
Monday, January 27, 2014

The Hungry Caterpillar Diet

Last week, on my Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts, I shared my journey as I tested a popular 7-day diet. The Hungry Caterpillar Diet follows a food plan outlined in a bestselling book by dietitian (and occasional children's book author/illustrator) Eric Carle.
Here's how it progressed...
Day 1:
On Monday I ate through one apple.
Day 2:
On Tuesday I ate through two pears.

Day 3:
On Wednesday I ate through three plums.
(Well, prunes. Ripe plums aren't in season.)

Day 4:
On Thursday I ate through four strawberries.

Day 5:
On Friday I ate through five oranges.

Day 6:
On Saturday I ate through one piece of chocolate cake,
one ice-cream cone...
one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese...

one slice of salami, one lollipop...

one piece of cherry pie, one sausage...

one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon.

That night I had a stomachache.

Day 7:
On Sunday I realized we don't need fancy diets.
We're already beautiful butterflies!

By the way, that cherry pie and sausage combo was surprisingly good!