Saturday, June 09, 2012


To celebrate Thirteen Reasons Why making it on the New York Times best sellers list for its 113th week (65/hardcover, 48/paperback), it's time for another giveaway!

This will be a random drawing, so there's no reason not to enter. None! Especially because the prize is something we all love...


The winner will receive a copy of every book on the latest Children's Paperback best sellers list:

One Direction: Dare to Dream - Divergent - The Book Thief - The Lost Hero
Thirteen Reasons Why
- Matched -
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
Out of My Mind - Between Shades of Gray -Turtle in Paradise

You may already own some of these titles (supposedly, they're all selling very well), but that makes the timing of this contest even better. Books make great gifts, and the holiday season is only six months away. I will, of course, sign your copy of Thirteen Reasons Why to whoever you'd like. And if you want me to sign any of the other books, that's cool, too. (How many people can say they have a copy of One Direction: Dare to Dream autographed by me? Those things are rare!)

To enter, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post, letting me know your favorite childhood toy. Then check back Tuesday morning to see if you've won. There's no need to leave an email address, just your name. If you win, I'll give you info on how to send me your mailing address.

Entries must be posted by this Monday at 11:59pm (PST).

If you don't win, keep checking back. There will be another contest later this month involving four authors and five books...all autographed.

Good luck!

Oh, and my favorite childhood toy?


Darth Pablo said...

My favorite toy was my stuffed teddy bear. still have him to this day.

Kris @Imaginary Reads said...

My favorite childhood toy was this big teddy bear that my uncle gave me.

Aliyah said...

My favorite toy was a doll that I got when my little sister was born.

Megan Martin said...

My favorite childhood toy is my Cabbage Patch Kid I named "Baby" and carried everywhere. I still have her to this day in the original outfit she came in.

Anonymous said...

That's a hard one! I always loved my kitchen. I used to peered that I was the best chef in town:)

Katie Sinclair said...

do books count? I'm not trying to wiggle out of this, I swear! I just owned a lot more books than dolls. If books aren't an option, I'll go with my stuffed rabbit, Roger.

Ash said...

My favorite toy was my pink power ranger. I was so a nineties kid.

Mary E. Hart said...

My Mork and Mindy dolls.

Tommy Wilson (a.k.a Prince T) said...

I had a Teddy Rupxin that i LOVED you would put the tape in and he would tell you the story :)

S.F. Robertson said...

Spirograph! Well. That or the game Candyland.

Cari Sadler said...

My favorite toy was my father's cb radio. He was a member of The Beltway Patrol and I remember loving using "code" to talk with other people on the handheld transmitter.

Ashlee Ford said...

My favorite childhood toy was this little stuffed bear I got from the Dollar Store. Not growing up with much money, we couldn't afford expensive toys, but my dad would take my brother and I to the Dollar Tree to spend $1 a month on a toy. I picked up this little brown bear and instantly fell in love. I named him Buster and I carried him with me all the time. I am now 20 and my 2 year old sleeps with it every single night. :)

Amy Haight said...

My favorite toy was a big white bear. I slept with him every night. I had him for so long that he actually go flat on the back from laying on my bed when I got to old to actually play with him.

Alexis said...

My favorite childhood toy was this toy you sat on and spun. I used that thing until I possibly couldn't fit on it anymore! -Alexis

HCorral said...

I was never into dolls - that didn't stop my mom from giving me fancy madame alexander collector ones, you know, the ones with the eyes that blink - anyway, never even touched those; I preferred animals. Specifically, my model horse collections. I had stables and families and herds of plastic horses.

Megan said...

My favorite toy was my stuffed Snuffleupagus doll. I took him everywhere with me :)

Allison Martin said...

My favorite childhood toy was my Harry Potter potions set. It was awesome.

Claudia said...

What a great chance to get more of your books! Until now I read two of them and I really enjoyed both of them!

My favorite toy was a doll. She was as huge as a real baby and was wearing my old playsuit.

G. Donald Cribbs said...

Raised by my single parent mom, one Christmas she told us we wouldn't have presents. My brother and I worked odd jobs cleaning pools, weeding gardens, washing cars and gave my mom $20. She bought us He-Man action figures, which were my favorite for a long time, not because of the show (which was cool at the time), but because of what it meant. *nostalgic* Thanks for the reminder, and for the opportunity of winning these books, which I would be thrilled to receive, read, and review. Regards! Don

Rachel said...

My favorite childhood toy was a red powerwheels convertible. I loved riding around my street looking for fun.

Jeanine said...

My favorite childhood toy was my doll, I called her baby-baby.

Sarah Jackman said...

My favorite toy was this giant plastic apple that when shook different ways, made different pitches of "boing" noises! I found it in my attic when I moved recently and have decided to pass it down to my children when I have some!

Jana said...

My favourite childhood toy was a big doll of almost one metre that had belonged to my mother before. My grandma used to crochet clothes for the doll and when my mum gave the doll to me she sewed clothes for her.

Ashley G. said...

I loved my Polly Pocket! Took that thing with me everywhere! Thanks for the giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

My favorite toy was a Green Machine big wheel with a hand brake. You could go fast, cut the wheel and pull the hand brake and spin around like the hot rods on TV. Steve

Stephanie W said...

My Fav childhood toy was my Barbie Dreamhouse. It had an elevator and none of my other friends had one. Elite.

vbigler said...

My Raggedy Ann doll. I would hold her and look at the magical illustrations in my Raggedy Ann book and be transported!

Anna said...

hmm, favorite toy. that's a tough one. I don't think I have one. I have a blanket that my mom made for me out of her old bathrobe though, I still sleep with it.

Keri Dodson said...

My favorite toy was my Lite Brite!! 80's girl-- and I also rocked some Shera!!

darnlibrarian said...

My favorite childhood toy was my Mattell electronic football game. As a girl, my dad was esctatic when I asked for this for Christmas. I played with that and Barbies for hours!

warnoj said...

Jonelle Warnock-
My favorite toy was my purple Pinto car that had pedals that I could drive around...I still have it!

tc said...

My favorite was the stuffed dog a family friend gave me when i was born. The brand was french and he was supposed to be called Le Mutt but i couldn't say that when i started talking so he was just Mutt Mutt. Even now he is always the first thing to be placed in any new apartment or living space.


My favorite childhood toy was my Star Wars figures especially my Han Solo ones

Anonymous said...

I think my favourite toy were my Polly Pockets. I could spend hours playing with those things!

Happy Girl said...

My favorite.. my doll, named Tootsie.

Gabrielle Carolina said...

Belinda, my stuffed polar bear, and I had many grand adventures when I was growing up and I still share all my secrets with her. ; )

Congrats on your 113th week, your book, and Hannah Baker, are amazing and mean so much to me, Jay. Thank you for writing and thanks for this great contest!



Amber said...

Favorite toy? Honestly? Books. It has always been books for me :)


P.S. Congrats on 113 weeks, Jay.

Kristin said...

My favourite childhood toy...that's a tough one! I'd have to say my Tigger stuffed animal that would bounce on its tail! I was a Winnie The Pooh child.

D.E. Malone said...

I think someone else mentioned model horses which I collected too. I'd bring them outside and the Barbies would ride them. Still have them in the attic. I can't bear to part with them.

Unknown said...

My favorite toy growing up was a doll I got when I was 9 monhts old. I named her "Dolly" and still have to this day.

Lindsey said...

My favorite toy was my Cabbage Patch Kid doll Elmyra Glenn Arnold. Still thinking of naming my kid that someday :)

Rachel said...

I absolutely loved my Polly Pockets. Not only could I change their outfits (bonus!), but they fit great in my two dollhouses. I loved making them have lives and I was constantly redecorating the dollhouses. I may be nineteen, but man do I miss those.

Jennifer M said...

My favorite childhood toys were my Care Bears and Care Bear Cousins. I would play with them all day.

Lynne/White said...

What an awesome giveaway! Congrats to 13 Reasons! My favorite toy was my metallic purple banana seat bike with a multi-colored flowered seat. Rode everywhere and played tons of make believe on it: bus driver, drive-up bank, mcds drive thru, family vacation...

Mrs. B said...

I'd have to say that Barbie & her minions were my favorite childhood toy. My sister and I would play for hours/days on end.

Lance Lumley said...

My favorite toy was my first drum set at age 5.

Unknown said...

My Favourite childhood toy was my varies and model horses. I absolutely love horses and played with the model ones until I got a real one :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite toy was my Cabbage Patch Kid doll Elmyra Glenn Arnold. Still thinking of naming my kid that someday :)

Re-posting with Google account.

Anonymous said...

I've had a lot of 'phases' in my life: weather, geography, sports, books...but when I was eight years old I was all about dinosaurs. My mother used to take me to the dinosaur museum upstate so that I could see all the fossils and exhibits (and buy all the plastic toy replicas of unpronounceable species) Stegosaurus was my favorite--loved the big, flat plates on its back.

That Christmas my mom (or Santa) left an inflatable Stego right in front of the tree, obstructing half of it. I knew it was a blow-up toy, but it was a pretty damn lifelike one -- all scaly and sea foam green. I gave it a big hug, played with it all morning, and kept it in my bedroom for years--until my dinosaur phase faded into a sports obsession. But that inflatable Stegosaurus, and the dozens of dinosaur-related toys (remember DinoRiders?) were my most cherished childhood toys.

Well, that and Garbage Pail kids :)

Unknown said...

Those sticky hands you get out of a vending machine. If you gave me one of those I was entertained for hours (or at least until it stuck to the ceiling and never came down).

Trilla said...

My favorite childhood toy was my Mrs. Beasely doll!

Beth S. said...

I was a Barbie girl. What can I say? I was a sucker for fancy, sparkly dresses.

Kayla said...

My G.I. Joes! I was such a tomboy.

Kristen said...

My favorite childhood toys were my matchbox cars. I even had a playmat for the floor designed like a parking lot and highway where I could drive them and park them in spaces and create spectacular matchbox collisions.

Sara said...

My favorite childhood toy was my Winnie the Pooh bear, hands down. (: I took it EVERYWHERE.

Tiffany Baker said...

My popples, the toy that rolled in on itself and made a ball. Super cute looked like teddy bear aliens!! Also my Jem and the hologram dolls, total obsession!!!

Spangster said...

My favorite toy as a child was this huge brown stuffed bear named Candycane. (he has a stuffed candy cane in his hand). it was literally bigger than me until i was about 6 or 7.

Ashley Jennings said...

My favorite toy was a beanie baby lamb named lamby. I got it when I was three from the hospital after having eye surgery.

Alba said...

This is sooo embarrassing now that I've -grown up- but I had this stuffed Barney?!

He was my best friend and confidential up until I changed him for a stuffed puppy.

Seriously though... I talked with Barney, I cried with him, I was always taking it everywhere!!! And then I'd sit at the living-room and I'd make him watch Barney on TV >.<
Which was kind of weird I think...
hehehe thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

A giant stuffed gorilla who I named Koko after the star of the book Koko's Kitten. I have always loved all monkeys and apes and I thought that KoKo was so impressive! She could understand 1,000 signs based on ASL as well as 2,000 words of spoken English. Also, the way she took care of the kitten All Ball was so sweet! I took my Koko with me to college and still have her!

Anonymous said...

That's a tough one. It's a toss up. My all time favorite was either:
my little black teddy bear which mysteriously disappeared from pre-school one day (I suspect the teacher decided it was time I gave him up).
My Strawberry Shortcake doll. I have no idea why I liked Strawberry Shortcake, it's not like she did anything, buy I will never forget the smell of her.

Anastacia said...

Barbie and the fact that mom never wanted to waste money on a Barbie house. I spent hours creating a Barbie fantasy world. Kleenex and the accompanying box served many purposes.

Chantee Hale said...

Being a bit of a tomboy, my favorite 'toy' was this tree we had on the farm in Virginia we grew up on. It started as two trees, and both grew in different directions so they crossed each-other in this big, curving x. One side had a knot in the trunk which we'd climb up, and the other side has since been worn smooth because we'd slide down it.

lyvosterstock said...

My favorite toy was probably my kanga and roo stuffed animals from Winnie the pooh.:)

Chris Desson said...

My Strawberry Shortcake Doll and Lamby, my stuffed lamb. I slept with them everynight because they kept the boogie man away.

Dave Symonds said...

Favorite toy: LEGOS and my Batman action figures!

Jason Kline said...

Oh, there were so many, including Castle Grayskull. However, my friends and I would collect and trade M.U.S.C.L.E. men! They came in packs of 4, 8 (I think) or the little garbage can had maybe 11. It was like Garbage Pail Kids meets He-Man!

KristenPaige said...

My favorite toy was a fifty-fifty split between my stuffed Eeyore and a set of colored pencils for drawing. The makings for some magic...

runa said...

I had a doll named Sleeping Beauty who I loved and was convinced was real and chopped her hair off in an attempt to prove that fact. Her hair never grew back. I was kind of devastated. So I colored her head purple instead.
/weird child.

Jacqueline Lucero said...

Jacqueline L said:

All I ever did was write when I was a child, so I'd have to say my favorite childhood toy was the dozens of journals that I would carry with me everywhere. I used to feel so adult writing in them, like I was an undercover journalist writing about why I thought the kid sitting next to me was a mermaid or how much I hated mean people. I don't know why I was in such a rush to grow up, because now I wish I could go back!

Cha said...

my favorite toy was my little kitchen set. though i never really learned how to cook until now. lol

Ashley T. said...

My favorite childhood toy was a giant stuffed animal cow named "sleepy cow". I still have it!

DLynneMartin said...

Tiddly-winks and Pick-Up-Stix - Is that how you spell it? Do they still sell them? I'm from WAY back in the day! (wistful and grateful smile) I've not seen them and now that I have two grandsons I'm thinking they need a revival!

Brent P said...

My favorite toys were my WWF wresting guys and their ring. I had Hulk Hogan, Bog John Stud, The Junkyard Dog, and many others. My brother and I used to mimic the matches we would see onTV comp,eye with "witty" banter before the match. Sadly...they were sold at a garage sale while left unprotected during college. ~sniff

Caillie said...

My favorite toy was my American Girl doll Samantha, the fact that I got books with her may have been a factor.

Dr. P said...

Why, my Playschool telephone on wheels, of course! It had the convenience of modern cell phones without the bill! All of my imaginary friends and I could talk all day without having the monumental bill later. AND it rolled, for greater ease in transporting it from room to room. :D

Joyce Ragland said...

I had a teddy bear called "Stinky"

Seth Carmean said...

My favorite toy as a kid (they still are my favorite) are my Bionicles. I love building them and taking them apart then build an even bigger one afterwards.

Julia said...

My favorite childhood toy was my playstation1, because I use to play games like spyro and stuff with my grandma when it wasn't nice enough to go outside and enjoy the nice weather. I spent most of my childhood enjoying the outdoors with friends. (: (:

Silverpool said...

My favorite childhood toy is probably this little stuffed dog I have. Her name is Paula (you know, from American Idol...I was kinda obsessed) and I found her in the back of my grandparent's pickup truck. I still have her to this day!

Allie Goulding said...

My favorite childhood toy would have to be this little Disney karaoke machine. I took it every where with me. It had interchangeable song things, all of which were songs from Disney movies. I loved it!

Christina Buda said...

My favorite childhood toy is Little Pet Shops. :D

Jaclyn Buda said...

My favorite childhood "toy" is books. :)

Shelley Horner said...

My favorite toy was a stuffed Simba I carries around everywhere =]

Shelley Horner said...

It looks like it deleted my comment =[
But my favorite toy was a stuffed Simba I carried around everywhere

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 113 weeks! My favorite toys were My Little Ponies, complete with the stable. Now, my daughter plays with them.

Unknown said...

My favorite childhood toy was my baby doll =) I love babies! =P

jonathan rosenblatt said...

My favorite childhood toy were action figures id make all the Heros battle the villians

Caprica-Lex said...

Oh my god, the Castle Greyskull. I had one of those when I was younger. He-Man is easily in my top 3 list of favorite toys, but my No.1 would be M.A.S.K., more precisely Thunderhawk, the flying Red Camaro.

Jasmine said...

My favorite toy was my indoor basketball hoop. It's my favorite sport, so I was always playing games with my brother and sister.

Lea said...

I loved (and still love) this coil spring thingy that walks down the stairs.

Andrea said...

It is hard to narrow it down to just one favorite toy, but I think my favorite childhood toy was the Play-Dough thingy that I could make fake burgers and fries with or the doll where you put in the Play-Dough and it made hair for the doll.

Dakota Valdez said...

My favorite childhood toy was EleFUN. My little blue elephant that blew paper butterflies in the air and you had a little net and tried to catch them. I loved that thing. I still have it.
--Dakota Valdez

Ally Cola said...

Hi there! I just finished 13 Reasons Why, and here is my favorite childhood toy:

Hot Wheels. This may seem strange cause I'm a girl, but oh well. They, before books, spiked my imagination.

jpetroroy said...

I loved the Snoopy SnoCone machine.

Hkinder said...

Hmmm there was alot of toys I got when I was little. Well I have two favortie toys, Its hard to pick one over the other. lol
My favorite would have to be getting The sailor moon dolls, Plus I still have them, and the having a rainbow brite doll That My grandma gave me. I would take that toy everywhere.

Wanda Teddy said...

I had several favorite toys as a youngster, I guess it would have to be strawberry shortcake doll. It smelled yummy :)

Milk Mustachio said...

My favorite toy was a giant green ball 50 inches in diameter that I played with out in the yard. The whole town knew me as the girl with the Big Green Ball. I could bounce on top of it on my knees without falling off for over a thousand bounces.

Sarah said...

My favorite toy was DEFINITELY a "little tikes" car that I drove with my feet all over the house. Apparently I refused to get in the "correct" way (I went through the window).

Unknown said...

What a fantastic contest, Jay, thank you! My favorite childhood toy was a Strawberry Shortcake doll who blew strawberry scented kisses. Now she's got matted red hair, and her dress is tatty, but I still love her. :)

Mar said...

I was not very interested in toys, or at least not as interested as most kids. I always loved to learn things, and that made my favorite toys books. I took them everywhere, read them over and over and over and I treated them as if they were humans.
Not that I didn't like other things, I also loved computers, lego, puzzles and making up stories and creating movies with barbies as cast (including horses, ken and disney princess dolls...)
Yeah, I was a very unusual child.

Happy 113 weeks!

Christine Wang said...

Um..I loved all toys. But, my favorite childhood toy is definitley legos, becasue you can make even more toys out of legos! So, it's like toys in toys!

Cas said...

I had a massive collection of stuffed dogs. They all had names and life stories that changed depending on my mood.

Unknown said...

My favorite toy was stuffed bear named pluffy my aunt got me when I was little, that was until my sister ripped his head off when she got mad at me. I have yet to forgive her for that.

Unknown said...

My favorite toy was Raggedy Ann, although I didn't own one as my mom saw fit to get me Raggedy Andy. Therefore I saw fit to steal Raggedy Ann from my older sister every time I got the shot.

Ben said...

My favorite childhood toy is a stuffed panda. I've had him since I was 3.

Stevie said...

I liked barbies haha. I used to make clothes for them and draw on them with gel pens :)

Mary said...

My favorite childhood toy a stuffed doll with legs like pipi longstocking

Jennifer Wells said...

My favorite childhood toy was my Barbie collection- nothing beats making barbies be soap opera characters!!! Lol

Sammie Spencer said...

Oh that's a hard one. My favorite childhood toy was probably roller skates. I took them off only to sleep. lol

Silverlight said...

Love the vlog brought back memories from my brother's fav toy, He-Man!
I would say my fav. toy was Fisher Price Little People and all the different houses, school, and car garage that they had at the time.
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Andrea said...

I had these little furry toy mice, about 1/3 same size as real ones.
Other than that, BOOKS, watercolors, and nature - the best toy.

Leigha Craig said...

My favourite childhood toy is a stuffed teddy I got the day I was born. I dressed it up and brought it everywhere with me, and I still have it.

Venessa R. said...

My favorite childhood toy was ATARI! I'd play KaBoom and Pitfall for hours!

Marissa Perkins said...

My favorite childhood toy was a white stuffed dog that I named Whitey. (:

Shellie Braeuner said...

When I was nine, I wanted a Barbie Dream House, but my mom thought Barbie was shallow and materialistic. So, that Christmas I got the Sunshine Family Home with Macrame and pottery studio. The cool thing was, the little pottery wheel really worked and I learned how to make a macrame plant holder out of dental floss and a bottle cap! I still have it.

Michelle Land said...

My favorite childhood toy was my teddy bear. I came home one day and my dog had chewed him up. /:

Megan said...

My favorite childhood toy? ... A teddy bear that always wore a purple dress.

Michael said...

My favorite childhood toy was a Hulk action figure.

Stefanie Tisius said...

When I was really young, I couldn't live without my Snuggle bunny. I slept with it every night. When we vacationed to Florida one year, I had lost it under the bed in the hotel room. We left that morning and quickly found we had left it behind. Dad turned the car around and had the hotel staff let him back in the room. Luckily, he found it. He saved the day! :)

As I got older, I loved She-Ra, The Princess of Power.

Shalena @ Writer Quirk said...

My favorite toy was this Victorian style doll house that used magnetic keys to move the people and objects around. It had secret doors and passageways that only worked when you used the key a certain way. There was also a magnetic bunny (which could escape through a tunnel that went into the plastic garden) and I liked playing with it the most.

Zeb ott said...

My favorite childhood toy was my Build-A-Bear Micheal. I made him for my birthday the year I moved to Georgia.

kaylaleebugg said...

My favorite childhood toy was my legos. I would create whole worlds with my legos. I built an airplane and to this day it is still together on the top of my bookshelf. I also have a car garage. I would make houses for the people to live in and play with them like barbies.

Unknown said...

My favorite toy was those toy soldiers from toy story ;)

Liana said...

fave toy was a stuffed beaver. yeah life of one direction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Elise said...

My favorite toy was either Ingrid Genevra, my Cabbage Patch Doll with "real" hair or a stuffed animal possibly the Popple. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a fantastic giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win.

My favorite toy as a child was in fact The Crystal Castle. Home of She-Ra. I loved that castle and would play for hours. My best friend at the time had the Castle Grayskull and we'd just have some epic battles :D

Lauren @ The Housework Can Wait said...

My favorite toy was this big white stuffed rabbit named Marshmallow. Actually, I loved it SO much, that I became terrified it would perish in a fire (I was a bit obsessed with fire safety and was constantly planning escape routes from our house). So I didn't play with Marshmallow. Instead, I kept him by my window, "holding" a change of clothes for me and some favorite photos, ready to grab in case I needed to hurl myself out my window in the case of a raging inferno.

Poor bunny probably wished the house caught on fire. Then it couod've gotten played with.

Devan @ Book Strings said...

Awesome giveaway! I love the question.

My uncle made me a puppet theater when I was about 4 years old. It was a heavy duty one too since he is a construction worker. Besides using it for puppet plays, I used it for lemonade/koolaid stands and to sell my old candy from Halloween and Easter. Oh and my favorite puppet was Big Bird.

Melissa Whitefoot said...

Funny that I don't remember having a favorite "toy". I do remember always having a book in my hand though! :)

Unknown said...

My favorite was my stuffed Mickey Mouse. He was all dressed in a blue jumpsuit sleepwear thing and a bib. I used to rub my nose with his every time I go to sleep. I still have him with me to this day.

Katie-Rebekah said...

Favourite childhood toy? That's a hard one.

I always preferred reading books to playing with my toys, but my favourite childhood toy has to be my Brio Train Set, apparently I used to try to take pieces of it to bed with me...

Anonymous said...

my favorite toy was my look a like doll. i carried her everywhere i would go

Dom said...

my favorite toy was my stuffed dog, until i got a real one.

AmandaHewer said...

My favorite toy was this little Sesame Street radio music box thingy. You wind up the handle and it played this nice little song. It was red, blue, and yellow with some of the characters on it. My grandma still has the toy for me that she wants to save for my future babies.

SamsMonsoon said...

My favorite childhood toy was a Elmo doll that my parents got me when I was born. I never left the house without it as a toddler. I grew up and gave it too my sister when she was five. (I was fifteen at the time of giving it to her)

Sydnee said...

I was a huge troll doll addict!

Jonathan said...

My soldier action figures!

Patrice said...

My play kitchen set

Amber-Nicole Watty said...

My favourite toy was a Skip-it. Mine was red with little silver sparkle flecks that glittered in the sunlight.

Unknown said...

My fav toy was the teenage mutant ninja turtles they gave out in happy meals. They were the best!

Unknown said...

My favorite toy ever is my "cheat" rubix cube. When i was 7 i once cried alot because i got low results in a spelling test a school and i automatically assumed i was less clever than the rest of the children in my class so my mum bought me a rubix cube but it was a cheat one for children where you could easily swap the colored stickers,and since my elder brother had on as well(his was an original) i would finish mine alot quicker than him and i'd feel as if i was some kind of podiatrist.So yeah,i still have it on my bedside table.It holds alot of memories :)

Rebecca said...

My favorite toy was definitely my GlowWorm. Such a good toy :)

Kate said...

My favorite childhood toy was my lego set.

Gabby YuJue said...

My favorite toy as a really little kid was this wooden stool that my mom trash picked. It was heart shaped and had three legs, and had a little pink flower painted on the top. It was about two inches high but I thought I was the coolest kid ever for being able to lift it. Yeah. That was a good stool.

Read. Write. Ramble. said...

I had this Tommy doll, you know, the character from Rugrats? When I see it in pictures now, I realize that it was about the creepiest thing EVER, but at the time, I loved it.


Gallaghergirlxox said...

My favorite toy was a care bear. It was a glow in the dark so every time I wouldn't be able to sleep I would grab and it feel like it was protecting me. I would also read to it and would make me feel very mature and mother like.

Rachel Bays said...

My favorite toy was Western Barbie and her horse, Dallas. Circa 1980

Laira Jamille said...

My favorite childhood toy was Paper Dolls where you can dressed them up. It's like a barbie but you can't fix their hair but you can change their shoes and dresses. It's really a famous toy here in our country and it's cheap. It cost 2 pesos each paper doll.

Janie said...

My favorite childhood toy was a set of beaded double dutch jump ropes.

elizabeth said...

Wow reading these comments makes mme realize I didn't play much! I had bears and dolls I ignored to read. Every now and then I'd set them up as a classroom and read to them. My mum would invite kids over to play with me after school and I'd give them a book to read. (I now work in a library and read books to little people)

Monay said...

my favorite toy was my human-size gorilla. it was a gift from my dad and I would dress it up with my dad's clothes. my dad works abroad and i used to pretend that it's him

Sabrina Bertsch said...

As a kid I was really into toy cash registers. Something about having all that money was very appealing to me.

Alexandra said...

My favorite toy was a red & yellow little tikes toy car. The one that you powered with your feet, like the Flinstones. I think that's what I liked about it. My daycare had one & I would never want to leave so my parents finally had to buy me one. I practically lived in that thing!

MackenziLee said...

all my star wars action figures. Do I have to pick one?

selkiereads said...

I had this brown teddy bear that looked preggers. Haha! :)

Tracey said...

I loved my blankie. Does that count? Haha.

Lauren Goff said...

My favorite toys were my TY Beanie Babies. My cousin and I used to have Beanie Baby trials with different ones as judges, juries, etc. It was very fun! :)

Joie said...

My favorite childhood toy, hands down, was my barbie.... which I think I still have somewhere in the back of my closet... O_O

Teresa said...

A pink Barbie convertible.

Rachel said...

My favorite toy was a plastic green hand that was a chair. It was hollow and shaped like a cupped hand, and was the perfect size for my six-year-old butt. Either that or my Michael Jackson barbie. They were both pretty awesome.

Eric said...

My favorite childhood toy was a Big Wheel. Actually my parents said I had three of them; I literally drove the wheels off them.

deasuluna said...

My favorite childhood toy was my popples, I had Popples on everything my bed, shoes and all their movies on vhs.

Majo Rueda said...

I think my favorite was a Barbie those times Ben didn't exist so I cut her hair and she converted in he (:.
It was the only time I did that, and it was my only barbie man (:

Natalie said...

It was both a toy and a useful tool! I loved my Easy-Bake Oven so much!!

Emily D said...

My favorite was probably a mermaid Barbie I had. It was definitely the prettiest. :D

Karen Boss said...

Simon. Remember that thing? It beeped and lit up in patterns and you had to beep it the same way? It went faster and faster the further along you got. Loved it.

Caroline R. said...

Is it possible to say it was my little brother? He was about two years younger than me, and we did practically everything together, and had loads of fun, until I was about eleven.
P.S. Those books look fantastic! Thanks for the giveaway

AJohnson said...

I had so many. I love toys still to this day. I would say my Barbies, Little Kiddles, Dawn dolls and paper dolls...anything that had to do with fashion and using men as accessories.

Jess (The Cozy Reader) said...

There were a ton of favorites but the one that I remember the most is my Bogey, a baby orangutan stuffed animal!

Here's a link to see what he looked like. Way too cute!

Manda said...

My Fisher Price record player, I loved that thing. Still have it actually, and it still works!

Shelley Watters said...

My favorite toy was a Strawberry Shortcake baby doll that when you squeezed her tummy she blew strawberry scented "kisses" at you. I still have her. Well, I gave her to my daughter, who now loves her to death too. Sadly, her kisses don't smell like strawberries anymore.

Meghan said...

Legos. The generic set, so you could build whatever you could imagine.

Anonymous said...

My favorite childhood toy was a doll that I received when I was five.

No one said...

I loved my easy bake oven. I used to get a cake mix and make a ton of tiny cakes instead of one big one :D

Jenn Lee Frances (She/Her) said...

Holy He-Man I totally played with that castle and still have Teela and Panthor...ahem, I have a younger bro. We played GIJoe too. I was Scarlet & Lady Jane. But My Favorite toy from childhood, would have to be: whew, hard choice, but I am going with my Cabbage Patch Preemie. It took months of waiting on line to get Tessa. I heart her.
...I love YA and I have been dying to read 13 Reasons Why, I bought it for a friend but she loves it too much to lend back!

Anonymous said...

My favorite toy was this plastic toy crocodile I had. I know it wasn't a "normal" choice for a little girl but oh well, I used to carry it around with me everywhere.

Anonymous said...

My favorite toy was a plastic toy crocodile. I know it wasn't a very "normal" choice for a little girl, but I loved it, I carried it around with me almost everywhere, haha :)

Selena said...

Milky the Marvelous Milking Cow! It was a Kenner toy that was also a General Mills tie-in.

She drank water (which you colored with these little white tablets that you placed inside the udder) when you pumped her tail, and then you could actually milk her. She had a bell that rang, and she "mooed" when she raised her head after drinking. She came with a trough and a plastic mat that looked like a grassy field. Best part? She had horns, too.

Best toy ever.

Lexie said...

Definitely my stuffed elephant. I loved that thing to death.

Julie S. said...

My Suntan Tuesday Taylor doll who came dressed in a sparkly gold lame´ bathing suit. You would stick her under a lightbulb until her skin heated up and became 'tan.' It was so wrong in so many ways but oh how I loved her.

Unknown said...

My favorite childhood toy would have to be my rainforest puzzle!

Wild About Words said...

Easy Bake Oven. Duh!

MegCline said...

My favorite toy was my Simba that my dad gave me when I was 3. That was when the movie first came out. I took him with me everywhere. He still sits on my dresser today. :D

alicia marie said...

my favorite childhood toy had to have been my madame alexander baby huggums. i named her baby and took her everywhere with me. needless to say she's not in such good shape anymore, but she still sleeps on my bed : )

Anonymous said...

My favorite toy was an inexpensive rubber doll I named Debbie Louise - I don't know why I chose that name - it just appeared in my head the first time saw her. I didn't name any of my other dolls. I didn't play with dolls, and I never played with her. I talked to her at night when I couldn't sleep, which was often. I still have problems getting to sleep, but alas, Debbie Louise is long gone.

Regina said...

I used to LOVE all things Barbie! I kept it all in my closet and my mom let me play for an hour every day. Then our house burnt down, thanks to a candle and a grocery bag, so we didn't have money to buy any more for a while and when we did I had already outgrown them.

The Housework Can Wait said...

I could have sworn I entered, but I don't see my entry, so I'll comment again!

My favorite toy was a giant stuffed white rabbit named Marshmallow. Marshmallow was a birthday present, and I loved her (him? it? I don't remember Marshmallow's gender, but it's probably not relevant).

However, I was a little bit obsessed with fire safety as an elementary schooler. We must have had an assembly in school. So I was so terrified that I would lose Marshmallow in the case of a fire, that it never got played with. Instead, it sat on a chair at the foot of my bed, dressed (yes, dressed) in a change of underwear and sweats for me, and holding some treasured photos on its lap. My plan was, if there was a fire, I would grab Marshmallow, hurl myself out the window, and I would have my toy, a change of clothes, and my photos.

If only our house had caught on fire, then poor Marshmallow may actually have been played with.

Jenni said...

My favorite childhood toy was Barbies! I played them until forever, hoping no one would ever find out!

I love your book 13 Reasons Why, congratulations on 113 weeks! I teach 8th grade and recommended it to so many, who said it made them think about each and every move they made. Love when a book does that to you.

Thank you for the chance to win so many other wonderful books, would be a great edition to my school library!

Michelle lipscombe said...

My favourite childhood toy was a stuffed dog which I'd named Scruffy. It had big floppy ears and I used to take it with me everywhere. I still have it even to this day!

livelaughlove said...

My favorite toy was my loonette the clown doll! Boy did I love that doll! <3

Sana said...

My favorite toy used to be a teddy bear. He was grey in color with a white belly and I used to go to sleep holding it. I still have it around somewhere.

I'm missing my teddy now...sigh.

2doxieLisa said...

Loved my Chrissy, Velvet and Cinnamon dolls!! My mom and Grandma would make matching outfits for me and my dolls! Loved my Spirograph, too!, I think I still have it somewhere...

Amy said...

Favorite childhood toy was most certainly my Barbie dolls. But my friend and I didn't play with them like most kids. We acted out entire plots and elaborate scenes with them for hours on end! It was wonderful!

Sam Morris-Adkins said...

My favorite toy was something called Magnetix.

Unknown said...

As a kid (a weird one), I loved loved loved playing Legos and forming the letters of my name or any shape that I could back then. :)