Friday, October 07, 2011

Future Friday #7: Time Travel Movies

To countdown the release of The Future of Us (November 21st!), Carolyn Mackler and I will give away one autographed Advance Reader’s Copy every week. Along with the autographed copy (signed by both of us), we’ll toss in another goodie that's book-related.

For our seventh giveaway, the bonus items are Bigfoot and Penguin breathmints. No, none of our characters have bad breath. In fact, our fictional world is full of minty fresh mouths. But there is a passing Bigfoot comment in the book, and Penguin is a very cool (pepperminty cool!) publishing house.

We'll randomly select one person who comments on this Future Friday post to receive both prizes. There’s no need to leave your email address, but do check back on Saturday to see if you’ve won.

This week, we want to know your favorite time travel movies. Here's a fairly thorough sampling of those movies from the past. Of course, there will be more great titles added to that the future.

Here are our answers:

Back to the Future: Heck, my first skateboard was a Valterra splatterboard, just like the one Marty McFly rolled around on. That's how much I love this movie! Groundhog Day: Everytime I see it, I'm shocked at how perfectly it blends sweet and funny. A Christmas Carol: I can watch and love almost any version of this timeless (HA!) story at any time of the year.

Back to the Future because it was completely awesome and we discussed it practically daily while writing The Future of Us. Peggy Sue Got Married because the Nicholas Cage character was such a freakin' mess as an adult, and yet so endearingly cute as a teen. Midnight in Paris, which I haven't seen, but I've been going crazy all summer and fall because I haven't seen it and I know I'll love it. Does that make sense? It doesn't to me either. I should go see it tonight. Unless it's left the theaters.


Unknown said...

I loved the Prince of Persia!

Steph@TheYAReader said...

My answer has to be Back to the Future of course!! Such classics and I absolutely love them all! Even though I wasn't around when they were released. I have thank my dad for buying the box set and introducing all 3 films to me because they are amazing and they provide the perfect escape. I love love love them! And you both of course! Thanks for this fantastic giveaway! Can't wait for November 21st!! The YA Reader

Amadis said...

My favorite time travel movie is Back to the Future. This movie is fun and clever !

Yes, Back to the Future is mythic ! I wish I had a DeLorean lol

Miss Bookiverse said...

My favourite Time Travel movie is Donnie Darko :D

Skeith said...

The Time Machine of 2002.. pretty awesome.

And of course #1 spot is always for back to the future.

Javid Suleymanli said...

Certainly "The Time Traveler's Wife". I loved the story and I love drama :) Thanks

Morgan G. said...

My Favorite is The Christmas Carol! I hope I win because tomorrow is my birthday! It would be a birthday wish come true

Ingrid said...

Easily "The Time Traveler's Wife"! Thath's how I imagine time traveling :)

Angel said...

I don't watch many time-travel movies, but I fell in love with Audrey Niffenegger's The Time Traveler's Wife and watched the film three times in theaters.

As always, thank you for the chance to win your book!

Tracy Michelle said...

So many to choose from! I'm a big fan of anything that has to do with time travel. Hmm, I guess THE TIME MACHINE, but I'm not sure which one of those two. I like the first one because it is so much closer to the book and I'm a bit of an H. G. Wells fan. The newer one is cool too, though, and I really liked the way they kind of changed things up.
I'm also a huge DOCTOR WHO fan.

Kathleen said...

I still love 13 Going on 30, and I thought the writers behind The Butterfly Effect did a good job commenting on how one "small" change can have major consequences. If tv shows counted, I would have to vote for Doctor Who and/or Torchwood.

I so cannot wait for 11/21 (btw, X-Files reference in the date the book comes out!).

Danielle Justine said...

Galaxy Quest!!!!! Almost Normal was neat too, and who doesn't love Austin Powers? :)I saw the Back to the Future movies the first time this year. They were pretty sweet too.

Brittany said... there any Time travel movie other than Back to the Future? (yes yes the list and all) Seriously though, Back to the Future is the best.

Owen. V said...

For me personally I have three different opinions. Back to the future obviously all three were amazing and fantastic and it is now my dream to own a delorean and the fact thay about everyone here posted it just goes to show how amazing it is! Next I would say the original planet of the apes because it was just a classic, and I found it to be so much better then the new planet of the apes even with its effects. Last I would have to say terminator bec because it was just amazing, scary, and sooo cool all at the same time.

Anonymous said...

It's a tough choice. I don't think I can choose between Donnie Darko and Back to the Future. They are each the #1 time travel movie in their genre.

ChelseaSC said...

I don't usually think of Field of Dreams as a time travel movie, but it is definitely one of my all time favorites. James Earl Jones talking about baseball gives me shivers every time. I'm also partial to A Muppet Christmas Carol. :-)

Kenneth C. Francisco said...

Meet the Robinsons is the best! bowler hat guy and KEEP MOVING FORWARD! really got stuck in my head until now...

Sabrina Steyling said...

My favorite time-travel movie was "Flight of the Navigator"!!! Not only was a kid the main character of the film and he gets to pilot an awesome spaceship, but there's that one scene inside the spaceship where David and Max rock out to Beach Boys music (I'm a big fan of the Beach Boys and other '60s/'70s bands)! :)

Grace Amanda said...

To be honest, I've never been a huge fan of time travel movies. I may be cheating a bit with my answer, since it isn't entirely about time traveling, but since it does have time traveling in it, I'm going to say that my favourite time travel movie is "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban".

Shawn Hudnell said...

Back to the Future was rad and Bill and Ted was excellent. However, if I had to pick my favorite time travel movie, it would be Groundhog Day. While it isn't technically time travel per se, it in my opinion is close enough.

Unknown said...

I love sooo many diferent time travel shows/movies. Mainly Doctor Who for shows and the original Time Machine movie.

Unknown said...

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

Victoria said...

My favorite time travel movie is Click with Adam Sandler!

Nakoya said...

My choice would definitely be Back to the Future.

Jon said...

I love time travel movies I couldn't possibly pick only one. Back to the future was the best but I loved Bill and Teds most excellent adventure and even the Flintstones meet the Jetsons

Christian Nunez said...

My favorite time travel movies are; The original "H.G. Well's The Time Machine" which started it all, "Back to the Future" a true classic of time travel that made time travel so interesting, "Donnie Darko" a cult classic that is a film you must see before you die, last is "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" a film based on one of my favorite video game series.

paperback.pixie said...

I can't not say Back to the Future! I will stop everything and watch it whenever it's on. And does Big count as time travel? I do love Big :)

Christi said...

Absolutely Back to the Future. The first one. Wasn't too crazy on #2 and #3 was just a train wreck :)

ODell @ Book Twirps said...

I loved Back to the Future. I had the VHS and wore it out.

SRH said...


George Anthony Kulz said...

My favorite time travel movie ALREADY MADE is Back to the Future, but I'm going to have to go with a movie that hasn't been made YET that has time travel in it: John Dies at the End.

Monica said...

Back to the Future is one of my all-time favorite movies, and Peggy Sue Got Married is a gem, but my husband would be pleased to know that I'm giving a shout-out to Sam Raimi's Evil Dead.

Looking FORWARD to the book.

Kathleen WW said...

I am a much bigger fan of time traveling books than I am of movies, my favorite one, Time and Again buy Jack Finney has never been made into a film, but I love Audrey Niffeneggar's novel The Time Traveler's Wife, which was made into a decent moviem. I also love Back to the Future. I was a teenager back then, and it was a great movie I saw more than once!

Alyson Greene said...

Back to the Future! When I was a kid, I had my birthday party at the movie theater, we all watched Back to the Future 2 and played with matchbox flying cars afterward.

G. Donald Cribbs said...

For my favorite Time Travel Movies, I have a tie between the Back to the Future Trilogy (they're just so darn good!) and The Timetraveler's Wife (OK, I admit to watching this on a tv date w/ my wife).

Thanks for the opportunity! I'm really looking forward to reading this book!

Jeana said...

Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. Very romantic.

YA Reader said...

I love old movies. So, my favorite would have to be A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1949). Bing Crosby...enough said.

Mary said...

I haven't watched many time travel movies, so my choices are limited, but I would say my favorite is The Time Traveler's Wife. It's such an emotional, heartbreaking film and really makes you think about the emotional effects of time travel. I haven't read the book yet, but it's on my shelf and I plan to soon.

Sarah E. Robinson said...

Of course Back to The Future is in a league all of it's own. I can still remember seeing it in the theater as a kid. But as a teen I liked Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. 17 Again was good. 13 going on 30 was sweet. But I always loved Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour. It's kinda old but so good. When she screams Richard across the hotel grounds and the music plays...*sigh* I get chills every time.

Savannah said...

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure

Susie P. said...

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure - my friend and I quoted that movie every day in junior high. The best thing about Bill and Ted was that I didn't get all the jokes when I first saw it, but the more I learned about history, the more jokes I got - I think I was in 9th grade when I finally realized the correct way to pronounce Socrates.

I love how Back to the Future is an 80's era idea of what the future would look like (and I still want a hoverboard).

I'm with Carolyn on Midnight in Paris - I haven't seen it yet, but I know I will love it when I do. It is still playing in 2 theatres near me, so I may go tonight.

F. S. Poesy said...

Gonna have to say Time Bandits, though 12 Monkeys and Galaxy Quest are right up there on my list.

Kira Marion said...

Oh goodness.... That one is tough, as many of those movies listed are among my favorites. Let's see... Back to the Future definately as it one of the few series I can watch over and over again... and let's face it, Michael J Fox was cute. Cinderella 3 was actually a decent movie! Didn't hold a candle to the original, but it came close. And we'll just name one more...Premonition. I couldn't imagine gettingcaught in something like that... Sandra Bullock plays her role so well! <3

Kelly Kopale said...

Back to the future.. cant beat it

Christina C. said...

My favorite time travel movie would have to be “A Kid in King Arthur’s Court,” I remember watching it multiple times when I was younger.

Amy said...

Time travel movies have always blown my mind! There are serious ones that I've enjoyed and not-so serious ones that I love too. I can't narrow it down to one because of that so I have to say it's a tie between The Butterfly Effect (serious) and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure (not-so serious)

Sydnee said...

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure was so funny. Plus it had sequels and spin offs galore.

Anonymous said...

Back to the Future! Duh. :p

Bluesy said...

Loved 12 Monkeys, and The Time Traveler's Wife... but I'll also give a vote to "Peggy Sue Got Married" because nobody seems to know that it was originally based on one of my favorite YA books when I was a kid "Hangin' Out with Cecie."

Jenni said...

new reader to your blog...don't know why i never thought you might have one?!

i loved 13 reasons why {i am an 8th grade teacher and i can't tell you how many students i have handed your book and they have come back to me and told me what a difference it made in them}! i can't wait for this next book to come out and am excited to possibly win an advanced copy!

as far as time travel movies: gotta be back to the future!

kirby said...

I would have to say that 1960's Time Machine, it was just so clever.

Bruno said...

13 Going on 30 is a pretty funny movie, I like!

JAlyssa87 said...

My favorite is The Time Travelers Wife. I love the romance in it. It makes you laugh and smile but also cry. Love that movie.

KristyZ said...

I would say my fave time travel movies would be: Star Trek Generations, 12 Monkeys and why not add Back to The Future...but only the first because they sucked after the first!

Fun question!

Cha said...

I love Back To The Future! Until now, every time I watch it on HBO or Star Movies I still enjoy it. It is a great film!

Kayla Butler said...

I loved the Time Traveler's Wife! The book was way better, but the film quality was better than I expected.

nothanks said...

When I first saw this post, all I could say is "There aren't many time travel movies that are actually good!" Wikipedia seems to prove many wrong, me especially. The first I could have thought of at the top of my head is without a doubt Back To The Future since ABC Family showcased all for its anniversary. I have the box set. My sister had wanted it because the British band Mcfly ,whom she adores, named their group after tha main character. In addition, she had grown up watching them, while I was just being introduced to the series. One movie that happens to be on my top list of films since it never gets old is 17 Again. I remember believing that this movie would be like another Never Been Kissed or Thirteen Going on Thirty, but when I watched it, I was surprised about the plot. Each character in the film seemed so alive, too! Noting the hilarity that comes with the movie, it makes a great family film if you have older kids. Of course, A Christmas Carol MUST be included on this list. After I read the unabridged edition in my eighth grade honors English class, I was hooked on all of Dickens' work. I ran home and watched whatever film adaption I could find on this classic. Others that I'd like to mention include but are not limited to: The Time Traveler's Wife, The Lake House(one of my favorites!), Kim Possible: A Sitch in Time, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3.

Amber said...

My favorite is definitely Back To The Future orThe Time Travelers Wife

Kim said...

Back to the Future, definitely...though Dr. Who is right up there for me.

David said...

I don't watch very movies, but I liked The Time Machine, until I read the book by H.G. Wells and realized how drastically different it was. I still kind of like that movie though. And, of course, I like Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!

Louise said...

I love the movie: The Time Traveler's Wife !! So beautiful and sad at the same time;)

Katherine M said...

I wasn't around when the Back to the Future movies came out, I would watch them as reruns on tv. I also really enjoyed 13 going on thirty and 17 Again.

Sabrina B. said...

It's toss up between 13 Going on 30 and 17 Again. Both are super funny but have those sad moments too. They're great romantic comedies for anyone at any time.

BooBaby said...

The Time Traveler's Wife. The movie is good. The book is awesome.

Unknown said...

I'm going to have to be unoriginal and go with the popular Back to the Future. I recently watched them all with my daughters and they were just as good as when I first saw them.

Silverpool said...

Definitely "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban"! I love that movie, and of course, the book! :D I even own a Time Turner!

Hikablack said...

Back to the Future, definitely! I've watched it countless times since I was a kid and I love it.

Sue said...

The Butterfly Effect. It was deep & moving, emotional & disturbing. It was fantastic.

bobcatgrad said...

I would have to say The Time Traveler's Wife... although I enjoyed the book better than the movie

Bonnie @ A Backwards Story said...

I have to agree...there is no better time travel movie (series) than BACK TO THE FUTURE. It is the be all and end all, the one by which all other time travel adventures must be compared!

Now if it was a BOOK...this year, I really loved the RIVER OF TIME trilogy by Lisa T. Bergren. But I know, that's not the question :)

Brad Easton said...

I would have to say Back to the Future of course!! It came out when I was 10 and it just speaks of my childhood. I wanted that car and I wanted to be able to go back to 1955. It was a great movie and the sequels were awesome as well. One of the few sequels that are good and actually captured the essence of the first film.

Unknown said...

I haven't watched a lot of time travel movies but I'd probably have to say Butterfly Effect. I always found the idea of time traveling and changing something would make the present change to, interesting.

ALB0529 said...

My favorite time travel movie is Kate & Leopold. I love Meg Ryan, so I love pretty much every movie she's in, but this one is a great story!

santiago1222 said...

My favorite time traveler movie would have to be Donnie Darko. I just loved the concept of it and how you really had to pay attention to be able to figure out what and why the things happened. Jake Gyllenhal did such a great job as did the rest of the cast. My favorite was was at the end when Mad World was playing. That song is just so good it went perfect with the movie.

Macy K said...

I really like The Lakehouse with Sandra Bullock. It's an amazing story - very intriguing and beautifully done :)

Jackie said...

Back to the Future is my absolute is so awesome and funny and interesting. Just the little details such as the dads weird laugh or the mayor make me laugh.

Another favorite on a more serious note is The Devil's Arithmetic. Although the book is just as moving, it is a very
Emotional film and helps reflect on the past.

On a really really cheesy note, the movie Minutemen about a time machine from the Disney channel a little ways back was actually quite entertaining...

Shawn McCann said...

It is definitely Back to the Future for me!

Megan N said...

Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure! It was excellent in ways we ha never experienced excellence before. Need I say any more?

Melanie said...

I can't wait to read The Future of Us! My favorite time travel movies are Back to the Future and Peggy Sue Got Married. I would have said The Time Traveler's Wife but they screwed up the ending. The book was fantastic though. Have you guys seen Being Erica? It is an awesome Canadian TV show about time travel. I LOVE it. :)

Olivia said...

My favorite time travel movie is The Time Traveler's Wife! So sweet and romantic and sad all at the same time! I absoluetly love it!!

Unknown said...

Back to the Futures was a favorite. I also really liked Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure. It wasn't a movie but I loved the TV show Quantum Leap.

KariBradley7 said...

I can't imagine anyone has mentioned Mr. Destiny! My brother and I watched this movie over and over as kids! I loved the idea that one moment causes a chain reaction in your life. And, there's the themes of appreciating what you have and that the grass is not always greener on the other side. :-)

kaylaleebugg said...

my favorite time traveling movie is "The Lake House" with Bullock and Reeves. It was so well written and heart wrenching. I canNOT wait for Future of Us! <3

Suma Subramaniam said...

GroundHog Day and The butterfly Effect. Thanks for offering a fantastic book giveaway!

Ella Bella said...

I'd say the Kid at King Authors Court or Prince of Persia

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for this new book, sounds amazing. Love time travel! :) Although, I wouldn't know what my favorite is. Probably Back to the Future, although, Harry is a soft spot for me. (Sorry, Die Hard Potter fan here)