
Monday, April 11, 2016

The Doors of Perception

Last week, I spoke at Royal Palm Beach High School in Florida. (I know, sometimes being an author requires you to drag yourself to a place called Royal Palm Beach.) RPBHS was in the midst of week-long events and discussions based around Thirteen Reasons Why. So I'm guessing that's why they invited me!

One student asked me, "Is it weird to think that a whole school is doing this around something you wrote?" Yes, it is. It's very weird!

And it's one of the most amazing things an author can experience.

Students designed book-specific bookmarks, which I've already given a prime spot in my office. But I'm going to assume none of the students ever used the bookmarks while reading 13RW...because they couldn't stop reading it!

Another student designed this poster in the library.

The office door in the library was full of positive notes left by students and faculty.

Then it was time to speak to an audience where so many of the students had already read my book.

During lunch, I dined on Chipotle (they donated everything!) with a group of students wearing shirts designed for this week. These students were chosen from a larger group of students who had created projects--posters, displays, wordles...--dealing with my book.

Then...time to speak again!

Before I left, I was taken on a tour of decorated classroom doors that won a school-wide contest.

Doors, man! I've never been so emotionally moved by...doors!!!

1 comment:

  1. Heather Tomlinson8:33 PM

    Hi, Jay-- I picked up Indian takeout late this afternoon and started talking with a couple of the waiters about good books (as one does). Both of the young men had great things to say about 13 Reasons Why. Thought I would share a happy word!
