The next morning started with a radio interview. I even got to do one of those "Caller number seven wins an autographed copy of Thirteen Reasons Why" things. Congratulations, Heather!
Then it was off to beautiful R.A. Long High School.

Before my two presentations in the auditorium (made up of students who'd read the book), I was presented with a proclamation declaring Monday as Jay Asher Day. It was even signed by the mayor!

After each presentation, I did some autographing of books...among other things.

In case you ever doubt that teen literature can save lives, doubt no further. If you'll look above the word PRESS, you'll see a hole. That's a several-dozen-pages deep hole cause by a BB (which probably made the last few chapters harder to understand). Thankfully, this guy was carrying a book in his backpack!
Now, whenever anyone complains about 13RW not being available in paperback yet, I'll just show them this picture.

Then I made several 20-minutes stops in English classes around campus, which I was really nervous about. It was supposed to be off-the-cuff, which meant I had to hope something semi-intelligent would come out of my mouth when I opened it (which isn't always the case). But it turned out to be a lot of fun!
The book signing in the library after school also rocked.

Then I did a TV interview, interviewed by a student at the high school. Her name? Hannah! Everyone who watched the interview was amazed at how easily it flowed and how natural we both seemed. That was all because of Hannah. She definitely has a career in this if she wants it.
The last item on my schedule was a presentation open to the public, which gave me a chance to speak to even more students, as well as adults in the community.
So thank you, Ms. Enders, for putting together a wonderful school visit. I know you worked extremely hard to organize this. Longview is very lucky to have you!

P.S. Thank you, Stacie, for the wonderful introductions before each presentation. And thank you, Trevor, for being a wonderful guide around the campus.