Monday, July 19, 2010

Ivysaiah Wants You to Win!

JoanMarie and I have been referring to our upcoming baby as Ivysaiah until we find out the sex. Why Ivysaiah? Because it blends together the two names we've settled on: Ivy if she's a girl, Isaiah if he's a boy.

We'll find out the sex...fingers crossed!...this Wednesday. So which do you think it'll be? A boy or a girl?

Leave your name and answer in the comments section, and I'll let JoanMarie randomly pick a number to figure out which person (from the list of correct answers) will win the prize. And no, you can't answer twice. You already have a 50/50 chance of getting it right!

What are you hoping to win? I'll send you a signed copy of Thirteen Reasons Why, a signed copy of JoanMarie's CD In This World, and some cheap and silly pink or blue goodies...some of them edible. (I didn't want to buy that pink and blue stuff ahead of time just to take a picture for you because then I'd have to return half of it.)

I'll announce the name of our baby and the winner this Thursday, so get your answers in by Wednesday evening.

In the past several months, a lot of people have been telling us their superstitions about how to determine the sex. Below, I'll share some of that info to help you make your selection.

  • JoanMarie had lot of morning sickness, associated with the extra female hormones caused by a baby girl.
  • Since the male determines the gender, and my parents had two boys, there's a really good chance it'll be a baby boy.
  • JoanMarie has been expressing a lot more of her "girly" characteristics, so it's a girl.
  • JoanMarie usually sleeps on her left, which means it's a boy.
  • A woman at church can tell just by looking at the shape of a mommy's tummy, and apparently we're having a girl.
  • Based on our birth dates, says we're having a boy.
  • JoanMarie's been craving sweet over spicy, which means we're having a girl.
And yes, JoanMarie and I are going to be thrilled either way!


Weronika Janczuk said...

Haha, great clues, Jay. ;)

I'm going to go with GIRL.

An early congrats to the both of you.

Claire Dawn said...

I vote girl!

Miss Bookiverse said...

I'm going for a girl. I like the name Ivy :)

Anonymous said...

I had 4 boys and carried differently each time, lol. I was also morning sick longer with each pregnancy. I always sleep on my right side.

When I was pregnant with my last son, a couple of twenty-something hunks who worked in the deli that I frequented watched me walk in one day when I was seven months pregnant. One of them said, that's a big boy you've got in there! The other nodded. I laughed, never having had anyone but little old ladies offer unsolicited predictions. When I asked why he thought that, he shrugged and said, "It better be! You're huge! Your belly looks like a big basketball!"


PS: I vote boy.

Oh, and I am one of 5 girls, with only 1 brother. Of the three sisters who had children, we produced 10 grandkids - 9 boys and 1 solitary girl.

Anonymous said...

Daring to be different and saying: boy.

FieryIceFantasy said...

Well... those facts certainly helped (no sarcasm at all). I pick girl mostly because I prefer the name Ivy over Isaiah (not that there is anything wrong with Isaish).

jpetroroy said...

I'll vote boy!
jpetroroy at gmail dot com

Kat Heckenbach said...

I'm going to compare her experiences with mine, and go with GIRL.

Anyway, I've got a copy of 13RW, and I don't need any sweets (regardless of color) so don't count me for the contest, but I wanted to put in my two cents :), and wish you congrats again. It's really exciting finding out the baby's gender!

LSkeers said...

I'm feeling BOY vibes! Either way, it will be an amazing adventure!

Kelly said...

i say it is a girl!!

corbin said...


Sandy said...

I vote girl :)

Katie said...


runa said...


Maurene J. Hinds said...

I'm going with girl. (And either way, how exciting!)

Candyland said...

Totally a GIRL dude!!! I had a lot of these things and I had a beautiful princess! And Ivy is such a gorgeous name.

Unknown said...

I vote that it will be a girl [:
Congratulations, and I absolutely love both the names you picked out!

andrea said...

I'm guessing it's a girl.
And Ivy is such a pretty name!

Naomi Canale said...

I vote BOY =D

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking it'll be a boy
But either way congratulations :D

Jenny said...


bookaholic said...

Girl! You are going to be blessed with a beautiful baby girl, I think!:)

william said...

i'll say.... artist.

Laurie Stolarz said...

Hi Jay,

It's a boy. So excited for you all!

Thanh said...

My guess is for a boy. It seems like everyone I know has been having girls lately.


Jay Asher said...

Corbin, if it's a boy, JoanMarie wants to know if you can teach him to weld? And if it's a girl, will you do the same?

Mame said...

If she's still feeling ill, I'm totally voting girl! My daughter made me sick for seven months (that didn't sound right).

Have a great appointment!

Catherine said...

GIRL, most definitely. I like the name Ivy :)

Anonymous said...

We don't have to guess
Because we know the baby
boy or girl will be beautiful or handsome and smart just like grandma and grandpa. Since this would make us eligible for only half the prize and we have what's offered already(which we have to admit are both great-
so we are a bit prejudicial!)
So if we win we would like a copy
get a copy.

But if we had to guess.....


Anonymous said...

I vote IVY! Congrats to you both!

Cynthea Liu said...

So I'm biased. When I was pregnant, I hoped and hoped I'd have a boy because I always had it in my mind that the boy would help protect a younger future sibling. (Whatever!)

When I found out it was a girl, suddenly I thought of every reason to have a girl first!

Funny how the mind works.

And you can guess now that my vote is for a girl.)


*mi said...

Boy. For no very good reason other than I love the name Isaiah.

The Lowneys said...

The Lowneys think boy. :)

Shannon said...

my votes for a boy :)
congratulations on the baby!
both names are really cute!

KimiKayKristie said...

I say boy. Congratz either way.

Renee said...

Girls :) Congrats!

d said...

Hm... I have to go with a girl! I love the name Ivy.

Unknown said...

Girl. Definitely.

Ivy Asher. Absolutely.

Niki Moss said...

I vote GIRL.
I had bad morning sickness for nearly the entire pregnancy with my daughter, but hardly at all with my son. In my experience the hormone thing rang most true out of all the crazy superstitions. (And now I think I'm going to be ill just remembering it.)


Hannah W. said...


Sarah said...

I will go with girl. This is because of the morning sickness clue. (mine was so bad with my daughter but not my son.) Also, the sweet over spicy craving. Although, the real question is, does your wife want to eat meat, like steak steak and more steak? I couldn't get enough steak when I was pregnant with my son.
So I'm thinking there will be a little Ivy Asher coming into the world soon. Either way, it will be wonderful!

Laura Ludwig Hamor said...

I say..... Boy, no girl. No boy.
Okay, final answer.. Girl!

Gina Black said...

Girl girl girl!! (But just one.) And mazel tov to you!

Robin Reul said...

I'm guessing boy. I was sick as a dog with my daughter (and had to perform jury duty!! ugh!!) and for both pregnancies (boy & girl) craved salsa and chocolate - not together although there might be something to that... so go figure. I was sure my boy was a girl and vice versa. Whatever he/she is, may he/she be healthy and your wife have an easy, happy pregnancy, enjoying the wonder of life. :)

student said...

I say it is a girl. So from now on, I would start calling her Ivy.

Kenny and Maureen Bonnefin said...

I'm going to vote for a girl.

And congratualations to both of you!

Tell Joan Marie, Kenny and I (Maureen) say "Hi"

flemmily said...

Girl is my vote. :)

storyqueen said...

Gonna have to go with girl!

And Ivy is a lovely name.


Paul87 said...

I'm guessing its a bouncing baby boy

resugo said...

I say definitely boy. And congratulations either way!

Brian Peace said...

I think you'll be saying hello to Isaiah today.