For our first giveaway, the bonus item is a DVD of Wayne’s World.

We'll randomly select one person who comments on this Future Friday post to receive both prizes. There’s no need to leave your email address, but do check back on Saturday to see if you’ve won.
This week, we want to know the title of your favorite movie released in 1996. To help you recall which movies came out fifteen years ago, just click here and scroll down to the alphabetized list. You don’t need to tell us why it’s your favorite, but if you feel like telling us, we’d love to know. If you haven’t seen any of these films (seriously?), tell us which one you most want to see…and then go see it!
Here are our selections:
JAY: The Hunchback of Notre Dame was the first movie my wife and I saw together. It wasn’t a date, another one of her guy friends came with us (Hey, Jodi!), but it makes this movie my obvious choice.
CAROLYN: I'd have to say Fargo, even though the scene where they're stuffing a body into the woodchipper still haunts me. But a pregnant cop Midwestern Frances McDormand was so...perfect. Oh, and maybe Flirting with Disaster, too. I'm a sucker for romantic comedies. I saw that one with my mom at a theater in NYC.
I wasn't even been born in the year 1996, but I grew up with Disney films and I really loved The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, it's such an inspiring film, i love the songs featured in this movie...... I'm from the Philippines not so many foreign authors go to our country.. I hope i win ^_^
I feel like I'm going to wax poetic about the 90s every Friday because it was my childhood! Matilda was definitely my favourite film, mostly because I understood her loneliness and love of books. I was about eight years old in 1996 and books were often my only companion, so Matilda was a kindred soul. I still watch this movie every year and it never fails to lift my spirits.
Thanks for the contest by the way! I really appreciate it.
My favorite movie release in 1996 was hands down "The Craft"! Honestly, a little before it's time, if it would have been released just another 5 years later I really think it would have done A LOT better!
So excited for your new book guys! Cheers! <3
Jerry McGuire. "you had me at hello.." I guess I'm a hopeless romantic!
The Adventures of Pinnochio because it showed so much emotion and it was such a fun watch. Personally, I found it more entertaining than the Disney cartoon one.
1996 must have been my year for action movies...liked Independence Day and The Rock. Jerry MaGuire and That Thing You Do were also great. But my husband and I must be the only people in the universe who thought Fargo was a stupid movie.....
I have to go with Independence Day! I was so relieved that the dog made it, even if the First Lady didn't.
In 1996, I definitely would have said The Craft (because I was 13)... but now I'd vote for Fargo. Such an awesome movie. I love Frances McDormand!
My favorite was Shine. I was fascinated with the story of David Helfgott and thought Geoffrey Rush gave an amazing, oscar-worthy performance.
I loved "Jack" with Robin Williams. I keep thinking of the time Jack's mom doesn't want to let him go outside to play and the neighborhood kids go to their house and yell, "hey Mrs..." (I forgot their last name), "can Jack come out and play?" Such a heartwarming story.
Thanks for the giveaway! Can't wait to read your book!
I'm not gonna lie to you, I stopped reading the list when I saw Multiplicity was on there. I still love that movie so much, I'm not sure it matters what else came out that year. Also, my first nephew Jordan was born that year; I was twelve years old. That's a year I'll never forget.
Wow I love so many movies on the list... It's a tie between 4 movies. Fear, Fly Away Home, One Fine Day, and Romeo+Juliet. It was difficult to just choose one
My favourite movie released in 1996 is Matilda because... well, do I really need to explain? That girl simply rocks!
Believe me, I want to say something classic and great like The English Patient or Emma or Jerry Maguire. But, being honest?
Happy Gilmore.
Because friends listen to Endless Love in the dark.
I really loved Independence Day... it was great seeing Will Smith & Jeff Goldblum save the world! And Jeff got to say, "Faster, must go faster" again, as he did in Jurassic Park!
Easily That Thing You Do. It's my favorite movie of the 90s. Cap'n Geech and the Shrimp Shack Shooters? Shades? That scene when they first hear their song on the radio and they all meet at Patterson's and dance around the appliances? TB Player, short for The Bass Player? I mean, that stuff never gets old. I named my car Spartacus that year.
Brilliant, just brilliant.
SCREAM! Brings back memories of my friends and I asking a random adult to buy our movie tickets for us because it was rated R and we were 14.
Awesome contest! I was a HUGE Wayne's World fan when it first came out,and I still have to watch it if I catch it on TV. :)
Independence Day (or ID4 for those in the know...). I love that movie! Still do! I can't believe it's been 15 years. Vivica A Fox's son must be legally allowed to drink now. Thanks for the contest! I can't wait to read this book.
Definitely "Twister", I'm such a weather geek. I even loved it in Orlando.
DEFINITELY Romeo + Juliet. My friends and I went to see it opening night so we could swoon over Leonardo DiCaprio. That was the year before Titanic.
Ahh, I'll go all teenybopper and admit that it was Romeo and Juliet. :)
2 days in the valley! the first r-rated movie i saw in the theater (two days after my 18th bday). i still think it's the best of the pulp fiction rip-offs, and james spader was so very hot.
Emma, with Gwyneth Paltrow, because it's one of my favorite books, and I adore this version(love Gwyneth!). I had a newborn and another on the way, so I needed the calm of an Austen classic at the time! This new book sure sounds like fun, BTW!
Oh dear! I was 11 in 1996! And I can't believe it was that long ago when INDEPENCE DAY and TWISTER came out. GEEZ! But, since I was 11 and all, I think my fav of the year would have to be 101 DALMATIONS. I mean, come on, what 11 year old girl wouldn't love all those puppies. :o)
Thanks for the giveaway!
A tie betwee Matilda and Don't be a Menace. Weirdest tie ever!
I'd like to say Twister, because of the cool, inside a tornado special effects, but I'm probably more a fan of Jerry McGuire, honestly.
Thanks for the contest! Really looking forward to this book! :D
Romeo and Juliet
Looking @ that list of movies brought back A LOT of memories. My favorite is either "Scream" or "The Craft."
I would definitely have to say Romeo and Juliet. I didn't see it in '96, but I saw it a few years later, when my love for Leo Dicaprio had reached stalker levels. I was probably 10 and I saw it with my best friend at the time. I could watch that movie over and over and still love it. I always laugh at myself when I watch it though, because every time I watch the ending I'm screaming at the television "SHE'S NOT DEAD! DON'T DO IT!!!" Like the ending is actually going to change.
The Birdcage. We are fa-mi-ly! And it was only the year before my dad came out out of the closet! Though I adored Matilda and went to see it with my grandmother who thought that since I was in eighth grade I must still want to see film adaptations of Roald Dahl books (okay, yeah, but *eighth grade*).
At the time, Fear or Scream. Today, The Rock. :-)
Fourteen year old me says, it's a tie between Trainspotting (Ewan McGregor!) and Scream.
Considering I was 10 in 1996 I was really excited about the release of Fly Away Home. My parents were always trying to discourage me from bring home stray pets and I just thought Anna Paquin was the greatest thing ever because she helped a whole flock of geese come home to my state of North Carolina. I will have to re-watch it in honor of your giveaway.
I would love to win an early copy of The Future of Us. I read Thirteen Reasons Why and suggest it to every person I can. Amazing book! I have 11/21/11 on my calendar and will wait patiently if I must for the official release, but would much rather not wait. :-)
Michelle (@OBoyledBooks)
Well... As I was a kid in 1996, I'll say that my favorite movie is "The Hunchback of Notre Dame". I like Esmeralda & Clopin ! Very beautiful !
Thanks for this contest. I love this idea and I can't wait to discover your novel. I cross my finger !
(and sorry if my english is bad, I'm french)
As far as i am concerned, only one film came out that year: Kazaam, starring Shaq
I'm going to say again, this list makes me feel old. I couldn't believe that some of these movies were from 1996...doesn't seem like that long ago. So my favorite from that year is Moll Flanders. I read and loved the book and thought the movie adaptation was really well done. My second nomination is Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet. I was eighteen in 1996, and much more of a romantic then, as opposed to my more cynical self now fifteen years into the future.
Pshaaww. Don't be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood. Obviously! ;)
Tied for second place though would have to be Independence Day and Romeo + Juliet.
And in the documentary category I'd have to go with Paradise Lost: The Child Murders at Robin Hood Hills; especially considering it's current relevance with the WM3 being released last week.
I was seven in 1996, but I was always watching The Birdcage with my older brother and sisters. I had NO clue whatsoever what was going on, but I remember really laughing at it. I continued to watch it and I think every time I did I understood one more thing since the last time. I always wonder what made me like it so much when I was young if I had no clue what was going on.It's def a fave of mine now! Agador Spartacus!
I'd like to be librarianesque and say Hamlet. I am a HUGE fan of Kenneth Branagh...however.
It has to be Independence Day. 1) Aliens 2) Rah-Rah Underdogs 3) Will Smith, who I think we can all agree, has grown into a FINE young man. 4) Jeff Goldblume...I can't explain it, but there it is.
The Birdcage!! Nathan Lane and Robin Williams are hysterical in this movie!!
I couldn't pick just one. I can watch these movies any day.
D3: The Mighty Ducks
That Thing You Do
My favorite movie released in 1996 is Matilda. It was one of the most watched movies of my childhood. It is also a film I still watch to this day (I have it on DVD) i just love everything about it.
I was eight when these movies came out. And I know most of them. Which makes this such a hard choice. so many great movies came out that year. But one that I've seen so many times that I can practically quote is the Craft. I've always loved witch movies and that one is one of my favorite witchcraft movies out there.
Definitely Matilda!
(And not just because it's the only one on that list that I've seen. I'm a bit of a failure when it comes to movie-watching. Oops.)
It's a tie between Fear and Scream, each of which I've seen about a million times. And I should be more embarrassed about my love of Fear, but I'm not. I mean, Reese Witherspoon and Marky Mark before he became a "serious actor"? YES PLEASE.
I would have to say OFFICE SPACE. This moving cracks me up every time that I watch it. So many classic lines in the movie... What would you do with a million dollars.. Yeah about that, gonna have to ask you to come in on Saturday. Have you seen my stapler? Sounds like someone has a case of the Mondays! And so many more! lOVE IT.
Happy Gilmore because all of Adam Sandler's movies are awesome.
I don't even have to check that list you provided. '96 was a very good yr because Baz Luhrmann introduced us to his gritastic version of William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet (and Leo DiCaprio in a Hawaiian shirt that refused to stay buttoned.) Ah, 1996. A good yr. ;)
I am such a movie buff that this is tricky!! I would have to say there is a tie between The Birdcage ("It's the shoes!") and Independence Day ("and what the hell is that smell?"). I just love quotes that stick with you. :)
Looking forward to reading your new title! Thirteen Reasons Why was the first teen book I read when I took over as the Teen Librarian at my current library. Forever a favorite!
Independence Day
I feel like "Fargo" should be my choice, but if I have to be honest, my choice would be "Mission Impossible"-- I was obsessed with this film when it came out :)
Happy Gilmore. I love Adam Sandler movies, and this was hilarious.
Wow, this was a great year for movies! Not intending to make anyone feel old, I was 11 in 1996, so I'm limiting myself to movies I actually would have seen when they came out rather than years later when I was older. Hands down, it has to be "Matilda." I loved the book and still adore the movie. The Trunbull is just as sweaty and awful as I imagined when my third grade teacher first read us the book outloud (my classmates and I quickly identified our own Trunchbull and eventually got in trouble for labeling another teacher in such a way). I loved the animated version of "James and the Giant Peach" as well. It was a good year for Roald Dahl adaptations!
101 Dalmatians - I also remember the earlier animated version
Fargo. Definitely. I think it's the funniest movie ever made, hands down. And it's my favorite Coen Brothers movie, too.
It's a tie between Evita (I'm a musical nerd) & Flipper (crushin on Elijah Wood in '96). :)
Evita because I love the music for it and the direction was fabulous even if not all the actors were. Independence day because how can you not love Smith and his snarky dialogue with the mostly dead alien.
i was only a few years old in 1996, okay, like five. and Kenneth C. Francisco's comment makes *me* feel old... yikes.
and sine i was five, i don't remember what movies came out that year. although Wayne's World is hilarious!
Oh! I would honestly say The Hunchback of Notre Dame too. It scared me as a child, but as an adult it's one of my favorite Disney movies.
And I was just thinking of Wayne's World last week because my father and I had a Bohemian Rhapsody rock out in the car during a road trip!
My favorite movie from 1996 was definitely "Harriet the Spy." I was a senior in high school then, and had really just discovered how much I loved writing, and so a movie about a kid who's an aspiring writer would of course be my favorite :)
I would have to say the best move that came out in 1996 was Romeo + Juliet. Hands down. Leo is the best and it's a classic. Would love to win a copy! Thanks! <3 Kayla
I would have to go with the movie Independence Day. I still put it on my staff recommends DVD shelf at the library.
Well, I was one in 1996... but I LOVE Independence Day! I'm a huge Will Smith fan. He's such a great actor, I'd watch any movie he's in!
Thanks so much for this awesome contest!
I haven't watched a lot of movies on that list, probably because in 1996 I was, like, FOUR! hahah But I really loved Matilda and The Hunchback of Notre Dame back then.
Also loved The Craft and Romeo+Juliet.
My favorite 1996 movie is Matilda because I can understand her love for books. Also, it's extremly funny.
-Chandler C.
Oh man, so many memories for lots of those '96 movies. But I think I have to go with Happy Girlmore as the #1 fave of '96 because I've watched it so many times since and it always makes me laugh, has some good quotes too such as, "Doing the bull dance, feeling the flow, all good things." That's come up in daily life more than I can count.
Other memorable ones, Independence Day, Evita, The Arrival (yeah, it's with Charlie Sheen but it has backwards bendy legged aliens. You don't see that everyday, Star Trek First Contact. Man, good times.
I would love to win Wayne's World. My best friend and I watched it 7 times in one weekend. Not surprisingly, never watched it again. LOL Now might be the time.
There were so many but i narrowed it down to 2. First: Muppet Treasure Island because it's the Muppets. . . is any more explanation required? And second: The Rock because that's the movie my grandma picked for our movie date that summer because we both love San Francisco and anything that has to do with my grandma is an automatic favorite.
I’m going to say ‘Night of the Twisters.’ This is actually a TV movie, but it was released in 1996 and I was completely obsessed with it at the time. I had recorded it from the TV onto a VHS and proudly worn that VHS out until it became unplayable lol If I wasn’t choosing a TV movie then I would have to say ‘Romeo + Juliet’. It’s still as amazing as it was back then.
Can’t wait for this book! Thanks for the giveaways you guys! :)
Gotta go with Space Jam!! I was 3 in 1996, but I was obsessed with basketball until I turned thirteen and I've seen that movie wayy more times than I can remember.
The Craft,Mars Attacks,Kazaam,Scream,Space Jam=raddddddd <3
Omg too many faves jack, flipper, etc lol
My favorite movie from the list is Matilda. It was such a fun movie! I loved Danny Devito and Rhea Pearlman as Matilda's parents, and loved Matilda's teacher, Miss Honey.
For me it's a complete tie between Matilda and Romeo + Juliet. I was too old (7th grade) to admit that I loved Matilda, so I watched it while I was babysitting. Romeo + Juliet made me swoon, and the soundtrack from Romeo + Juliet still rocks my socks off.
I remember being really excited for Romeo + Juliet when it came out in '96. I think a lot of it had to do with Leonardo DiCaprio...
Great time...excellent! My favorite movie of 1996 and perhaps all time is Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet. I get to show it every year to my 9th graders and I still LOVE it!
It's between Independence Day and The Long Kiss Goodnight.
mmm...this was a hard one, but I'll have to go with Independence Day because for years afterward I watched it every Independence Day. Tradition!
Put me down for Independence Day.
Well, I was only three years old but I did see a lot of them, and I'd have to say Scream because it was my first ever scary movie. It sent chills through my bones! But now that I re-watch it, it's so much cheesier than scary movies today. I still love it though. I'm really hoping I win your newest book because I loved Thirteen Reasons Why and I'm making you my favorite author because of it!
The Nutty Professor
Oddly enough it would have to be The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists. I grew up watching and loving the Land Before Time movies. Gotta love singing dinosaurs!
Thanks for the giveaway C:
Saying that I was born in 1996, I guess my favorite movie was 101 Dalmations :) now that I'm older, I also like Fly Away Home (love, love, love young Anna paquin!!!) The Nutty Professor provided a good laugh as well.
Well I have 2 that I love so it's a tie. First is Jerry Maguire because it was a love story I wanted to live not only see. And the 2nd was Twister because I live in the midwest so I felt like I was watching a reality show in my backyard. And everytime either of these movies are on I have to watch them. "COW! Another Cow! Actually I think that's the same cow!" LOVE that!
Who could forget the scene in Twister, "We've got cows." Ah, what a year for great movies.
And I simply can't wait for your book! Love your contest - who can resist Wayne's World!
real choice: Bottle Rocket - HILARIOUS, first intro to Wes Anderson
fav movie to laugh at: Twister, especially when Helen Hunt yells, "Debris!" and Bill Paxton yells back "Debris?!"
It's one of the crowning moments in cinematic achievement.
great contest! thanks for the flashback! :)
So I was about 7 in 1996, so the film I was most excited about was definitely Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame. However, I did watch Independence Day in high school and I absolutely loved it.
Independence Day for sure! It has both aliens and Will Smith in it. Can't get much better than that.
Thanks for this amazing contest. I'm really looking forward to The Future Of Us.
Fargo. I never get tired of listening to William H. Macy make excuses.
'That Thing You Do!' I can quote that whole movie.
Hunchback of Notre Dame, I would explain WHY I liked it and why I STILL like it, but what I was typing got erased. :(
Fargo. Frances McDormand 4ever.
Help had me at hello.....never shop the many great lines from Jerry Macguire.
a great contest with a bonus romp down memory lane......looking forawrd to the release of your new book.
Thanks so much for the giveaway! I have yet to see Waynes World and I can not wait to read The Future of Us!
I loved the movie matilda!!
Loved the mid-90's. Those were good years for me. I have to go with Matilda.
INDEPENDENCE DAY! Hands down! Man, I'm starting to get nostalgic about 90s movies in the same way I hold an affection for 80s movies.
Jerry Maguire... one of the first R rated adult movies I was allowed to watch as a kid.
Scream. I am a huge fan of Kevin Williamson. Not only is his dialogue smart and witty, he rebooted horror like only he could.
The Birdcage
That Thing You Do—and a dozen other titles. That list brought back a lot of memories.
I was all set to say (almost afraid to admit it...) Beavis and Butthead do America for the cornholio scene alone (please, God, don't let my students read this), but then I saw Matilda, and the deal was sealed. I just adore the story, loved Danny DaVito and Rhea Pearlman as her awful parents, and even fought with my husband for months to name our second daughter Matilda.
Wow, there's so many, I don't know how to choose! I was 13 in 1996 and I remember being excited for a lot of those movies - Pinocchio, Scream, The Craft, Flipper, That Thing You Do! Without doubt though, my favourite at that age would definitely be Baz Luhrman's Romeo & Juliet. I remember being slightly obsessed!
These days, looking at that list what stands out as fave's even now are Bed of Roses and The Frighteners. Awesome movies. 1996 was a great year, yeah?
Thanks so much!
I'm going to have to say Emma, because I am an Austen fanatic, although the book is obviously a thousand times better....but I also LOVE The First Wives Club and ADORE James and the Giant Peach
The English Patient is just so good. I watch it about once a year.
Thanks for the contest! I'm crossing my fingers.
Swingers. Very funny buddy film.
Oh so many good movies in 1996 - this question makes me miss the 90s so much! It's so hard to choose my favorite one. My friends and I were obsessed with Baz Luhrman's Romeo and Juliet - and convinced our teachers to let us perform scenes from the play for our classmates. Looking back, I think that was particularly brave of our teachers considering the 90s treatment we could have given the text.
I counted about 15 movies, I'm a big movie buff, but to narrow it down to my top favorites are. "From Dusk to Dawn", I love Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodregez films and this was a mix of many unique things. "Broken Arrow" for its good action scenes,John Travolta plays a good bad guy and Christian Slater plays a good action star(also helps that I'm named after him). Last is "Romeo + Juliet", I love Shakespear and this gave a interesting twist on a classic piece of literature.
Can't wait to get my hands on a copy of "The Future of Us" and can't wait for the film for addaptation for "Thirteen Reasons Why". I would love to audition for it.
I was a junior at Michigan State, and the girl i was dating was a sophomore. She had a rough week on test's and school, so i thought i would surprise her by taking her out to dinner and a movie with the little money i had. We had dinner at Ruby Tuesday, and went and saw "That Thing You Do". Such a sweet simple night of two young people in the early stages of dating. I broke up with her two months later to date another girl,(I was young and stupid),but looking back, she was the one, and i know that now. Whenever That Thing You Do comes on TV, I always watch it, and look back fondly of that one perfect night, and think what could have been.
Hmmmm... 1996 well that would make me 9 yrs. old. I've pretty much seen a lot of movies that came out that year. It's a really tough choice between That Thing You DO starring Liv Tyler and Space Jam with Michael Jordan and of course how can I forget the looney toons characters. But out of all the movies that year there's one that I had to pick aside the aforementioned two. JACK with Robin Williams I'm a big fan of his.
Well I was born in '88 so I actually remember a good deal of these movies ironically. I did grew up on Disney since my mom worked for them at the time. But I do have to say that I loved 2 movies a lot from that time..The Nutty Professor, which inspired many many jokes and impersonations at the dinner table, much to my mother's dismay. haha But also Fly Away Home. I cry every time they go off on their own and when Igor gets hit by the aircraft. When X-men and TrueBlood came out I shouted "That's Amy!!" and my fiancee laughed at me.
I hope you keep writing amazing novels so I can keep suggesting them to everyone I know. :) I've already pre-ordered your new one :)
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