
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Future Friday #10: Winner

Congratulations to Jennie Englund for being randomly selected to win the tenth round of Future Friday giveaways! To claim your goodies, send your mailing address to If you don't know who Emma Nelson is, you will when you start reading The Future of Us!

Jennie's favorite Halloween costume was that of a co-op shopper. "I bought knitted, cut-off rainbow gloves and a beanie from our co-op, and I carried around a hemp shopping bag with carrots in it."

While I love my local co-op, I hope no one gave you co-op candy while you were trick-or-treating, Jennie. Halloween candy is supposed to be full of sugar and artificial yumminess.

See ya next Friday for another chance to win an Advanced Reader's Copy of The Future of Us!


  1. Wow! Yay! This is a fun surprise!

    I have SO MANY people to share this with, will LOVE reading it up and passing it around.

    Am really, really grateful.

    Thank you.

  2. Christina Webster6:01 PM

    I love the idea of "The Future of Us" and can't wait to read it. Asher is an amazing author. Thirteen Reasons Why is a talented piece of work.

  3. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Will there be an Internet page and discussion guide for the new book?
    Montreal, Canada
