
Saturday, October 08, 2011

Future Friday #7: Winner

Congratulations to Grace Amanda for being randomly selected to win the seventh round of Future Friday giveaways! To claim your goodies, send your mailing address to If you don't know who Emma Nelson is, you will when you start reading The Future of Us!

Grace's favorite movie featuring time travel is Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.

And the movie chosen by the most number of commenters (as it should've been!)...

Wouldn't you know it, both Back to the Future and Harry Potter get referenced in The Future of Us. Speaking of which, we'll see ya next Friday for another chance to win your own Advanced Reader's Copy!

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, thank you so much, Jay! I really appreciate it. :] I can't wait to read "The Future of Us"!
