Here they are, everybody, the Backstreet Boys singing Everybody.
And the winner of these seven autographed YA novels...
Tara Lenhoff
Congratulations, Tara! To let us know where to send your books, email a shipping address to, the working email address of a character in The Future of Us. None of your books were pre-signed, so if you want to give any as gifts, let us know who each book should be made out to. And if they should all be personalized to you, that's great, too! (Personally, that's what I would do. But I'm selfish like that!)
And thank you, Kristina McBride, Elizabeth Scott, Jennifer Bosworth, and Cat Patrick, for donating copies of your amazing novels to this contest.
If you entered but didn't win this contest, I urge you to read every one of the books pictured above. When you do, there's no need to email me your thoughts because I'll respond to you right now: You're welcome.
read 13 Reasons Why. and I think Hannah Baker didn't die. hahahhaha :)