
Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Goin' Back to Indiana

Before heading to Indiana for their Indiana Library Federation conference, I stayed with my friend (and YA author) Christa Desir and her family near Chicago. Dinnertime conversation involved a lot of talk about comic books and graphic novels, which happens to go great with tater tots! It was also nice to catch up with my canine namesake, Asher the Dog.

We get along great, but he knows who had the name first.

The next morning, I went with the Desirs to their church. It was a beautiful sermon, and I also loved the look and sound of the huge pipe organ.

Book-In-Production Hint #1:
a pipe organ plays an important role

That night in Indiana, I spoke to a roomful of librarians, but only after all of our bellies were fully satisfied. At each table, they had a different question posted to help get conversations started. I specifically chose this table because I love R.L. Stine and can't wait for the upcoming Goosebumps movie!

Either I was really on, there was something funky in the green beans, or that group laughs very easily, because I had such a great time giving my presentation. While I do discuss serious things in my talks, I also like to have fun. But when I make jokes, I pride myself on being able to keep a straight face. This time, however, their laughter got to me and I laughed with them several times. (Next time, I'm totally not breaking!)

But as you can see, this was an exceptionally fun group.

Thanks for inviting me to your conference, Indiana librarians!