Monday, February 08, 2010

Naughty Before I Fall

Raise your hand if you'd like to win some free books?

Wow! Okay, I didn't expect everyone to raise a hand, but that's great! I love enthusiasm.

This is a contest to win Advance Reader's Copies of two new books which have been getting a lot of buzz. The contest entry info is at the end of this post, but first, here's what you'll be winning:

Suzanne Young's The Naughty List was released last week and is the first in an extremely fun series. Not only will you receive the ARC (which is a collector's item now that the book is out), you'll also get three rare Naughty List items: a postcard, a bookmark, and a sticker. Yes, a sticker! After you read the ARC, you may still want to buy an official copy of the book so you can check out the acknowledgments page. There, you'll notice that a very recognizable name has been mentioned (at least, it's recognizable if you've ever checked out this blog).

Description of The Naughty List:

As if being a purrfect cheerleader isn’t enough responsibility! Tessa Crimson’s the sweet and spunky leader of the SOS (Society of Smitten Kittens), a cheer squad-turned-spy society dedicated to bringing dastardly boyfriends to justice, one cheater at a time. Boyfriend-busting wouldn’t be so bad . . . except that so far, every suspect on the Naughty List has been proven 100% guilty!

When Tessa’s own boyfriend shows up on the List, she turns her sleuthing skills on him. Is Aiden just as naughty as all the rest, or will Tessa’s sneaky ways end in catastrophe?

The Naughty List. Is your boyfriend on it?

Lauren Oliver's Before I Fall comes out March 2nd and is going to make my life so much easier. When people say they liked my book and are looking for a similar reading experience, I always toss out way too many ideas. Now I can just say, "If you liked Thirteen Reasons Why, you definitely have to check out Before I Fall." Your free ARC, should you win it, comes signed by Ms. Oliver!

Description of Before I Fall:

What if you had only one day to live? What would you do? Who would you kiss? And how far would you go to save your own life?

Samantha Kingston has it all: the world's most crush-worthy boyfriend, three amazing best friends, and first pick of everything at Thomas Jefferson High—from the best table in the cafeteria to the choicest parking spot. Friday, February 12, should be just another day in her charmed life.

Instead, it turns out to be her last.

Then she gets a second chance. Seven chances, in fact. Reliving her last day during one miraculous week, she will untangle the mystery surrounding her death—and discover the true value of everything she is in danger of losing.
To enter this contest, simply leave your name and your favorite type of ice cream in the comments section of this post by Wednesday, February 10 at 11:59pm PST. One name will be chosen at random, so check back on Thursday to see if you've won! (If you don't like ice cream, just pretend you love Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby and you'll stay on my good side.)



Anonymous said... name is Imke and I love chocolate chip ice cream :-)

Caprica-Lex said...

Favourite ice cream? Tough one, I like them all.

I'd go with Magnum Almond. It combines three flavours I love: Almond, chocolate and vanilla.


Unknown said...

Hope I win! Dee Dee Franco, chocolate chip!

Tiffany Neal said...

Bluebell's Tin Roof - If you've never had that ice cream, then you aren't living. :)

PS...LOVED your book. And I've been blog stalking you for some time now. I've finally set up my own blog and have decided to quit stalking and actually leave a comment!

Have a great day. Oh, and hurry up and get another book out for me to read. LOL!

Unknown said...

Please enter me. My favorite flavor of ice cream is Rocky Road.

jpetroroy said...

Name: JenP
Favorite ice cream: Reese's Peanut Butter cup :)

jpetroroy at gmail dot com

LSkeers said...

Wow -- they both sound great! A book, bookmark, postcard AND sticker? Be still my heart! I LOVE book-related goodies!

Kara said...

Kara Mustafa- Ben and Jerry's Phish Food (or is it Phish Phood?)

Wild About Words said...

Hey, Jay,
Fun contest. Great books. Fav ice-cream? Hmm. So many to choose from. Old favorite: chocolate chip mint. New favorite: moose tracks. All best,

Brittany said...

Great contest, these books sound amazing. I love Ben & Jerry's Chunky Monkey, Chubby Hubby, and Phish Food. So that only counts as one kind because they are all Ben & Jerry's!


Jodi Kendall said...

I'd love to win one of those books!!!

Favorite ice cream = Moose Tracks

Love it so much that I named my dog after it. :)

Dwayne Jeffery said...

My favourite ice cream is cotton candy. That said, I live in Canada and ice cream season is only two weeks in July.

rh3a said...

jen plattel

chocolate chip cookie dough :D

SRH said...

Well it's a toss up between B&J Fossil Fuel (mix of Sweet Cream Ice Cream, Rocky Road,Fudge and Cookie chunks) or B&J Phish Food (Chocolate Ice Cream, Marshmallow, Carmel and Fudge) --- Ooo!! but watch the Diet ! ! !

Unknown said...

My name is Brennt. And i looooooooooooove cookie-dough ice-cream (:

The Brewer's from Morrow said...

My favorite is strawberry cheesecake

Keeping my fingers crossed to win.


iffath said...

I don't what it is, but I lurrrvveee any type of Mint Chocolate-Chip!! AND anything by my two best friends, Ben & Jerry ;)

Abigail Miller said...

Hmmm... my favorite ice cream...

I love Ben & Jerry's Cake Batter ice cream.

Only the best. :)

Loved "13 Reasons Why"! :)

AmandaHewer said...

Breyers Waffle Cone OVERLOAD!

But I must say, I like frozen yogurt/custard much better than ice cream. =) Mmmmmm!

~Amanda Hewer

Donna said...

Donna - Swiss chocolate almond

Elly said...

Good luck to everyone. :3

Bonjour. I'm Elizabeth and my favorite ice cream would have to be Mint Chocolate Chip. It's delicious.

Anonymous said...

My name is Xhantell. My favorite ice cream would be Cookie Dough but i separate the cookie dough bits and ice cream. haha yum yum yum :D

KimiKayKristie said...

Kristie Abbott. I love chocolate!

Beth S. said...

Hi my name is Beth and I love olive oil ice cream.

Yes, you read that right. Olive oil ice cream. It sounds gross but it is insanely delicious!

Unknown said...

Hello, it's Sunny and my favorite ice cream flavor is Friendly's Mint Chocolate Chip :)

Anonymous said...

My name is Em and my favorite kind of ice cream is minty chocolate :)

Sienna said...

Sienna :D and my favorite ice cream is extreme moose tracks (that stuff is hardcore)

Dani. said...

Woah! Those books look SO GOOD! I want:D

Favorite Ice-Cream you ask? I gotta go with the classic- mint chocolate chip!!! Tho Superman comes in a close second! :]

sydney said...

Hello my name is Sydney Neff, my favorite ice cream is rockey road!=)

Candace said...

Ooooh favorite type of ice cream has to be a good ol' coffee ice cream. Can't beat that!

kimberly said...

Hi! My name is Kimberly and my favorite kind of ice cream is Tin Roof Sundae! Any brand, really. Mmmm ice cream.

Jennie Englund said...

Suzanne is such a great person: witty, charming, bright. I can't wait to read NAUGHTY.

And will definitely check out FALL.

Me: pistachio.

Genoveva said...

Favorite ice cream? it's got to be chocolate chip ice cream!

Vickie said...

Yay free books! Vickie Butter Pecan

Jennifer said...

My name is Jennifer Earp, and I love ANY chocolate ice cream (chocolate espresso, chocolate pecan, chocolate peanut butter cup, etc.).

ALN said...

Hi my name is Alisha Newberry and I absolutely love Starbucks Caramel Macchiato flavored ice cream!

Stacey said...

my favorite ice cream is Chocolate Chip Cheesecake!

secsec1 (at) gmail (dot) com

Adele said...

Hey I am Adele (aka Persnickety Snark / Snarky Wench)...

My favourite ice cream is Baskin Robbin's Chocolate Peanut Butter. Beautiful chocolately icecream with chunks of salty peanut butter goodness. Heaven.

p.snark AT gmail DOT com

Sarah said...

If this is open to international then please add me

Sarah Keery

my favourite ice cream is mint choc chip x

Karen said...

I'm Karen and chocolate chip mint is my favorite ice cream (today at least). I love ice cream and I love books! Thanks for the chance to win.

Anonymous said...

YAY Suzanne & Lauren! Thanks for doing this, Jay!

Dawn Metcalf loves Marshall Field's Frango Mint ice cream (I invite all Chicagoans to now all drool in unison).



Anonymous said...

Favorite ice cream: Frozen yogurt with chocolate sprinkles!! Simple but de-lish!

kpic724 (at) gmail (dot) com

Jamie said...

I'm Jamie :)
My favorite ice cream is B&J's Chocolate Fudge Brownie!

bianca_riot said...

if its international, count me in, if not..well my favourite icecream is chocolate honeycomb with a whole load of goodies-mini marshmellows, hundreads and thousands....all the possibilities :)


Joann said...

Hi! My name is Joann and my favorite type of ice cream is Cookies N' Cream :)

God's gal said...

I believe the classic chocolate chip is the best of all ice creams!

My name is Jade :)

Shannon said...

Oh, blue moon for sure!
~Shannon Brewer

Spav said...

My favourite ice-cream is stracciatella.


S.F. Robertson said...

I can't wait to read both of these books! Thanks for the opportunity.

My favorite ice cream has to be chocolate chip cookie dough. It's two great comfort foods wrapped up in one pretty little package.


Bookish in a Box said...

Dutch chocolate, swapped out with chocolate chip cookie dough sometimes. Mmm...

whatinabox at gmail dot com

Rosie said...

Rosie Converse, and I love Neopolitan Dynamite, but really I just like ice cream in general!

K. M. Walton said...

Hi Jay,
Peanut butter cup ice cream.
- Kate

FBF said...

My name's Ru, and my favorite ice cream is chocolate chip cookie dough.

sandi said...

sandi loves mint chocolate chip!

Mary Pat said...

Very fun contest!

Cookies 'n' cream is my all-time favorite!

Mary Pat Behrens

Sharli said...

Hey I'm Sharli and my favorite is B&J's Chocolate Fudge Brownie! Because you can never have too much chocolate :P


Robby said...

Ben and Jerry's Mint Chocolate Cookie. Not too cold, not too warm. Give me a carton and a spoon and the next time you see me I will be on the floor, passed out and happy.
These books sound really great.

runningforamsterdam @ hotmail . com

Lynsey Newton said...

Phish food....mmmmm....

Jenny N. said...

Enter me if this contest is international.

My favourite ice cream flavor is green tea flavoured.

celinaaa! said...

celina vu loves rainbow sherbert!

Anonymous said...

i know its all last minute but hey best things come ny name is laura c. hernandez....and i love rocky road ice cream

Leslie said...

My name is Leslie, and my favorite ice cream flavor is Ben & Jerry's Half Baked!

callbrichaotic said...

My name's Bri and I love espresso chip ice cream, which combines coffee flavored ice cream with espresso dark chocolate chips :) it's fantastical.

Unknown said...

my favourite icrecream isn't common. like many other things in life, I have to make it myself. it's onion. I love taking vanilla icrecream and adding raw green onions to it. the sweet vs bitter flavours that mingle -- hm, I love it!

Unknown said...

by the way, my name is James Parker, of southern Louisiana. ^_^'

Catie S (Book Bound) said...

I'm Catie.

I love Ben & Jerry's Vanilla caramel swirl.

Crystal said...

I'm Crystal and I'm a sucker for Coldstone's Strawberry Banana Rendezvous