also I confess, The Notebook.
I was born in '95, so I didn't read anything. Pretty sad if that'll ruin my chances on being selected, because I'm really looking forward to read The Future of Us! :-)
Let's see, 1996...
At the end of that year, I had basically flunked out of my freshman year of college and took up my first job at a library (I am now a high school librarian). Having been burned out on reading in school, I rediscovered my love of books once working in a library. It was a pivotal year in my life, so looking at books released then is interesting.
In no particular order...
1) The Green Mile - Stephen King
I'm not a big fan of King's more graphic stuff, instead preferring his supernatural-tinged books. I loved everything about The Green Mile: the era, characters, and the overwhelming sadness of John Coffey.
2) Falling Up - Shel Silverstein
Silverstein's books always remind me of my childhood and sitting with my grandfather as he read poems out of Where The Sidewalk Ends. Falling Up brings me back to that time that I miss so dearly.
3) Into the Wild - Jon Krakauer
This book pretty much made me decide to quit my job of seven years, pack up my Carolla and move from a small college town in NH to Minneapolis with no job and no friends. Like Christopher, I was sort of running from something; unlike Christopher, I came out relatively unscathed.
Well, I really wanted to win this book but I will not lie, I didn't read any. I was only 3 years old at this time. But currently, I'm reading The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks. I have watched the movies of The Beach and Push (Precious) and actually they are my favorite movies.
I would say Fight Club by Chuck Palahnuik. He is one of my favorite authors and his books helped me love reading today!
I was big into my Stephen King phase in 1996, so definitely the Green MIle. I loved how it was first published in sections--I still have them all.
Also, Angela's Ashes.
Great giveaway!
I'm a big fan of J.D. Robb's In Death series, so my favourites that were released in 1996 are Immortal In Death and Rapture In Death.
I was only 3 in 1996, but even then I loved reading anything I could get my hands on. Gotta go with Green Eggs and Ham!!!
I read The Beach back when it came out in 1996 and was mesmerized. I still own it to this day and have read it a number of times! I also enjoyed the movie, but I enjoyed the book so much more... Isn't that always the way?? :)
I was 9 at the time, and loved reading Wayside School Gets A Little Stranger. Every once in awhile, I'll still go to the children's dept and read a few stories in it while at my library!
Wow I didn't know half those books were published in 1996! I was too young to read most of them then, but these are the ones I have read:
1) Push-Sapphire
2) Nightworld 2- L.J Smith
3) The Notebook- Nichols Sparks
I've got to go with Falling Up by Shel Silverstein. I read all his books, and I loved them. I can still recite many of his poems from memory because I read them oh-so-much.
Bridget Jones' Diary: my introduction to chick lit
Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married: I adore Marian Keyes
I Would say The notebook by Nicholas Sparks. Is the first book that I read of Nicholas, and was the same season that I fell in love with my girlfriend (I'm still falling in love with her).. So, a romantic book, a love. Everything cool!
In 1996 both my children were graduating from highschool so I more time to read my favorites were Angela's ashes by Frank Mccourt the mans life was amazing and the Luantic Cafe by Laurell K Hamilton have loved si fi all my life
I had so many but I will pick the Green Mile; The Notebook, and Indian Killer.
My favorite book of 1996 was Rats Saw God by Rob Thomas. To me, it was a true portrayal of a teenager seeking the meaning of life when in fact his life seems to be in shambles around him. I am and will always be a sucker for tales of self discovery and life reflection.
This is a tough one, because there are a lot of GREAT books from 96! I would have to say the book that really moved me the most (I laughed, I cried) was Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt. What an awesome memoir. Happy to see it is now on some lists for our local high school, my nephew just read it (he's a Junior). (My mind candy for that year was Bridget Jones' Diary--I also laughed UNTIL I cried! Funny stuff!)
Hands down my favorite would have to be "Neverwhere" by the incomparable Neil Gaiman-- still one of my favorites to this day :) Also, much love for Mr. Palahniuk for "Fight Club" and the amazing Shel Silverstein for his wonderful poetry in "Falling Up."
Well, I was four in '96. So I would have to say Green Eggs 'n Ham. I read that book over and over, and i had it memorized. It was one of the first books I ever picked to read myself, and I remember reading it to my class for show and tell one day.
Love this concept/contest, Jay! In 1996 I devoured "Into the Wild" and saw Jon speak at the Fernbank science center Imax theater in Atlanta- a real treat. I also read "View From Saturday"- I've loved E.L. Konigsburg since I was 9... and (I know this seems non-sequitur) but I also read "How Stella Got Her Groove Back."
Fight Club
by Chuck Palahniuk
Falling Up
by Shel Silverstein
Into the Wild
by Jon Krakauer
The Notebook
by Nicholas Sparks
This was a fun trip down memory lane. Thanks (-8
I guess my fav from that year would be Fight Club--although I actually liked the movie better, which is not usually the case.
I also think that I read Runaway Jury by John Grisham, but I can't swear to that. So many of his law related plots run together for me now.
Wow. I'm being really critical of 1996 books for some reason. Not intentional. :(
I can't wait to read Future of Us though! :)
Oh Junie B Jones and Handsome Warren, as well as Meanie Jim's Birthday, are probably my favorite! SO FUNNY! Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse was a favorite to read to my little sister.
My favorite from 1996 has to be Angela's Ashes, though it was difficult to slog through the never ending soul-crushing poverty it portrayed.
I was just 11 years old in 1996 so my favorite book of that year would probably be Falling Up by Shel Silverstein. But since then I've read and loved other books that were published that year.
Awesome giveaway!
My daughter was four in 1996, so I read the hell out of some Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse. Some years later I picked up Girl Goddess #9 at a garage sale. I love Francesca Lia Block. So magical.
My favorite book that came out in 1996 was Clockwork, or All Wound Up by Philip Pullman. I read that book every week when I was in the 7th and 8th grade. I still read it whenever possible. If you haven't read it, I would highly recommend it to anyone.
Falling up by Shel Silverstein
In 1996 I was 2, and I didn't read any of those books =[
Anyway, looking forward to the giveaway. =D
I was thinking there wouldn't be anything I'd read from '96 but then I saw Frindle! I loved that book as a kid.
Also, Junie B. Jones and The Magic Tree House books. All great kids books :]
my favorite books where definitely falling up by shel silverstien and frindle
My favorite would have to be Sarah Dessen's That Summer. I love all of her books.
My favorite books from 1996…hmmm…well in 1996 my favorites were the Fear Street books by R.L. Stine. Since there’s a ton of them I’m sure there were some published in 1996. I also love the Notebook, a story of love and commitment that I believe most people wish to find, and Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, which shows how family shapes us, for good and bad.
1) Fight Club by Chuck Palahniuk: One of my all time favorite books, Palahniuk is an amazing contemporary author and really got me back into the trend of reading for pleasure.
2) Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen: I grew up reading Gary Paulsen books, and I read a lot of his books. His stories are very realistic and easy to get attached to.
3) The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks: Saw the movie, loved it. Read the book, loved it more. My fiancee loves that I love a romantic story.
Oh man, The Notebook. That book made me cry so hard. Beautiful love story though.
Well, I was born in ' I wasn't actually reading any books then. But I do love quite a few books that came out in '96. That Summer by Sarah Dessen is a perfect summer read. Frindle is one of the first chapter books I remember reading, and of course The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks is amazing.
I was two so obviously I didn't read almost all of the books listed. However, I do know thAt I read a lot of Dr. Seuss and definitely developed an obsession with Green Eggs and Ham :)
Favorite book that I actually read in 1996 (that I actually remember reading that year): Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card.
Favorite books that I've read that happen to have been published in 1996:
The Realms of the Gods - Tamora Pierce
Shakespeare's Landlord - Charlaine Harris
The Bromeliad Trilogy - Terry Pratchett (we had the omnibus edition from the Science Fiction bookclub)
Good luck on the book - our library has several copies preordered! (It helps that I'm the teen librarian)
At the time, I was 11 so I think the only ones I read were Falling Up and the two Calvin and Hobbes books - I bought every Calvin and Hobbes through my school book order.
Of the ones I've read since then, The Sparrow, The View from Saturday, and Lily's Purple Plastic Purse are probably my favorites. Yeah, I may technically be an adult, but I still read mostly children's and teen lit!
This is such a fun idea! Thanks!
Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse - I was a freshman in college at the time and my friend Amber, an elementary education major, would have story-time in her dorm room every week. Kevin Henkes' books were my first introduction to the notion that children's books could be so creative and hilarious.
Honorable mentions:
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
My favorite books that came out in 1996 are:
1) My Gal Sunday by Mary Higgins Clark
2) Moonlight Becomes You by Mary Higgins Clark
3) Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Mary Higgins Clark has always amazed me by her talent to juggle lots of characters in her murder mysteries. She's kept me on the edge of my seat with every book. :)
I didn't much when I was a kid and in 1996 I was only 4, so there isn't much that I have read that was published in 1996.
1) Falling Up by Shel Silverstein. Loved reading his poems when I was a kid.
I was born in 1996, so, obviously, I wasn't doing much reading. But, I have read some books published in 1996, and I've heard of many other ones. My most recent favorite (because I LOVE LOVE LOVE the author) is That Summer. I remember loving the entire Junie B. Jones series, so I would have to list Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Wilson and Junie B. Jones and that Meanie Jim's Birthday as my second and third favorites. I actually remember some of what happened in those two books, but I haven't read them since, like, third or fourth grade, maybe?
My three favorite books of 1996 were:
#1-"The Realm of the Gods" by Tamora Pierce which is still one of my all time favorite books.
#2-"Secret Vampire" by L.J. Smith which is my favorite book by her, way better than the Vampire Diaries series.
#3-"The Lost Years of Merlin" by T.A. Barron who is always an intriguing writer.
My favorite book published in 1996 is "Kissing Annabel: Love, Ghosts, and Facial Hair; A Place Like This" by Steven Herrick...
At the age of seven though, Dr. Seuss was my man.
My favorite book published in 1996 is "Kissing Annabel: Love, Ghosts, and Facial Hair; A Place Like This" by Steven Herrick.
At the age of seven though, Dr. Seuss was my man.
I loved the the book Frindle by Andrew Clements!
Well, I was 10 in 1996 and while I have a number of the books on that list sitting in my TBR pile my favorites of the ones I read are:
Angela's Ashes by Frank McCourt
The Lunatic Cafe by Laurell K Hamilton
and because I read it when it came out the children's book:
The Winter of Red Snow by Kristiana Gregory.
That Summer by Sarah Dessen :)
If I'm going to talk about reading candy, I have to go with That Summer by Sarah Dessen. I just love her. But if I'm going for power, I'd say Push by Sapphire. As a woman and a mother, it just broke my heart, over and over, page after page.
Sarah Dessen's book That Summer. I'm obsessed with her and all of her books, but since this was her 1st one it'll always be special! :)
The View From Saturday, which I loved so much I read it out loud to my kids. (They didn't get it.)
The Giant's House
Lily's Purple Plastic Purse
I was born in 1996! But from that list I would have to say That Summer by Sarah Dessen!
I was two in 1996 so...I don't normally read books from before the 2000s and on that entire list can only say I've read two of them: That Summer by Sarah Dessen and Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey by Margaret Peterson Haddix. Of those two the only one I really loved was Don't You Dare Read This, Mrs. Dunphrey. I'm a huge Haddix fan and this one of the first of her books I read.
The books I read that came out in 1996 and loved were:
1)Falling Up by Shel Silverstein; I loved all the peoms that came out in this book and the ones before it.
2)Sin City(Vol. 4)-That Yellow Ba****d by Frank Miller; Miller's stories and artwork that's a blend of black and white with color as an accent for subtle cues all are used for a tale of love.
3)Kingdom Come by Mark Waid(Writer), Alex Ross(Illustrator), Todd Klein(Letterer); The story of a preacher lossing his faith gets pulled by the hero "The Spectre" so that he may witness the (maybe) coming apocolypes by the superheros. As new heros and villians fight with out regard for humanity superheros past there prime led by an aged Superman must keep them from harming others but its not an easy task. the story is remarkable truley amazing and Alex Ross's amazing and beautiful artwork comes to gether to tell a story unlike any other. It regarded as an iconic comic book and a personal favorite of mine.
That Summer by Sarah Dessen! :)
Thanks for the giveaway! I really want to read this! Happy Future Friday!
Angela's Ashes (wonderful audio)
The View From Saturday
Although I was born in '95 I'm an avid reader, and am surprised I have read some books that were published in '96.
I have to say some of my favorite books published in 1996 were (in no particular order)...
1. Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
2. The Green Mile (Stephen King)
3. Falling Up (Shell Silverstein)
4: Darcy's Story
5. The Notebook
To be honest I haven't read an of those books in 1996. I was quite young back then...
I do remember reading 'The Voice on the Radio' by Caroline B. Cooney though (Third book in the Janie Johnson series). I'm not sure if I read it in 1996 or later on but I do remember really enjoying that series
Angela's Ashes is my favorite book from 1996. I didn't actually read it then--I read it the winter of 2002 in Ukraine as a Peace Corps Volunteer, huddled in my Soviet style apartment. World-view altering book.
Oh my goodness I love Falling Up by Shel Silverstein! I was 9 and really into memorizing his silly poems. I also remember getting Frindle from the Scholastic book fair and enjoying it.
In 1996 I was 1...but I did read Frindle when I was a little older, which apparently came out that year. LOVED that book. <3
I was also 5 but I did read lots of picture books! Heres what I would have read:
The Notebook
Green Eggs and Ham
That Summer by Sarah Dessen
Thanks for the giveaway! I really want to read this book.
I loved Frindle, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, and That Summer by Sarah Dessen. :)
From that list it looks like the only books I've read are the Night World ones!
That Summer by Sarah Dessen.
Partially 'cause I love Dessen and that's a great book.
Partially 'cause I haven't read any of the others.
Neverwhere(!): First Neil Gaiman I ever read! I really loved the idea of an entire world that only a select few could be allowed to know actually exists. Made me realize how important it is to build an effective world to make your story that much more tangible.
The Notebook.
Thanks for the giveaway
Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells and Bridget Jones Diary.
Game of Thrones.
The Notebook.
My favorite books from 1996 are definitely:
1) Falling Up - Silverstein's poetry is just too whimsical not to love
2)The Winter of Red Snow: The Revolutionary War Diary of Abigail Jane Stewart, Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 1777 - I LOVED the Dear America series and I particularly remember this one because of the vivid images of the Red Snow.
3)It's a Magical World - I always loved Calvin and Hobbes and learned life lessons through Watterson's fun comics.
When I was younger, I loved Frindle by Andrew Clements. The idea of creating a word was so cool! I also like Brian's Winter by Gary Paulsen and The Voice on the Radio by Caroline B. Cooney,
Ooo let's see... Favorites from that year were numerous. Falling Up, Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, Hogfather, Feet of Clay, Neverwherr, Absolute Power, and of course Fight Club....
Yes I likely read all of those over the span of not very long...
I read Melody.. Loved all the V.C. Andrews books. Felt like such an adult reading them as a freshman in high school.
It would have to be The Green Mile, by Stephen King. I'm a huge Stephen King fan, but this book in particular was fascinating to me. Published as a serial, I couldn't wait to read the next one when I reached the end of the current installment. And John Coffey (like the drink, only not spelled the same) is one of the most compelling characters I've ever read about.
I would have to say The Green Mile. I thought it was pretty cool that they broke the book into 6 little books. Still have them all these years later that i got from the Borders in Ann Arbor.
Oooh, 1996. Loved it!
Claudia Kishi, middle school dropout *love baby sitter's club books.*
Say cheese and die--again! *scared the pants off me!*
Where the red fern grows : the story of two dogs and a boy *remember my 6th grade teacher crying as he read the end*
I agree with Frindle. I was in elementary school at the time, but I still remember Frindle's plot--especially that great ending.
In 1996, I was 10... so lets see.... Most likely I read Falling Up and Green Eggs and Ham. Assuming that I read mostly children's books that year....
Tho, I have since read and enjoyed Harvest, Tick Tock, and the Notebook. I did not realize those books came out 15 years ago though.... wow!
That year I was introduced to Raymond Carver... The book was "Where Im Calling From".. a great collection of short stories. My College English professor had us pick some great authors we had never heard of. Im sure glad she did!
As many who commented before me I was 6 years old in 1996, so I guess I just started reading. I remember we had those great little orange books here in Austria that featured words AND pictures. Loved them!
Later on I obviously read a lot of book which where published in 1996 - didn't know that before today :D My favourites are "The Notebook" by N. Sparks, "Alias Grace" by M. Atwood and "That Summer" by S. Dessen.
I was 4 YEARS OLD in 1996. Wish I could turn back time and go back to being 4. Naturally I don't remember what I read then. Picture books I guess.
Anyhoo I LOVE A Game of Thrones (A Song of Ice and Fire #1)!I had no idea the book was so old! I read the book once I started following the TV Show!
Thanks ^^
Well I was two years old so I don't really remember that year. but I did read Junie B. Jones Loves Handsome Warren, Junie B. Jones and the Meanie Jim's Birthday, and Falling Up later.
Since I was two or three at the time, I'm gonna go with Green Eggs and Ham. I made my mom read it over and over!
1996. Fight Club. Chuck Palahniuk. This is the book that changed my life. Chapter 21. Raymond K Essel. This is what has driven me to pursue my goals and has inspired me to be a writer.
in 1996 i was 12 and loved edith blyton.. secret 7 were my favorites!! man I used to want to be a part of those stories and adventures so bad lol.
They we not written then but I remember them coming out with an awesome new up to date cover we went to the store to buy them!
mel91284 at yahoo dot com
I was born in November 1996, so I didn't exactly read anything! :)
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